“I thought it would take a long time for you to be able to do this …”

With Adier’s face conscientiously solidified, Kolar sighed softly: “But you didn’t expect that, in just a few years, you have grown to this point.”

There was a deep sigh in his words.

The scene when he first met Adier on the Bloodline Trial that year, still faintly comes to his mind.

However, for four or five years, Little Brat, who was not even a Level 2 wizard, has grown to the current level. This horrible fact, if not for his own eyes, would never believe it to be true.

“The world is constantly changing.” Looking at Kolar in front of him, Adier was silent for a while before he said, “I’m just lucky that’s all relative to teacher you.”

He does think so.

From the ordinary person in the first life to today’s powerful wizard, Adier has always felt that in the beginning, he was just an ordinary person that’s all.

I can cry and laugh, and I’m afraid of death and pain.

The most fundamental reason why this is what it is today, to be a powerful wizard standing here, is because of that’s all.

After three consecutive rebirths, he began to change after experiencing too many things, gradually becoming what he is today.

If there was no transcendental power, Adier would have completely disappeared as long as he died in the first life, where would he be today.

The opposite is also true. The power of traversal is the same, even if the owner is not him, but someone else.

Perhaps the growth rate is not as good as Adier, but with Strength through the ability, as long as the owner is not too bad, sooner or later can rise like him.

Adier thinks that the only thing better than others is this luck. Otherwise, the person with the ability to cross is not him, but someone else.

Listening to Adier’s words, Kolar laughed on his face: “You’re too modest.”

“Even if it is the pure blood of Moon Elf, but in history, just like you, in just a few years, how many are there?”

He clearly misunderstood Adier’s words and understood the luck that Adier was referring to as Moonline’s Bloodline.

In this regard, Adier has no idea to correct it.

Passing through abilities is his biggest secret. If there are no exceptions, he will not talk to anyone in his life and will keep them firmly in his heart.

“But on the other hand, if you really want to say it, your innate talent is also luck,”

In front of him, Kolar got up from his place, looked at Adier in front of him, and finally pointed to himself: “Me too.”

“We can live in this world safely, we can be born in wealthy families, we can also have the soul qualifications that ordinary people can never catch up, and we can be a powerful wizard, which is also luck.”

He smiled: “But in reality, this is reality.”

“Sorry, I ’m too old to pull away as soon as I can.” Looking at Adier in front of him, he shook his head, opened the mouth and said: “I decided to give you the position of the High Priest after a while. . “

Listening to this, Adier froze, and just wanted to say something.

“Don’t persuade me.” Kolar took the lead in opening the mouth and said: “In fact, I have been thinking about this idea for a long time.”

“Just before, considering that the magic disaster is about to erupt, and you are still young with Adier, so I didn’t move and still stay in this position.”

“By now, these are no longer problems.”

He looked at Adier seriously and said, “I know you may not like this position, but as a teacher, I still hope you can accept it.”

“You are the born King Moon Elf, destined to become the king of the elf family, and lead the elf family to reappear the glory of the past.”

He looked at Adier sincerely, and looked at Adier in front of him, with some expectation.

“I see.” In the face of Kolar’s request, Adier didn’t hesitate, nodded his head, and agreed.

Seeing Adier agree, Edice was a little happy, with a bright smile on her face.

Soon, after a few days.

After a brief rectification of the situation of the King Capital, one morning, under the witness of King Kast and countless nobles, Adier took the scepter in the hands of Kolar and became a new generation of high priests.

To this result, the aristocracy present did not dare to have any meaning. On the contrary, many people were extremely excited.

On the day of the month of Adier incarnation, the battlefield with the underground demon war is still displayed outside the city. The horror Strength that is sufficient for world-shattering makes many nobles present.

That’s true Level 4 Strength, a true Moon Elf King.

Not to mention this Strength that no one can stop at all, just the identity of King Moon Elf is enough to shut up all nobles and fully support Adier.

On that day, many people even asked King Kast to abdicate and hand the throne to Adier.


Time passed quickly, and it was more than a month later.

In the morning, the sun shines on the earth, bringing new life to the earth.

In a courtyard, Adier sits quietly at a desk, watching the Solana writing carefully.

After so long, Solana is now nine years old, with a small face that looks small and delicate. At this time, she is sitting at the wooden table, frowning and writing.

She looked painful, she was slow to write, frowned, and she looked cute.

In the garden outside, Edice walked to Adier and Solana with a flower basket in his hand.

“Are you still there?” She looked at Solana with a frowning face in front of her eyes, gently laughed, and then touched her little head: “It’s been a morning of writing, go to the rest first, Lulu is waiting for you to play outside Then. “

The words fell, Solana was immediately resurrected with blood, and a pair of big water eyes looked at Adier blinking, looking pitiful.

Watching her look, Adier also laughed: “Go, but remember to finish today’s homework in the afternoon.”

Tone barely fell, and Solana left her desk straight, and looked like she didn’t understand the second half of Adier at all.

Sitting on a wooden chair, looking at her appearance, Adier could not help shaking his head, feeling a headache.

“I’m forcing her to learn these things again.” Edice whispered briskly in her ear.

She put the flower basket on the desk and took out a few flowers from it while watching Adier said with a smile.

“No way, she’s grown up. After a while, it’s almost time to meditate.” Shook the head, Adier said helplessly: “If you don’t force her to study hard now, you won’t be busy after that coming.”

“You only have this time now, and you don’t usually see how you care about her.” Edice put down a bunch of orchids and asked, “Is everything outside busy?”

“Well, it’s almost there.” Adier nodded and said.

What they said was the magic disaster of the Silver Fog Forest.

For more than a month, as the elf high priest, Adier took Moon King’s Sword and walked through the entire Silver Fog Forest, expelling all underground creatures in the entire Silver Fog Forest, completely calming down the magic disaster in this place.

If the speed of this horror is known by people in other regions, I’m afraid I can’t believe it, but for Adier, it is as it should be by rights.

After all is a Level 3 wizard, even with Moon King’s Sword, he can even incarnation the Moon King, possess the power of Level 4 wizards, and dispel some underground creatures that even Level 3 wizards do n’t have. . .

It was also because of this horrible speed that Silver Fog Forest quickly restored peace and Adier was able to sit idle and accompany his wife at home.

“I heard that it seems a little messy outside.”

After hesitating, Edice asked, “I heard that several envoys of the wizarding family came to visit a few days ago.”

“Yes.” Adier nodded: “The magic disaster outside is still going on, and the wizarding organizations outside Silver Fog Forest are probably upset now.”

He already knew about these news.

Elsewhere is not Silver Fog Forest.

The reason why the Silver Fog Forest’s magic disaster can be so quickly settled is because Adier himself took the action and expelled all invading underground creatures.

However, other places are not so lucky. In the face of the invasion of underground creatures, most of the times are very difficult. Even if all the trump cards come out, they are still under tremendous pressure.

Elsewhere in the Mason region, every day, a large number of wizarding organizations are attacked by underground creatures, and a large number of lives die directly, which is said to have been difficult.

Because of this, after hearing that the Focal Forest in Silver Fog Forest has been calmed down, many people put their ideas on elf King’s Courtyard, hoping that elf King’s Courtyard can help and support them to level up the magic disaster.

However, for these people’s help, Adier didn’t mean to shoot for the time being.

“It’s not good for us to annihilate those creatures at this time.”

Looking at Edice, Adier gently opened the mouth and said: “It’s only been a few months since the start of the magic disaster. At this time, the wizarding families still have more power. At this time, even if they are rescued, they will get the most. The return of some supplies is meaningless to us. “

“Instead of taking shots at this time, it is better to take shots and support them later.”

He looked at it somewhere in the distance and said softly.

The magic disaster is a huge crisis, but it is also a good opportunity.

Under the magic disaster, all forces in the past will be reshuffled. As long as they survive the outbreak of the magic disaster, they can enjoy the living space left by the remaining forces after the destruction, and rise rapidly.

For Adier, the greatest effect of this magic disaster today is that it can quickly consume the living Strength organized by other wizards, thereby preparing him to unify the entire Maison area.

Of course, with the strength of Adier today, even if there is no magic disaster, directly relying on its own arrogant strength, it can also forcibly unify the Maison region.

As long as that happens, some problems are prone to occur.

Forcibly unifying by force, even if the various wizard organizations are forced by his strength of knowledge allegiance, they will inevitably be devastated and cause a lot of trouble to the subsequent rule. If the killing is launched in this process, the consequences will be even more serious, even causing hostility to a large number of wizards, leaving all kinds of repercussions, which will require a lot of time to sort out.

However, with this magic disaster, it is different.

With this magic disaster as a striker, Adier does not have to open the killing ring by himself, but can use the hands of underground creatures to cut off the Strength owned by the wizarding organizations.

After the process is almost complete, Adier will take the shot himself and sweep the cruel underground creatures to unify the entire Maison area easily. At that time, not only will there not be much resistance, but it will gain a lot of reputation and gain a lot of wizards. support.

After all, it was those underground creatures who really killed these relatives and friends of the wizard and caused their family to ruin.

Adier eventually killed the underground creatures, in a way, he helped them revenge this enemy.

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