Aaaaaahhhh …

Intermittent screams and screams permeated the surroundings and could not be dissipated for a long time.

In the distance, the action of dark elf caught everyone’s attention.

A large and magnificent altar was built as quickly as possible. On the altar, at this time, a demonized beast was put into it, and then there were some races slaved by the dark elf, including the earth demon, the dark orc, and so on.

Even in the end, even Elf’s own army was forced into it, swallowed up by the bottomless altar, and placed on the altar as a sacrifice.

The huge number of sacrifices has accumulated countless skeletal bones under the altar, with heavy death gas permeating and gathering, and huge negative energy particles, enough to change the color of any wizard present.

“What do they want to do !!”

On the city wall, watching the action of dark elf in the distance, King Kast complexion changed, and an unpleasant premonition rose.

Before he could do anything, in the distance, angry roar came quickly.

A huge Strength enough to teach the heavens and splitting the earth is erupting, standing on the ground, the giant demon is roaring, and then the whole body begins to change.

Under the gaze of Adier, his already huge body had swelled again, and the black scale armor on the original itself also shone. At this time, it seemed to have been supplemented by the new Strength, and his breath became more terrifying and powerful. Originally, due to a long battle with Adier, Strength was exhausted and the somewhat futile body also stabilized. There is no longer a tendency to collapse.

“Fresh flesh.”

A pair of scarlet’s eyes gradually opened, and after getting enough Strength, the demon seemed to have changed a lot, and the original quiet consciousness became awake under the stimulation of Strength.

Just opened, he looked at the silver giant beast of several hundred meters high in front of him, and for a moment, he seemed to think of something: “Moon King …”

He seemed to recognize the identity of Adier, and looked a little surprised: “Is there any remaining descendants of the pure blood Moon Elf family at that time?”

“Master Arlan!” Luciu’s voice came quickly behind him.

The breath on his body fluctuated. It seemed that the injuries caused by Adier had not been suppressed before. At this time, the pain in his body was painful, and he looked at the huge devil in the distance. “Time is running out, please Do it as soon as possible! “

When the voice fell, Arlan didn’t start to move, just looking at the moon king Adier incarnation, the blood in his eyes became brighter.

Bang …

A blood light swept through the air, and after a while, he finally shot, and his arm covered with scale armor slammed out, and the surrounding air began to freeze, as if frozen.

Time seemed to stop at this moment. In Adier’s eyes, all surrounding scenes began to disappear continuously. In the end, only the huge fist in his eyes remained.

“A high-energy response was detected and it was impossible to escape !!” In his mind, the chip issued a burst of alarm.

Listening to the chip’s alarm, Adier raised his huge head, and the emerald mark on his forehead began to flash.

In the mid-air, bit by bit of the power of Moon Elf began to condense, with the powerful affinity of Moon Elf, forcing the numerous elemental particles around it to form a huge silver moon in mid-air.

The silver moon shone on the earth, which contained a large number of elemental particles, and the power of the Moon Def, which was so huge and desperate, that it was finally detonated at this moment, turning all the Strength into the brightest blow.

Yueyao! !!

boom! !

The violent crit kept coming, and the place was shrouded in layers of light curtains, so that the sight of the place was blocked.

In the cover of the sand and rays of light, everyone can only see that in the endless rays of light, two huge silhouettes are constantly swimming in them, fighting each other, erupting their entire Strength.

Silver’s blood and black liquid are constantly spreading, turning into their respective imprints and Strength spreading onto the earth, assimilating pieces of land into their realms.

The mere aftermath of the battle between the two is enough to shock, and can’t even bring up the courage to fight forward.

In fact, with the Strength they are confronting today, any wizard below Level 4, unless it is an Adier freak who has reached the limit of Level 3, it is impossible to intervene, and he is not even qualified to enter the battlefield.

“Is this really Human’s Strength?”

Looking at the two figures who were desperately fighting in the distance, the wizard in the city murmured, his eyes were dull.

Things have progressed to this point, they have been watching for a long time, and their moods are constantly changing.

From the initial full confidence, to the despair that followed, to the shock now, the mood change in this is strictly speaking, only in half an hour.

But now, looking at the two huge silhouettes of the war in the distance, these elf wizards are praying with their hearts, praying that Adier can win the final victory and block the horrible and evil demon.


The distant silver blood is splattering. It is the blood of Moon Elf, which contains the unique Bloodline Strength of Moon Elf, which is particularly touching.

Looking at this scene, standing on the city wall, Edice was trembling all over, watching the silver giant hand that was constantly being hit in the distant storm, turned back against the concerns in his heart, and walked towards the city.

Before long, she came to a gorgeous and tall wizard tower, where she saw the person she wanted to see.

“Master Kolar …”

When he came to the tower, looking at Kolar in front of him, Edice just stopped.

In front of her eyes, Kolar’s appearance was very miserable at the moment, not only covered by densely packed black marks, but also the skin on the surface was covered with various things, and the wounds covered her body looked terrifying matchless.

He sat quietly on the ground, his breath was extremely weak, completely different from the quiet and powerful High Priest in Normally.

“Edice, you are here.”

Lying on the ground, looking at Edice coming from the door, Kolar barely laughed: “You just came.”

“There is one thing here that needs your help.”

“What’s the matter?” Calming Ed, looking at Kolar in front of him, Edice held back the grief in his heart and asked.

“Open the Guardian Array for me again.” Pressing hard against his chest, Kolar barely climbed from the ground, looking at Edice in front of him, his expression on his face seemed extremely firm: “I can see everything outside.”

“Adier is still fighting outside, and turning on King City’s Wizard Array again will make his Strength stronger …”

The voice dropped, he coughed a few times, and the wounds on his body seemed to deepen, with pure black liquid flowing down continuously, with an unpleasant stench.


boom! !

Outside, the war of terror is still underway.

The two powerful beings are still fighting, Strength is constantly escaping, Strength, imprint, will and soul of each other are colliding with each other, trying to suppress each other.

“go to hell!!”

Adier flies with a punch, and Arlan growls in a low voice. His fist in his right arm looks bloody, and the black blood on it keeps flowing down, contaminating the ground.

He photographed it with a palm, but not at all hit, but broke a few hills, and was suddenly grabbed by a sharp sharp claw on the chest, letting his body keep moving backwards.


Feeling the severe pain from the chest, looking at Adier in the distance, despite the torn skin and gaping flesh, the breath was always stable, and he could not help cursing.

When summon first came to the surface of the world, he thought it was a free feast, free to harvest flesh and blood to supplement the body.

Even when he saw Queen Adier this month, his thoughts have not changed, and even his heart was pleasantly surprised. He wanted to kill Adier and absorb his strength as a plunder.

But soon, his thinking changed.

This is not a junior who has just reached the threshold of Level 4, but a really tough opponent.

His Strength is indeed not as strong as him, and the combat experience between Level 4 is far less rich than him, but he has a terrible innate talent, which not only has extremely terrifying learning ability, but also surpasses him in the subtle manipulation of Strength. It made him wonder.

After the initial defeat, he adapted to the battle at an extremely fast speed and improved rapidly.

If he continues this way, I’m afraid he won’t be able to clean up the opponent when the strength of the avatar is exhausted.

“Can’t go on like this anymore!”

Thinking of the result of continuing the fight, Arlan face turned cold, and some of the fighting intent that originally remained in her heart suddenly disappeared.

He worked hard to escape from the seal and came to the surface World, in order to collect Strength as much as possible, in order to feed back his own ontology, so that the ontology can get away from the predicament of the seal as soon as possible, not to fight with an unfamiliar Level 4.

It doesn’t matter if it can be resolved. The flesh and blood of a Level 4 powerhouse is extremely rare, enough to match the flesh and blood of countless ordinary lives, and supplement him with many Strength.

However, judging from the situation at hand, with his avatar Strength, I am afraid that he can’t get rid of the Adier in front of him, and even over time, there is a risk of being destroyed by his counterpart.

This is what Arlan can’t stand.

His body has been in a deep seal for a long time, and it usually takes a great price to come out once.

This time, it was easy to be secretly elf summon to the surface World, it is a good opportunity to collect a large amount of flesh to restore Strength. If you miss this time, you don’t know when to wait for the next chance.

Thinking of this, Arlan suddenly hesitated, and the offensive in his hands could not help much slower.

Just at this time, in the distant Silver Mist King City, a silver enchantment began to emerge.

After a long period of time, King City’s Guardian Wizard Array restarted again, at this time directly condensing most of the Strength and directly blessing Adier.

Suddenly, under the influence of Arlan, Adier’s breath was even larger, and many wounds on his body began to heal quickly. Some of the black strength contained in it was quickly expelled, leaving only pure Moon Elf power.

Almost instantly, the pressure felt by Arlan was even greater, and his Strength consumption almost doubled.

Feeling this, his heart was cold, and finally hesitated.

Under the gaze of countless people, he yelled, his breath was raised at this moment, like the same demon from Hell, assimilating the range of 1000 meters into the land of hell.

Watching Arlan’s movement, Adier stepped back subconsciously, but just saw the astonishing scene.

I saw in the air, as the infinite black breath continued to spread outward, the silhouette of Al Lan disappeared in the sky instantly, and disappeared directly without a trace.

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