On the long and desolate road, the entire group is stationed there.

Looking at the elf Knight stationed in the distance, Kulu hesitated a bit, he seemed to be a little hesitant, but eventually he resolutely determined and walked forward.

As he kept approaching, those elf Knights noticed the human in front.

“Stop!” A cold voice followed from the front, with a sharp sword wind.

Standing on the avenue, at this moment, Kulu jumped in his heart, feeling instinctively a violent sense of danger flowing from his heart, and the strong pressure from all directions made him Knight unable to raise the idea of ​​confrontation.

“It’s over.” In an instant, his mind went blank, only the thought flashed in his mind.

A jade-colored elf long sword came across, but in the end it was not at all chopped on Kulu, but fiercely chopped the ground in front of him, where he cut a sword mark of several meters.

The traces of Battle Qi are long gone, and Kulu hasn’t waited for his response. In front of him, the armored elf Knight said indifferently: “Don’t dare go forward, this sword is directly cut on you.”

“A Peak’s Great Knight.” With a scalp gazing at the sword marks on the ground, Kulu had some lingering fears, and even thoughts of fear and fear rose up in his heart.

However, in the end he has a tenacious character and has not forgotten his purpose.

He looked at elf Knight in front of him, kneeling on one knee without hesitation, and sincerely asked to the other side: “This lord, I am Knight of the Kingdom of Helu, and asked to see your master.”

“I have something very important to report.” Under strong pressure, he said brace oneself, hoping to let the elf Knight in front of him enter.

Hearing this, elf Knight frowned suddenly.

In all fairness, he doesn’t want to let this human who looks almost like a tramp enter into a conversation with someone in the carriage. To him, this is a pollution of his faith in his heart.

But according to the other party, the other party was also a Knight and once occupied a high position in Human Kingdom. Maybe there is really any important information.

Under the observation of elf Knight in front of him, although the man in front of him is ragged and wandering like a tramp, he does have training traces of Knight Breathing Technique. Although he is not sure whether Life Seed is activated, but from the current performance, before, Mostly it is indeed a noble.

It is precisely for this reason that the elf Knight in front of him is hesitant. If he is replaced by an ordinary person, I am afraid he will not say more, and he will be expelled without saying a word.

“Let him come in.”

While elf Knight was hesitant, a soft voice sounded in his ear, making him instantly complexion greatly changed.

With the eyes of Kulu in front of his eyes, the expression on the face of elf Knight in front of him instantly became devout, and then he looked towards him. Although his voice was still indifferent, he had lost the chill he had before: “Come with me.”

When the words fell, he turned directly and took Kulu towards the inside of the camp.

The camp in front of me is huge, and inside and from there, each and everyone elf guards are patrolling.

Looking at the camp in front of him, Kulu was shocked again.

The luxury of this camp far exceeded his imagination.

It’s just a camp that’s all, but in it, there are thousands of armored elf guards stationed, and each elf guard is wearing exquisite armor with embroidered national emblem on the armor.

This means that these elf guards are not ordinary civilians, and each is a true noble member.

In addition to these, the scenes he saw on a training ground made him hard to believe.

In a spacious training ground, hundreds of people worked hard to train, and with the waving of the sword in his hand, the light white glow unique to Battle Qi gradually bloomed on his body.

“These people are all Great Knight!”

Looking at this scene, Kulu jumped in his heart, and his evaluation of the identity of the owner of the carriage in front of him was getting higher and higher.

“Such a luxurious army, let alone a royal child, is enough to protect Prince.”

To the end of the journey, Kulu’s shock grew more and more, and in the end it was almost numb.

He thought he was numb, and even if a real elf Prince appeared before him, he wouldn’t be in the slightest surprise.

But walking to a gorgeous camp somewhere, he couldn’t help jumping in his heart after seeing a mark.

It was a silver mark, which was not complicated in itself, with a silver moon on it and a purple flying bird.

If ordinary people saw this mark, they would at best only think that it was very beautiful and would not think of others.

But as Knight and as a former nobleman, Kulu knew more.

“This mark, no.” Looking at the Silver Moon Purple Bird Mark outside the camp, Kulu had completely stopped: “This is the family emblem of the Orris family!”

The Orris family, this family itself is not strong. A few years ago, it was completely unknown, let alone in Human Kingdom. Even in the Silver Fog Forest, it was just a small family of wizards, not even a formal wizard.

But up to now, this family likes thunder piercing the ear again, but if some of the well-informed forces in the Maison area do not know this family.

It’s all because of an unprecedented horror wizard in this family.

elf High Priest, Level 4 Grand Sorcerer, Adier .Fax.

“Come in.” A voice came from the tent, which sounded very mild, without the indifference and hostility of other elfs.

Listening to this command, the surrounding elf looked sideways, looking at the ragged Kulu in front of him, a little surprised, but still gave up the front passage.

“This voice.”

Listening to the sound, Kulu jumped in his heart, but looking at the elf Knight leading the way, he still cautiously followed, and walked towards the magnificent tent ahead.

Into the big account, there are not many people inside, except for a few elf maids who are serving, there is only one teenager and old man.

“So handsome man …”

Secretly glanced at the look of the boy, even with Kulu’s mind, he couldn’t help being surprised at this moment.

The young man was sitting on a wooden chair, wearing a white robe, exquisite and handsome, like a god, with silver hair falling down, coupled with the unique silver eyes, making Kulu more sure of his identity.

Looks like a teenager, silver eyes, so many Knight guards, the family emblem of the Orris family …

Thoughts flashed through my heart. At this moment, Kulu was excited, and his attitude became more respectful: “Two adults …”

“I heard that you have something important to report.” Gently turned around, looking at the middle-aged man who was kneeling on the ground in front of him, with a respectful middle-aged man, Adier opened the mouth and said: “Now it can be said.”

The words fell, Kulu suddenly corner of mouth twitching.

Where is there anything important about him? The reason why he said that before is just to let the guards pass.

But now the Lord asked here, and he only had brace oneself to explain: “Sorry, I …”

“The refugees outside, I have made people go to relief.” Looking at Kulu, Adier shook his head and interrupted directly: “Now, answer me a few questions.”

In front of him, listening to Adier’s words, Kulu was shocked, and then relaxed: “Excuse me, lord …”

Next, Adier asked a few questions intermittently.

Most of these questions are about refugees. They cover all aspects, but they are not too complicated.

By the time Adier asked these questions, more than half an hour had passed.

More than half an hour later, looking at the back of Kulu’s departure, Adier turned and looked towards the side old man: “What’s the teacher’s opinion?”

“Not complicated, but a little troublesome.” On the side, Kolar dressed in a black wizard robe and listened to Adier as he shook the head: “There are too many refugees, and the local elf is very resistant to these outsiders. I’m afraid there will be some problems. “

The elf family’s rejection of outsiders has a long history.

At some point more than 2,000 years ago, a wave of elf slavery emerged in the Messen area. During that period, a large number of poachers sneaked into the Silver Fog Forest to do all kinds of desperate despair. The incident caused tremendous damage to the native elf of Silver Fog Forest.

This situation lasted for hundreds of years, and eventually forced the elf King’s Courtyard to block the Silver Fog Forest, destroy the road connecting the Silver Fog Forest to the outside world, and completely isolate the connection between the Silver Fog Forest and the outside world. Only to make this situation gradually less.

But less, just less. With the closure of Silver Fog Forest by elf King’s Courtyard, the price of elf slaves is getting higher and higher from the outside world. Every year, it attracts countless slave hunting groups to capture elf slaves in Silver Fog Forest.

The elf clan was traditionally closed, but with the repeated occurrence of slave-trapping incidents, over time, the entire elf clan, whether aristocratic or ordinary civilians, held hostile and repellent attitudes towards outsiders.

The inertia created by this long history cannot be changed even by Adier.

“However, despite the trouble, these refugees have to be accepted as much as possible.”

Shook the head, for the situation at hand, Adier continued to open the mouth and said: “If you just want to stay in the Silver Fog Forest, then this situation is not a problem at all, and even to a certain extent, it can enhance cohesion.”

“But if you want to unify the entire Mason region, this attitude will not work.”

He pointed to the refugees outside: “It is impossible for us to kill all races except elf. That is not realistic, it is too bloody, and for us, the loss is far greater than the benefit.”

“Since we can’t kill the rest of the race, sooner or later, we will all reach out to the World to lay the foundation for future domination.”

“These refugees can just serve as First Step.”

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