On the emerald tombstone, a little will began to emerge, and then a length of Strength began to emerge, and a crystal appeared in front of him, showing a scene on it.

In a spacious and gorgeous basement, a silver-haired boy lay quietly on the sofa, his eyes closed, and a little silver scale on his face appeared from time to time.

And in the forehead of the boy, an emerald-colored mark emerged clearly, looking like real emerald, clear and beautiful.

“It’s him···”

At this moment, even as strong as the mother of emerald, I was surprised at the moment: “It was less than ten years since I gave him the emerald mark last time.”

“In such a short period of time, we have grown to this point.”

“To be precise, it is eight years.” On the side, another will emerged, and turned into a vicissitudes and handsome middle-aged man in front of the tombstone of the Emerald Mother, standing next to the tombstone of the Emerald Mother. , Also looking at the water mirror: “In eight years, the promotion of Level 4 from the formal wizard, no matter what method is used, it is commendable.”

He looked at the nodded Adier, complexion grave and stern emerging from the water mirror: “This child, in the future, may grow enough to help us.”

“It’s not that easy.” A beautiful woman emerged in an instant.

Standing next to the man, the emerald mother smiled bitterly: “He can come to this step, a considerable part, relying on the autonomous growth of Bloodline. But after Level 4, Moon Elf’s Bloodline will not be his help , But it will become an obstacle to his progress. “

“He wants to grow to the point where he can help us, I’m afraid there is still a long way to go.”

She looked at the quietly sleeping Adier in the crystal and sighed softly.

As an ancient wizard who has lived for countless years, the former Master of Jadeite World, in her long life, what kind of genius has she never seen?

Someone was born with an extraordinary Bloodline, which was comparable to a formal sorcerer at birth, and then grew all the way in the subsequent time, promoting Level 4 at a very rapid rate.

But in the end, most of these so-called geniuses will stop at the level of Level 4. Even if they have been polished at Level 4 for countless years, their Strength has reached the peak of Level 4. It still has no effect until the lifespan reaches After the limit, it will eventually die, without any exceptions.

Witnessing countless such geniuses, he was surprised by Adier’s achievements, but he did not have any unrealistic expectations for this.

“However, with the strength of his Level 4 wizard, when the strength of the Emerald Mark is consumed, as long as it does not attract the attention of Scourge World, the curse on him should be resolved safely.”

She said in a tranquil voice, thinking of this, she couldn’t help but bring a hint of joy in her words: “This descendant must be preserved.”

“It’s up to you, Ellis.” Beside, the middle-aged man of the complexion grave and stern congratulated her: “With this descendant, your Strength can recover a little bit.”

“It’s just delaying that’s all.” Ellis said calmly. “As long as this World cage is not broken, sooner or later we will fall because of Strength exhaustion.”

“But at least, before that …”


The darkness of little by little shrouded in front of me, but was eventually driven away by a ray of silver.

Feeling the warmth of the body in the spacious basement, Adier’s eyes opened quietly, and an emerald mark on his forehead flashed.

“Is it over …”

Standing up from the sofa, he raised his right hand and looked at the familiar basement around him, for a moment a little confused.

It was not until a while later that his consciousness gradually returned, with more and more clarity in his eyes, and the original chaotic memories in his mind gradually returned to peace.

Then he reached out his right hand and felt the changes in his body quietly.


It’s like sleeping for a long time and waking up. At this moment, Adier felt that he was in a better shape than ever before. The whole body seemed to have changed a lot, becoming more powerful and horrible.

The surrounding micro world has also changed. At this moment, in the eyes of Adier, the surrounding world is filled with a smile of dust, and there are element particles between the tangible and the invisible, which exist but do not exist.

In his sight at this moment, the surrounding one after another elementary particles are cheering and surging, each with its own nature, some lively, some dead, with different properties and characteristics, which together constitute this microcosm time.

Gently stretched out the right hand, at the next moment, various silver patterns began to spread on his arm, and then the silver scales covered the arm, making his right hand look like a sharp weapon claw.

It’s not just what it looks like. In fact, it’s true.

In Adier’s induction, at this time in his within the body, the huge Strength was surging, almost several times more scary than before the promotion, and growing all the time.

Up to now, even his hair and an inch of skin have been imprinted with his mark. If a mortal comes into contact, he will be immediately eroded by the imprint and strength contained in it, and his body will be slowly affected by transformation.

This is just a change in the body.

And in his Spirit sea, the huge golden Spirit power is flashing, and in this, a pure, powerful, and holy soul is gradually rising, and the entire Spirit sea is illuminated brightly.

“This is my true spirit …”

Looking at the silver man in Spirit who was exactly like himself, even with a strong Moon Elf breath, Adier froze for a moment, not knowing what he thought of.

This is the true spirit born in his body.

According to Moon God’s Sacrifice, the reason why Level 4 exists is because it is at this level that the concept of “I” is truly possessed.

However, this “I” does not refer to the body, nor the Bloodline or Spirit, but the most essential type of life, which comes from the sublimation of life itself.

This is the sublimation of the body, Bloodline, Spirit power, and even the will, which elevates everything to Peak, plus all the Strengths condensed together to make the ultimate transition, a kind of sublimation.

From the previous level of wizards to Level 3 wizards, all aspects of wizards’ practice are actually preparing for this sublimation.

“From the beginning of a wizard apprenticeship to the promotion of a formal wizard, this is the initial strength.”

“From the beginning of the first-level wizard, you need to perform Spirit purification, so that as your Spirit grows, it also continuously improves the purity of Spirit … This is an enhancement on Spirit.”

“By the Level 2 Wizard, the purification of Spirit has been completed, and the purification of flesh and blood is required. Using its own strong and pure Spirit, it continuously stimulates every cell in the body. This is to lay the foundation for the strength of the body …”

“While at Level 3, the soul is training the soul in the bottom of the world, and in the end, the soul must even reach the true level …”

Standing in place, Adier muttered to himself: “Spirit, body, soul … When all three of them reach their Peak, they will make the final jump, burn everything and burn out, and be born in the most violent ascension. It belongs to itself, the so-called self. “

While talking, remembering all the contents of the wizard’s practice, Adier couldn’t help sighing.

Only at the level of Level 4 can we truly understand the power and perfection of the wizard system.

This is truly powerful, without the slightest partiality, from the body, Spirit, and even the soul, to perfection and strength in all aspects.

Only with such perfection and strength can the most powerful and perfect origin be born.

Only after advancing Level 4 in person, did Adier understand many of these things, and also understand the perfection and strength of the wizard system itself.

Adier is sure that if two people with the same innate talent and the same conditions study two different systems, then the probability of being promoted to Level 4 will be greater than that of the other system. a lot of.

If both are promoted to Level 4 at the same time, then the people who cultivate the wizarding system must have a much better roots than those who practice other systems, and their potential and speed of progress will definitely exceed those of other systems. presence.

“Unfortunately, I didn’t know this until this time.”

Standing in place, thinking about all the content in my head, Adier couldn’t help corner of mouth twitching.

Until now, he finally wanted to understand one thing.

That is why in the record, those Level 4 promoted by Bloodline ended up mostly in Level 4, and in the end they did not go further in life.

In general, Level 4 promoted by other systems, Level 4 promoted by Bloodline naturally has its own origin, but the origin of this method will bear the deep imprint of Bloodline, and the origin of the birth will be There are huge flaws.

Naturally, there is not much problem in Strength, but in the future potential and the speed of progress, the origin of this sublimation driven by Bloodline is far less than those derived from other systems.

So, until now, Adier realized that he had accidentally stepped into a big pit.

However, this is no wonder.

The Maison area had not at all before a real Level 4 wizard existed, everything could only be explored by Adier himself, naturally he did not understand the key.

Regarding the information about the origin, he also came to the conclusion through the analysis of the chip after he was promoted to the origin.

But at this time, everything has taken shape, and even if you think about changes, it is too late.

“Fortunately, although I was promoted by Moon Elf Bloodline, the previous foundation was also very solid, and the origin of the birth should not be weak compared to other beings promoted by Bloodline.”

This is the only comfort Adier has now.

In the previous wizarding stage, Adier’s foundation was very solid. Not only did he reach the limit he could reach in each stage, but even his soul purity reached the foundation for promotion to Level 4 wizard, that is, It is the so-called true class.

If it wasn’t for the sake of safety that they finally chose to rely on Bloodline for promotion, Adier could even rely on the wizard system for promotion.

On this basis, even if the final sublimation is still carried out with Moon Elf Bloodline, but in terms of the potential of the source and the speed of progress, it should be much stronger than the rest of the promotion using Bloodline.

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