In the spacious and gorgeous basement, standing still, feeling the source of shimmering light in the deep inside the body, Adier quickly adjusted his mood.

Now that things have happened, we can only accept what is set.

Moreover, with the existence of the ability to cross, he is destined to be able to go to many Worlds in the future, maybe in which World, there are ways to make up for it.

Thinking of this, he quickly adjusted his mood, and then looked towards his physical attribute.

“Name: Adier.Fax. Strength: 210.4. Agility: 234.8. Constitution: 231.1. Spirit: 492.4. Boundary Energy: 149974.1. Power of Origin: 13.7. Bloodline: Moon Elf.”

The familiar attribute panel reappears in front of you. Compared with the previous promotion, each attribute on the body has a great leap forward.

This is the change brought about by Moon Elf Bloodline’s complete maturity and the birth of its own origin. As Bloodline begins to grow, the attributes of Adier will continue to grow until the end of this crazy growth explosion period. Will become stable, after which all physical data will gradually solidify.

Standing in place, Adier carefully looked at his physical data, and finally focused on the source column.

After the promotion of Level 4, the attribute panel in front of it is updated again. Compared with the past, there is more original data.

The so-called origin is the unique Strength that can be born only after the promotion of Level 4. It is exclusive to the true Level 4. Only when the true Level 4 exists, can the true Strength be possessed.

Looking at the source column in the attribute, Adier shook his head, and once again felt that his road was still long.

Raised his hands arbitrarily, and around them, Wizard Array opened instantly, opening the door behind.

Looking at the basement in front of him, Adier did not stay here, turned directly, and walked out of the gate.

At this time, more than three months have passed since Adier entered the basement.

During these three months, under the auspices of King Kast and Kolar, the original damage of the Silver Fog Forest due to the underground creatures was gradually leveled off, and the tranquility of the past was initially restored.

But in contrast, in other areas of the Mason region, the magic disaster became more and more terrifying.

As time goes by, more and more underground creatures enter the surface World through the channel, causing great damage to the surroundings.

During this time, news from time to time that the Wizarding Organization was breached came from afar.

In contrast, compared with the outside world, there is Adier suppression. At this time, the stable Silver Fog Forest has been restored and it has become a paradise. In this case, a large number of outsiders began to flood into the Silver Fog Forest, causing a lot of trouble for King’s Courtyard.

Adier woke up from metamorphosis, and the first problem he faced was this.


In the early morning, on a deserted avenue in the wild, a bright carriage was driving on the field, surrounded by teams of elf Knight.

These elf Knights are all wearing elf armor, and the mounts under their feet are all wildebeests with the unicorn Bloodline. Each and everyone looks cold and orderly. At first glance, they are knights.

While being carefully guarded in the center by these Knights, the characters in the carriage are obviously extremely distinguished, and are likely to be the influential figures of the elf family.

In the wild, a pair of eyes are watching the carriage. On the deserted field, each and everyone ragged people walk through it, and the steps look very difficult.

These people staggered with the elf Knight in the distance, maintaining a certain distance from each other, without unauthorized contact.

“It won’t work like this.” Walking at the forefront of the refugee procession, watching the rows of elf Knights passing by, as well as the carriage guarded by those elf Knights, a middle-aged man with a normal appearance and a firm face Walking on the road, he suddenly stopped his steps and looked towards the far away carriage.

His move frightened his side companions, and he quickly opened the mouth and said, “Kulu! Don’t be impulsive!”

“That’s definitely an influential figure of the elf family. It’s not something we can think of.”

“We can’t go on like this.” Standing in place, looking at the carriage in the distance, Kulu’s grimly opened the mouth and said: “Further on, these people behind us will starve to death halfway.”

“We are not elf’s opponents!” His companion carefully advised: “Don’t be impulsive, Kulu, I know several elf nobles in the city in front, as long as they are willing to help, we have food.

“When we get to the city in front, these refugees will starve to death.” Kulu shook his head. “You can rest assured that I won’t do anything stupid, no matter how, I can’t be reduced to a robber. “

Listening to this, his companion was relaxed, and then he was a little confused: “What are you?”

“Have you seen those elf Knights in front of you?” Kulu pointed to those elf Knights stationed in the distance, and said openly the mouth and said: “I served in the army of the Kingdom, led some elite Knights, and attacked the Knights. The characteristics are well understood. “

“These elf Knights in front of us are absolutely elite, even in the elf kingdom, they definitely belong to the ace Legion.”

“Being able to be protected by these elite Knights, the person sitting in the carriage is definitely not low, maybe it’s an elf Royal Family on a cruise.”

“What do you want?” Hearing here, his companion froze and seemed to think of something.

“I’m going to try it.” Kulu calmly nodded: “As long as this elf noble is willing to help us, the livelihood of these refugees behind us will be fine.”

“Can you believe this?” Listening to this, his companions were a little suspicious.

The world always says that elf is the most beautiful and kind creature in this world. But after entering Silver Fog Forest, the refugees felt the real scene.

Elf’s appearance is generally more beautiful than ordinary person, but not at all to the point that everyone is beautiful. Moreover, the attitude of Silver Fog Forest to outsiders is extremely indifferent and even disgusting.

Not to mention being kind to these refugees, even if they take the initiative to ask for help, there are not many elf who will respond.

The elf nobles are even more so. Each and everyone is more arrogant than the human nobles. They do not treat them as equal existence, let alone assist them.

“There is no other way, whether it works or not, try it first.”

Kulu shook the head, without too much hesitation, got up directly from the spot and walked towards elf Knight, which was stationed ahead.

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