“Anyway, now that the Black Wizard Alliance has been negotiated, it will be easier elsewhere.”

Standing in the camp and talking to Kolar for a while, Adier nodded said.

“Yeah,” Kolar sighed. “After the disaster, everything has become so bad. The Academy that was originally strong is still very few now.”

Sitting next to Kolar, Adier was silently nodded.

Counting the Silver Fog Forest and Black Wizard Alliance, there were originally at least seven large forces in the Mason region, which together constituted the balance of the entire Mason region.

But in the previous years, this balance has been broken because of a series of changes.

First the Hand of Jadeite, known as a pharmacist, was annihilated by the Black Wizard Alliance, and then the outbreak of the magic disaster caused great damage to the Maison area.

In addition to the original forces, in addition to the Silver Fog Forest being preserved because of Adier, and the Black Wizard Alliance being able to support it because they have World Stone, they are basically heavy losses, and even most of them have been destroyed by underground creatures.

In this case, as long as they have conquered the Black Wizard Alliance group, the remaining forces, Adier, can even watch them die out even if they don’t even care about it.

Of course, this is impossible.

Underground creatures are raging in the Mason region, and the losses caused every day are incalculable. When the blood of the remaining forces is almost released, it is Adier’s turn to serve as the savior.

Judging from the current form, it is not too far away from that day.

Three months later, in the Mason region, a message was widely circulated in the Mason region, which shocked the entire wizarding world for a moment.

Under the Silver Fog Forest, the leader of the Black Wizard Alliance, Gloria, has surrendered and merged the entire Black Wizard Alliance into the Silver Mist King’s Courtyard. All areas of the commander will belong to the Silver Mist King’s Courtyard.

The news is undoubtedly very powerful.

In the current Mason region, under the scourge of the magic disaster, in addition to the Silver Fog Forest, the Black Wizard Alliance is already the most powerful wizarding force. It has condensed most of the black wizards in the entire Mason region. Backed by the emerald stone captured by of Jadeite, even in the face of the large-scale attack of underground creatures, they still have not lost much power.

Such a force actually fell directly to the Silver Fog Forest, which is undoubtedly a big earthquake for the wizarding world that has suffered heavy losses today.

The wizarding world hasn’t waited for the news to come out. In King’s Courtyard of Silver Mist, another news also came out.

Silver Fog King’s Courtyard announced the lifting of the blockade over the past few years. While vigorously absorbing foreign disaster victims, it also sent a large number of wizards out of the Silver Fog Forest under the pretext of supporting outside wizards, occupying the territory of several nearby kingdoms directly.

Suddenly, the entire Maison area was uproaring.

Those who can become wizards are basically no fools, and naturally understand the purpose of Yinwu King’s Courtyard.

But what if you understand it?

Not to mention under the catastrophe, they themselves have been too much blood. At this time, their strength has greatly declined compared to before. Even if they were in their heyday, they are not the opponents of Silver Mist King’s Courtyard.

A Moon Elf King who grew up to Peak, this weight is enough to suppress everything, so heavy that even all the forces in the Mason area can’t be defeated.

This is a powerhouse that is truly comparable to Level 4 wizards. Unless a true Level 4 wizard is born, even if there are more wizards below Level 4, they cannot pose a threat to them.

What’s more, these wizarding forces are not monolithic. They have accumulated too many contradictions in the past, and it is impossible to join forces together.

Moreover, even the Black Wizard Alliance, which has the strongest strength and is the most complete in terms of strength, has taken the initiative to rely on Yinwu King’s Courtyard.

Thinking of this, and reminiscent of the scourge that is still raging today, many wizards heart trembled kept silent about the actions of Silver Mist King’s Courtyard and did not dare to say anything.

Of course, although there are many acquaintances, not everyone is so acquainted.

Soon, a few months later.

“Is this the last place?”

At noon, the sun spread over the ground, illuminating the surrounding avenues.

On a ruin, Adier was standing in a plain white robe, standing there, looking away, as if looking towards a certain city.

“Yes.” On the side, an elf with a tall, tall, handsome and majestic face stood next to Adier, wearing a gorgeous crown on his head, and it was King Kast.

Compared with more than half a year ago, he now looks rosy and energetic, and has a lot of self-confidence and pride.

Standing next to Adier, he looked towards the distant gray city: “This is the headquarters of Griffin College, and it is their last resort.”

“With Griffin College’s heritage, the Wizard Array, the guardian of the city, is completely turned on. In theory, it can withstand any attack below Level 4 in a short time.”

Standing next to King Kast, listening to King Kast’s words, Adier didn’t reply, but just looked at the tall city standing in the distance quietly for a moment.

Griffin College, which is also one of the major organizations in the Mason region, is said to inherit from a certain school of ancient wizards. Academy is famous for its strict treaties and stereotypes.

When Adier first came to the Maison area, he also considered joining the Academy, but chose to enter the Hand of Jadeite because of pharmacy.

Later, the Black Wizard Alliance snatched the Emerald Stone and destroyed the Hand of Jadeite. Adier can only join the Black Wizard Alliance to protect himself. The last way has become what it is now.

But now, it’s at this time that there is another intersection with Griffin College.

“Is the messenger of persuasion coming back?” Adier turned and looked at King Side Kast and asked.

“It’s back, but the result is still the same.” King Kast shook the head, it seemed disdainful to the people at Griffin College: “The heads of this group of Old Antique are rusty, neither is each and everyone See what time it is now, and still keep the one left by the ancestors. “

His tone sounded disdainful, and with a deep annoyance, he seemed to hit a lot of walls here.

In the past three months, King’s Courtyard of Silver Mist has swept across the Mason region, and everyone who has passed must acknowledge allegiance, even those cruel and subterranean creatures. They also dare not face each other in the face of the Silver Fog Forest, and they shrink directly. go back.

However, this passer-by led by King Kast encountered a nail here at Griffin College. The last touch was more than half a month, and even Adier had to visit it in person to solve this trouble.

The origin of the trouble is also very simple. The wizard of Griffin College, holding on to the tradition of the past, is unwilling to fully acknowledge allegiance to King’s Courtyard, and proposes a lot of scattered conditions.

Needless to say specific regulations, but if it is true, Griffin College will have no losses except the nominal acknowledgement allegiance, and it will not only not accept the rule of King’s Courtyard, but also the land they lost before it was captured by underground creatures. Want to be complete and come back.

Naturally, this cannot be accepted by King’s Courtyard, so in the case where the two sides can’t reach an agreement, Adier can only come over to solve the trouble completely.

“Send another messenger, and finally persuade again.”

Looking at the gray city in the distance, Adier gently opened the mouth and said, and expression did not change at all.

“Okay.” Facing Adier’s order, King Kast was nodded, and then sent another messenger to go to Griffin College to negotiate.

It is worth mentioning that the messenger was not elf, but a purebred human. Even if he looked at the breath, he had reached the level of Wizard of Metamorphosis Stage, even in those great forces.

This is the patriarch of a certain shaman family. Because of its early referral and good strength, it has also been reused by King Kast and held an important position in King’s Courtyard.

He was handsome and resolute, wearing a traditional red robe, looking at the dark city in the distance without changing his face, and strode straight into it.

Behind him, King Adier and Kast watched him walk into the city, and were soon kicked out by the wizard inside.

Compared to when he went in, at this time his face was gloomy, and it seemed that he felt a lot of anger in it.

Looking at this situation, before the messenger spoke, Adier and King Kast already knew the final result.

“It seems that there is no way …” Looking at the dark city in the distance, Adier heartily sighed, and then slowly walked forward.


“Dean, we are like this, is it really okay?”

On the city wall across the city, watching the distant camp of the elf army in the distance, a middle-aged wizard wearing a gray robe sighed and then looked towards his side old man.

It was an old wizard, dressed in a traditional red old-fashioned wizard, holding a gray book in his hand, with a strong book spirit on his face. tolerance.

“Zhilo, we have no choice.”

The old man also looked at the barracks stationed in the distance, but his face was very indifferent. There was a sense of calmness that regarded Life and Death as nothing: “The glory of the ancestors cannot be tarnished. More than 1,000 years ago, the Academy rules established by the founders of the Academy Can’t violate. “

“Griffin College must not give up glory and freedom and become a tool of elf King’s Courtyard service.”

“But, King Moon Elf …” Next to him, Zhilo’s face looked a little hesitant, and he had great doubts about it.

“You don’t have to worry too much about this.” Old man shook the head: “Silver fog King’s Courtyard claims that their king has risen, but after all they just claim to be, what’s the truth?”

“Who are you?” Zhilo froze slightly, seeming to think of something.

“Yes.” Old man nodded: “By my guess, their elf king, the youngest high priest, Bloodline is probably not yet fully mature at this time.”

“Moon Elf, such a powerful ancient life, takes at least a thousand years from birth to maturity, which is common sense.”

“But it’s only been a long time since that high priest entered the Silver Fog Forest. It’s less than ten years in total.”

He pointed to the barracks outside and said, “In ten years, even if it is ordinary elf, it is not yet an adult, let alone a Bloodline innocent Moon Elf.”

“Most of these are just rumors released by elf King’s Courtyard. The purpose is nothing more than to scare us so that they can achieve their goals faster.”

The old man shook his head: “However, if that Moon Elf has reached Level 3, I still believe this, otherwise, even if Moon King’s Sword is present, it will not be possible to expel the magic disaster in Silver Fog Forest so quickly.”

“But a Level 3 Moon Elf, even with Moon Magic’s Sword, cannot reach Level 4. Our Academy’s Guardian Wizard Array can still block it.”

“And as long as we keep them here and wait for a long time, other people will naturally want to understand this principle and will not be afraid of the coercion of elf King’s Courtyard. By then, the situation will naturally be different.”

The old man’s face was calm and calm. Looking at the elf army in the distance, expression was not nervous at all.

On his side, listening to the old man ’s commentary, Zhilo suddenly realized: “I know …”

Tone barely fell, and in the distance, a gleam of silver flashed suddenly, which interrupted him while drawing his attention from the place to other places.

In the eyes of the two of them, in the distant sky, a 100 meters long silver sharp claw fiercely grabbed it, with a fearsome endless majesty and courage, accompanied by the power of Moon Elf Caught on Griffin’s Guardian Wizard Array.

boom! !

With a light sound, a light gray rays of light flashed from the sky, and then countless sorcery runes flew across the sky and scattered toward all around. The aftermath of its Strength changes the surrounding terrain in the range of 1000 meters.

Feeling this, old man and Zhilo stared wide-eyed at the same time.

Griffin College’s Guardian Wizard Array is broken!

Sorry, the update is late today. There will be a chapter later.

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