In the bright sunshine, standing on the wide field, looking at the deformed city in the distance, Adier calmly transformed from Moon King Semblance and changed back to elf form.

One hit broke Griffin College’s Guardian Wizard Array. He didn’t continue to shoot, but quietly returned to his camp.

In the camp behind, watching Griffin College’s Wizard Array broken, several silhouettes emerged from the camp, each person’s breath was extremely strong, where the immense momentum on his body was unbridled.

These people are very strong, even the weakest of them has reached Level 2 Wizard. The strongest of them has already reached Level 3.

And among them, there are many acquaintances of Adier.

Kolar, Gloria, and Natasha.

These three are not simple. Needless to say, Kolar’s strength close to Level 3 Peak, with the exception of Adier, has almost eliminated the entire Maison area, and not many people are his opponents at all.

Gloria is a snake woman Bloodline. After receiving the Bloodline Blade Edge from Adier, she also relied on Bloodline to grow to Level 3 during this time. Although the breath is still unstable, rolling the Level 2 wizard is absolutely enough.

As for Natasha, it is not easy either.

This is the teacher of Gloria, and a wizard of an era with Kolar. Being able to live with Kolar to this day is enough to show her strength. It is also Level 3, and it is not weak at Level 3, only slightly more than Kolar. Nothing better.

There are three of them here. In the case that Adier has broken the guardian Wizard Array, Griffin College has no power to resist, and can only accept the cruel ending.

On the same day, Griffin College was attacked by Silver Fog King’s Courtyard, and the entire Academy became the dust of the past together. Only the history books remain to be recorded.

After this incident, the entire Maison region was shaking, and the major organizations that had originally been lucky were suddenly disappointed, completely eliminating the idea of ​​resistance.

Next, as the silver mist King’s Courtyard continued to advance, some forces were extinct by the silver mist King’s Courtyard.

Among these corpses, King’s Courtyard also established its own prestige, so that its authority gradually shrouded in the entire Maison area.

At that time, the Mason region was completely unified, and King Kast retreated from the throne and handed the throne to Adier.


“Boundary Energy’s growth rate has started to accelerate. Unifying the Mason region, is there such a benefit?”

Adier was a bit surprised by the growing Boundary Energy in his gorgeous garden.

As early as when King’s Courtyard of Silver Mist stepped out of the Maison area, he discovered that with the territory occupied by Silver Mist King’s Courtyard, more and more people are ruling, and the growth rate of Boundary Energy in his body is also increasing.

This kind of growth rate has changed a lot. In the beginning, it was still several times and several times. But now, the growth rate is directly hundreds of times. So far, now, you can feel Boundary Energy every time. growth of.

Adier also has his own reasoning about the growth of Boundary Energy.

The so-called Boundary Energy, from now on, is essentially the power of the World. Therefore, anything that can cause the power of the World to fluctuate, such as affecting the Child of Destiny, or hanging the curse while cursing the World, can harvest the Boundary Energy given by the World.

The situation ahead may be the same.

The Mason region is the core of many witches’ gathering points in the vicinity, and represents the essence of this region. It has rich resources and a large population, far exceeding other places.

Such an important place, if fully occupied, can naturally cause fluctuations in the power of the World, thereby not only growing its Boundary Energy.

“But think of it this way, it seems that in other Worlds, I still need to occupy as much space as possible.”

Thinking of his problems, Adier shook the head, then looked towards his physical data.

“Name: Adier.Fax. Strength: 225.1. Agility: 241.8. Constitution: 249.5. Spirit: 497.4. Boundary Energy: 164571.8. Power of Origin: 13.9. Bloodline: Moon Elf.”

Compared with half a year ago, all the data have a good growth, but the largest growth is Boundary Energy, under the natural growth of more than half a year, directly increased by thousands.

However, compared with the growth of other data, the most inconspicuous growth is the most important Power of Origin. Even after more than half a year, it still only grows by 0.2, which is really slow.

Of course, the growth of this data does not seem to be much, but when it is reflected in reality, Adier feels that he is strong and not killing. His Strength is much stronger than half a year ago.

“But this rate of growth is really too slow. If I go on like this, I want to go to the next step. I don’t know how many years I will wait.”

Shook the head, looking at his data, Adier was helpless.

After the wizard arrived at Level 4, he tempered the tempering of Spirit and other aspects, and instead concentrated on tempering his Power of Origin to make his Power of Origin grow and grow as much as possible.

But this step is not easy, especially in the absence of related inheritance for Adier.

At Level 4, Moon God’s Sacrifice’s Meditation Method was useless to him, but the related Meditation Method, Silver Fog Forest not at all. Even if he turned the entire Maison area over and over, he could only find some broken chapters. It had no effect except to enrich the database.

“Higher Domain, if only there was a way to go.”

Shook the head, thinking of the current situation, Adier sighed softly.

The so-called Higher Domain refers to a place where the wizard civilization is higher than the Mason region.

As we all know, the civilization of ancient wizards has collapsed in ancient times, leaving only one place of ruins and wrecks. At present, the gathering places of wizards everywhere are basically developed after excavation and innovation on these wrecks and ruins.

The various wizards gathered like fragments and scattered on an incomparably huge map. Naturally, the wizard civilization of some places is higher, and the wizard civilization of some places is lower.

And Higher Domain, which is clearly recorded in some historical monuments, is currently one of the highest gatherings of wizarding civilizations.

According to the records of the classics, the number of wizards in that place is very strong, and the civilization is far more developed than in the Mason region. There are many large wizards in Level 4, and naturally they will have corresponding inheritance.

If Adier can go to this place, he can naturally find a way to obtain inheritance, so that he can understand the way forward.

Unfortunately, Higher Domain is not so good at it.

According to Adier’s knowledge, the current Mason region has been completely disconnected from the Higher Domain long ago. Even now, it is not even possible whether the Higher Domain really exists.

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