“This this···”

Standing on the city wall, watching the distant sky disappear, Arappy disappeared without a trace, King Kast and the others looked stunned: “Is this gone?”

This is not an ordinary wizard, but a powerhouse of the Dignified Level 4. The great wizard who has not appeared in the Mason region for thousands of years, even in the glorious period of the ancient wizard, is also a giant.

In the minds of ordinary wizards, this level of powerhouse should have a strong heart and self-esteem. Not to mention the deadly battle, at least it should be at the last moment.

But the one in front of him is different. Seeing that he can’t clean up his adversary, he just walks away. The style of painting is completely different from what he imagines.

Looking at Arlan disappearing into the sky, feeling the other person’s breath quickly disappeared from the place, Adier also hesitated, and then realized what was going on.

He could see the other side running away.

Underground creatures always take advantage first, and all of them are unprofitable and early. The so-called powerhouse’s dignity and decentness may not be worthy of the magic stone in the other person’s eyes.

The Arlan in front of me is a very obvious example. He started to fight Adier well, even pressing him, but he couldn’t clean up Adier, and immediately turned around, leaving. The movement was extremely skilled and natural, there was no trace at all. Can’t let go.

However, he was so happy when he walked away, but he directly pitted others.


Seeing Ar Lan disappear from the place, Luciu’s eyes opened instantly, a complexion turned blue instantly, and the whole body was shaking with anger.

Being able to turn an old calm wizard into this way shows his emotional excitement. If Arlan is standing in front of him now, I’m afraid he will yell at it regardless of the strength gap.

Unfortunately, he was doomed to see Arlan again and return to the underground world.

Because in front of his eyes, a silver giant beast of several hundred meters tall had turned around, and at this time a pair of cold silver eyes were looking at him, and the pale silver imprint of the moon flashed in his eyes.

Suddenly, his heart was cold, and he rose into despair, and just wanted to say something.


A crisp crackling sounded, but for a moment, Luciu’s body exploded directly, his flesh scattered, his flesh scattered everywhere, apparently he couldn’t die anymore.

This is Adier’s current Strength, the powerful wizard of the Dignified Level 3 Peak. He can’t stop even one move in front of him, and it bursts into pieces.

This is far from over.

Outside the city wall, there are a large number of dark elf garrisons. Even if it was because of sacrifices, Luciu sent a large number of dark elf troops to the altar, so it was less than half, but there were only a lot left.

Turning slightly, Adier glanced at the barracks in the distance, and a moon mark in his eyes began to flash.

A huge Strength descended instantly, covering the front in an instant, covering every dark elf.

boom! !

Under the gaze of King Kast and the others in the distance, the huge barracks exploded directly, and then the tens of thousands of dark elf stationed inside were directly drowned by a piece of silver light, smiling in the rays of light.

Adier isn’t a bite killer, but again, he doesn’t make the mistake of being soft-hearted.

The dark elf’s body is stained with a lot of bloody air, and the body is covered with the strong corrosive atmosphere of the underground world, and even the mind is affected by the strength of the underground world.

Such a life, even if Adier let go, most of the time will not be grateful, it is better to solve it directly.

“It’s a pity that the Level 4 underground demon.”

Thinking of the previous battle, Adier felt a little sorry.

In fact, he also gained a lot of benefits in the recent battle.

For example, the mastery and understanding of Level 4 Strength deepened, and for example, the various data of the devil.

As the duration of the battle continues, the chips in Adier’s mind are also functioning, constantly collecting each other’s data, and in turn demonstrating various valuable information and materials.

In Adier’s view, the derivation of the Level 4 powerhouse is more important than ordinary resources.

Moreover, after all is his home here, if the battle has just continued, the demon will be eroded by him sooner or later.

It is a pity that the other party is indeed the powerhouse from the underground world. When the situation is not good, he immediately leaves far away and does not give Adier a chance to obliterate it.

Thinking of this, Adier felt a little sorry, then turned slightly, and the whole body began to change.

His body began to shrink, and the body of the moon king, which was several hundred meters away, disappeared, and eventually returned to the usual elf form.

From the body of the Moon King to the normal state, Adier can feel that the vastness of the originally within the body can almost shrink instantly and return to the original Level 3 level.

However, after the transformation of talents, he suddenly felt a unique feeling at this time.

After a period of time at most, he can not rely on Moon King’s Sword, but manifest the Moon King’s body by his Strength alone.

Feeling this feeling, Adier looked towards his physical data.

“Name: Adier.Fax. Strength: 175.9. Agility: 177.7. Constitution: 181.8. Spirit: 487.4. Boundary Energy: 146815.7. Bloodline: Moon Elf (Metamorphosis Stage).”

Familiar body data appears before us, but compared with the past, there is something more on it.

“The main Bloodline is about to mature, physical data is improving, and Bloodline is beginning to transform …” In his mind, the sound of the chip machinery sounded in time, and a large amount of information was simultaneously transmitted to Adier’s mind.

“Metamorphosis Stage …” Listening to this strange word, Adier murmured, a little excited, and a little looking forward: “Is it finally time?”

Bloodline enters the Metamorphosis Stage, which is a sign that Bloodline has matured completely and is about to become complete.

On Adier, Moon Elf Bloodline within his body is fully mature, and Bloodline will bring the Strength of the body and soul into the Level 4 level automatically.

This is the reward of a period of hard work by Adier.

In the half-year period when the underground creatures attacked aggressively, Adier slaughtered those underground creatures every night and used Bloodline Blade Edge to plunder the blood and flesh of those underground creatures to transform blood energy, thereby promoting their own Bloodline maturity.

After half a year, after finally using Moon King’s Sword incarnation Moon King Semblance today, he finally entered this stage.

Once Bloodline’s Metamorphosis Stage is truly over, his Strength will enter the Level 4 level and become the true Moon Elf King.

The goal of a long struggle is here. Thinking of this, even with Adier’s personality, I can’t help but feel a little excited, a little excited at this time.

“Coming soon, coming soon …”

Turning slightly, looking at the vast land, Adier whispered, then turned and walked towards the capital of the king.

At this time, after a long period of turmoil, the chaos in Wangdu had been temporarily suppressed.

This is also because King Kast and Kolar are still alive.

With both of them, with the majesty they have accumulated over the past hundreds of years, just standing there is enough to control the situation in the capital, so that they do not fall into complete chaos.

Returning to the King City, Adier did not go elsewhere, but followed the breath and directly entered the palace.

There, he saw the dying Kolar, now wrapped in a white robe, sitting quietly in a chair and panting, looking very strenuous.

“Adier … you are back.”

After seeing Adier’s silhouette, Kolar barely smiled: “Congratulations.”

“Teacher.” Looking at the picture of Kolar, Adier sighed lightly, then stepped forward, placing one hand on Kolar’s shoulder.

I have to say that Kolar was seriously injured.

This is the backlash I received when I hosted the Wizard Array. The existence of Level 4 is not so easy to bear. At that level, even if it is only a little aftermath, it is enough to seriously hurt any existence below Level 4.

Kolar used to be the core of the Wizard Array. After the Wizard Array was smashed, he directly withstood most of the backlash. He did not die on the spot. It is already his vitality.

If he had called someone else here, he might not have been saved at this time, but for Adier, there was still some hope.

Looking at Kolar, Adier raised his hand. On the forehead, the bright emerald mark began to shine, and the power of Moon Elf, which belonged to Moon Elf, began to spread from Adier and slowly merged into Kolar’s body.

He is doing baptism for Kolar.

The power of Moon Elf is a unique Strength. Bathed in the power of Moon Elf for a long time, it can sublimate the life level, break the original limit, and reach a new level.

Because of this, Moon Elf was so respected in ancient times and enjoyed a great reputation in many Worlds.

At the moment, as the huge Moon Elf force is injected into Kolar within the body by Adier, a change is also breeding in Kolar.

The originally black seal of densely packed began to dissipate, and the original cracked wound began to heal. At Kolar within the body, his blood was trembling slightly, and a part of it began to sublime. He continued to absorb the power of Moon Elf injected by Adier, and its essence gradually became stronger.

On the side, Edice watched Adier’s movement quietly, his eyes were always looking at Adier without any deviation.

Time passed quickly. So many hours passed before Adier stopped his movements and declared the end of this baptism.

In front of him, Kolar’s appearance has changed a lot.

The original itself was contaminated by black strength, the black spots caused by it had completely disappeared, and the original cracked wounds had all healed, but the whole body was still a little weak, apparently not fully recovered.

However, despite his weak breath, his Spirit status is better than ever, with a pair of silver on his eyes. At this time he turned around and looked towards Adier behind him.

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