“First Step 路路路”

In the magnificent and spacious camp, listening to Adier’s words, and wondering what was happening, Kolar murmured.

“Yes, First Step.” Gently glanced at Kolar, seeing that he didn’t mean to continue talking, Adier opened the mouth and said; “First try to accept the refugees and prepare for the other races later. “

“What are you going to do?” Kolar asked seriously, looking at Adier.

“The contradiction between the local elf and the outsiders is too deep, and the attitude of exclusion and hostility cannot be changed in a short time.” Adier stood up and looked in a certain direction, his eyes seemed to penetrate the isolation of the camp, and saw many outside Refugees: “And the refugees themselves have problems. If they rush into contact with the local residents, there may be something wrong.”

Refugees are vulnerable groups, but Adier doesn’t take it for granted that those refugees are a good thing.

People are people because they have their own desires and ideas. As told in some stories, if you help others, others will be deeply grateful to you and never give up. This is absolutely unrealistic. The reverse happens, eating your food, wearing your clothes, and finally raping your wife and daughter. This may be more realistic.

In the case of Adier I, are there fewer attacks and killings caused by refugee problems?

In the Mason region that was devastated by the devastation, at the current stage, the refugees who can enter the Silver Fog Forest from the outside are mostly strong men. The composition is quite complicated. There are slaves, free people, and robbers and robbers in the past. There are also many nobles.

The elf family is born beautiful. After entering the Silver Fog Forest, if these refugees see the beautiful elf girls, they will have no control what to do under the predicament.

In fact, just now, a similar situation has happened.

Just a few days ago, there were several accidents. A group of refugees looted a village. Finally, after killing all men and elderly people in the village, they raped the elf girls and turned the entire village into ruins. .

Adversity can arouse human ferocity and amplify people’s various instinctual desires.

The refugees may only be for food at first, but when they are full and drink enough, how can they not want to do something in the face of those beautiful and delicate elf girls?

Once such incidents occur, the local elf will only intensify the rejection and hostility of foreigners to the outside world, and the conflict between the two sides will continue to expand.

Thinking of this, Adier shook his head, opened the mouth and said: “The refugees are acceptable, but it is better to be placed elsewhere to avoid conflict with the local residents.”

“It’s not difficult.” Kolar nodded: “Silver Fog Forest has a large area. Except for the area we occupy, the other areas that were originally used for isolation can be used to house these people.”

The scope of the Silver Fog Forest is indeed very large. According to Adier, only the area occupied by the Silver Fog Forest is at least equivalent to the entire continent in the first century.

In such a large area, the silver fog King’s Courtyard only occupies the core part, that is, the area where the element particles are rich and active. The rest are mostly deserted, there are only a few places, and there may be some elf small tribes in Live there.

The reason for this situation is that in addition to the large area of 鈥嬧€婼ilver Fog Forest, it is also closely related to the low reproduction ability of the elf family.

Unlike human beings, a female of the ordinary person type can conceive and have children at the age of twelve or three, and after a decade or so has passed, a generation has grown up.

The elf family is different. If an ordinary elf wants to be an adult, it takes fifty-sixty years to reproduce the next generation.

Even, maybe because of ease and closed life, in the Mason region, compared to human orcs and even other races, elf’s fertility rate is very low. Among the entire elf family, there are many families that have not reproduced in their lives. .

This situation, coupled with the constant prohibition of slavery groups, has caused the elf family to multiply in the core area for thousands of years, and the population is still not large.

The total number of elfs in the entire Mason region adds up to about 10 million, which is only equivalent to the population of several human kingdoms.

However, this situation has also led to the abandonment of large areas, which is exactly the right time to resettle refugees.

“However, with so many refugees coming in, in addition to resettlement, management is also a big problem.”

Kolar then opened the mouth and said: “And how to rule these people later is a big question.”

“Break this group of refugees and choose to build towns in the right place.” Adier opened the mouth and said: “There are many people in this group of refugees, formerly nobles, and they can also be selected to manage these people. “

“In addition, a number of clansmans of nobles were mobilized from various places to let them act as senior officials responsible for supervising those nobles.”

Looking at Kolar, Adier opened the mouth and said.

There are several benefits to this. The first is to avoid conflicts.

The human aristocracy itself can manage those refugees, which can be easy to get started, and can also avoid some unnecessary hostility and conflict.

Elf, as a senior official, oversees those human nobles, in order to restrict the rights of those nobles.

People will never change. The aristocrats who are mixed with refugees, what they used to be, are still the same.

Maybe in the predicament, those bad sides will not be shown, but once they have regained their rights and authority, those bad habits of the past will repeat themselves sooner or later.

The bullying of the male and female, the killing of the murderer, the exploitation of the exploitation, all kinds of means are at the same time.

Once these natures are exposed, they will inevitably cause hostility and hatred of the people at the bottom.

If it is normal, there are not many choices on these bottom layers, then no matter how difficult life is, you still have to stick to your teeth.

But now, these people have one more option: to ask elf for help.

At this time, it’s time for the supervisors to play.

Killing the nobles who are not arrogant and stepping on the corpses of these people can not only deter the others, but also gain the bottom of gratitude and support at the same time, and slowly improve the relationship between the two.

When the situation is stabilized after the anti-reverse habit is used by each other, we can go a step further and directly appoint elf officials to manage, making the rule of elf King’s Courtyard stronger.

Of course, the actual situation will definitely be more complicated than this, and there will be unexpected situations.

But it doesn’t matter.

This after all is a world dominated by force, with elf’s troops stationed, no matter what happens, it can guarantee that elf’s rule remains unchanged.

“The rest of the roads in Silver Fog Forest can begin to open.”

In the camp, Adier continued to open the mouth and said: “King’s Courtyard was too closed before, and most of the roads to communicate with the outside world were blocked.”

“By this time, these blocked roads can now be opened.”

“It’s not a big problem, just go back and send the wizard to deal with it in the past.” Kolar nodded did not dispute this.

They continued to chat, and soon they were chatting elsewhere.

“How’s your contact with the Black Wizard Alliance?” Adier asked, watching the little sun shining in the camp.

“Very smooth.” Kolar nodded: “Natasha has agreed to our terms and is willing to merge the Black Wizard Alliance into Silver Mist King’s Courtyard …”

“So smooth?” Adier was a little surprised. “They are in a bad situation right now?”

“It’s a bit bad, but it’s better than other places.” Kolar nodded: “With the World Stone, at least for a long time, they can hold it.”

“However, there is no need to continue like this.” He shook his head. “I and Natasha are old friends for many years, and I know her temper well.”

“She’s a sane wizard, she won’t lose sight of the situation.”

“King’s Courtyard is with you, and they have no choice.”

“That’s right,” Adier nodded agreed.

“Of course, the reason she promised so refreshingly was because the conditions you gave were too good.” Kolar shook the head: “This time you were too generous, and I was a bit scared.”

“Other things are fine, but with a magic weapon, you should just send it away.”

He looked at Adier, speechless, and his look was like looking at a prodigal son.

“Gloria after all is my former friend, if you can, I don’t want to be too stingy.” Adier shook his head: “And, this time.”

“You are really …” Kolar sighed, wondering what to say for a moment.

The magic weapon he was talking about was nothing other than the Bloodline Blade Edge.

After all, the level of this magic weapon is too low. After being promoted to the origin of Level 4, the effect of the Bloodline Blade Edge is completely invalid for Adier, and it is useless to stay in your hand.

Therefore, after researching for a while, he used the power of his Moon Elf to purify the Bloodline Blade Edge, solved the above problem, and gave it to Gloria.

In the eyes of King Kast and even Kolar and the others, this kind of behavior is naturally an absolute prodigal behavior, but for Adier, it is nothing.

Magic tools are extremely precious to wizards below Level 4, but for Level 4’s existence, they are nothing.

At the level of Level 4, Magic Transformed Item is almost extinct, and most of the things used are magic tools.

Moreover, if Adier wants something of the magic level, it can be bought directly through Destiny World, and even try to refine it by himself, it is nothing more than spending some Boundary Energy and time that’s all.

Moreover, although the Bloodline Blade Edge catalyzes Bloodline, the repercussions are a bit serious and there are too many restrictions to use.

Because of this, he gave away the Bloodline Blade Edge as a bargaining chip for the Black Wizard Alliance.

Sorry, the update is a bit late. Let me say here that the author Jun just graduated a few days ago and is now a social person. I plan to work full time, so I will update at least two times a day. Alright, I wish you all rest early. Also by the way, I recommend a book “Become Zombie and Wear the Sky” by a friend

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