“Speaking of which, Higher Domain, should really exist, unfortunately …”

Standing in place, Adier sighed.

The area of ​​the Wizard World is very large. Not to mention those terrible chaotic areas, even the place Adier has seen so far is far larger than the planet in which he lived.

This is just a trivial corner of the Wizarding World, and it is so vast. It is conceivable that in other corners of the Wizarding World, there will definitely be wizarding places beyond the Mason area, even more than one or two.

Unfortunately, due to the isolation of the chaotic area, the links between the various wizarding places have long been cut off, and there is no way to communicate with each other.

“However, since the Mason region can leave a record of Higher Domain, then in the long history of the past, it should have been connected with the Higher Domain, or even communicated.”

Touching his head, Adier gradually fell into meditation: “The reason why there is no record now is probably related to the decline of the Maison region.”

In the past history, the Mason region has also been glorious, and at some time in the past there have been great wizards, even more than one.

Each of these prestigious great wizards of the past era is Level 4, and each appearance is not a single one, but a digital appearance at the same time.

Take Silver Fog Forest. During that glorious period, Moon Elf had almost no dynasty. Whenever a Moon Elf king’s lifespan is about to run out, another Moon Elf king rises to become a new generation of kings. .

Same as the Silver Fog Forest, so are the other strong races. Whether human or orc, the great wizards in their race have not been interrupted. This can form a weak balance, coexist with each other, without trying to unify the whole Mason area.

This balance continued until thousands of years ago, and gradually changed due to changes in the environment. Level 4 wizards gradually disappeared, and various ancient Bloodline gradually faded.

More than 5,000 years ago, in a major catastrophe, the last clearly recorded great wizard in the Mason region fell and died at the same time as the mother of Heart Seizing Devil in the underground world, completely ending the glory of the Mason region. .

In the thousands of years since then, no powerful Level 4 wizard has appeared, and even with the continuous changes of the environment and the constant consumption of resources, even Level 3 wizards have gradually become scarce.

Adier estimates that the connection between the Mason region and the Higher Domain is likely to begin to gradually break off during that time.

Silently, he kept this in mind, and after a while, he united his staff to search for the ruins and classics about Higher Domain and see if he could find any clues.

Of course, there are several other issues before Adier.

The first issue is the integration of the Mason region.

In the past, because the Maison region was split for too long, the entire Maison region was riddled with various chaotic forces, congested in various places, and their forces were intertwined.

Human, elf, orc differences and hostility to each other; camp conflicts between white wizards and black wizards; rescue and disaster relief after the destruction of underground creatures …

None of these problems are easy, and all of them are added together at this time, even if Adier is chip-assisted, it is still a big deal at this time.

You know, the area of ​​the Mason region is not small. The land area of ​​the Mason region is close to the entire planet in the first century, not to mention that there are a large number of Sea Territory. The clan is not easy to mess with, and it also has powerful force.

After unifying the entire Maison area, Adier has almost no day off, and he consults with his staff at all times to deal with various tedious matters.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help showing a bitter grin, and then put down an old black book in his hand.

Although the integration problem in the Maison region is tedious, it is not serious in general. After all, in the World where Strength is king, Adier, a Level 4 wizard, is present. As long as he doesn’t have any accidents, even if everything is rebellious once? It’s just overthrowing.

Compared with this problem, the more serious problem is the demon who fled.

In the Silver Fog Forest, the demon was emerged by the dark elf blood sacrifice summon, and then he successfully left from Adier. I don’t know where he went.

Adier originally thought that this demon should have gone to the rest of the Maison area to prepare to kill flesh and grow.

But in the end, Adier was wrong.

The demon not only did not stay in the Mason area, but ran towards the periphery of the Mason area, and finally left the Mason area directly to the outside chaos area.

Compared to staying in the Mason area, this devil’s choice made Adier frown instead.

If you stay in the Mason area, with Adier’s current promotion of Level 4 Strength, holding Moon King’s Sword, you have the confidence to leave the other party, even if you use time, you can slowly kill the other party.

But now, the opponent does not stop in the Mason area, but instead heads directly to the vast chaotic area, which not only loses Adier’s goal, but also increases the danger level.

The other party left the Mason area directly, and instead proceeded to the dangerous chaos area. If there is no reason for this, it is simply impossible.

After all, the purpose of the other party is to supplement Strength. Compared to the life-filled Mason region, the outside chaos area is completely a dead place. The vast majority of the area is a dead place. Can’t find many traces of life.

In this case, the departure of this demon from the Maison area can only show that in the depths of the chaos zone, there is something more worthy of the other party’s attention.

“It seems more careful before the other’s projection disappears.”

Thinking about the scene when the demon left, Adier thought silently.

This demon is not a real ontology, it is just a shadow cast cloned by dark elf blood sacrifice. Although it has the strength of the ontology, its essential structure will not change.

As a demon summoned by dark elf, the other party is undoubtedly a real underground creature, even a horrible existence that truly lives at the bottom of the underground world.

This kind of existence is incompatible with the surface world, so it will naturally be rejected by the surface world.

It may not be obvious at first, but after this exclusion has reached a certain level, even the strength of the other party will have to be affected, and eventually will have to leave.

For this, Adier has deduced with chips. Even with the strength of the other party, they can only persist for 30-40 years, and then they will collapse due to the exclusion of the surface World.

30-40 years, this period of time is very long for ordinary people, it can be considered as the growth time of two or three generations, but for wizards, this is the case.

For a pure-blood Moon Elf like Adier, it’s nothing more.

“Exactly, during this time, you can also deal with these issues.”

Adier thought, then looked at the time and looked towards the door.


Time is constantly passing, and soon, fifty years have passed completely.

In the early morning, Adier walked quietly in a garden.

Compared with fifty years ago, he still looks like a teenager, and even looks no different from the past, but the silver glory in his eyes is much deeper.

At this moment, he was wearing a moon-colored robe, with silver hair falling down, holding a silver long sword on his arm, and walking continuously there.

It didn’t take long for him to walk to a vast training ground, where he looked at the scenery in the distance.

At this time it was early morning. Because it happened to be cloudy, although the sky was already bright, the sun had not yet appeared.

And in the vast training ground in front of each other, each and everyone silhouette was wielding a glaive on it, not only letting off the sweat on his body.

These silhouettes are all male, including elf, orcs and humans, and even many other minority silhouettes can be seen here.

If you look closely, you can see that the silhouettes trained here are all real Knights, not ordinary Knight apprentices, but Great Knights that have actually activated Battle Qi and are comparable to wizard apprentices.

But just in this spacious training ground in front of me, there are 800 such Great Knights, each with a pale white Battle Qi flashing, as their postures continue to surge, they explode around.

These are the achievements of Adier over the years.

After unifying the entire Mason region, in order to balance the old wizarding forces that existed in the Mason region in the past, Adier began to vigorously develop the Knight Academy, selecting people with Knight qualifications from various races, and then filtering the talents through continuous screening They were selected and sent to Adier’s Imperial Palace, where they were trained and nurtured by Adier.

This is how the eight hundred Knights came to be.

Can be brought to Adier’s eyes, these eight hundred Knight’s innate talents are undoubtedly the best. Each one taken individually is an absolute ten thousand li pick. Even without external assistance, you can promote Knight by yourself in adulthood.

With Adier’s cultivation, these Knights will undoubtedly go more smoothly.

The best training environment, the best Knight teacher, the best pharmacy resources, the best Knight Breathing Technique … These are the conditions that these 800 Knights have.

With these conditions, even an average Knight can quickly promote Knight and even Great Knight, let alone these geniuses.

In just one year, these Knights have all been promoted to Great Knight. A few of them, the best innate talents, have broken through the original boundaries of Knight and become the real Azure Firmament Knight.

This is only the first year, and after two more years, when the strength of this batch of Knights has generally risen to a certain level, Adier will send this batch of Knights to various places, and then replace them with a new batch of students. field.

For fifty years, in this way, Adier gained a lot of loyalty to his own Knight, and truly cultivated the profession of Knight to fight against the batch of wizarding forces left in the past in various regions, and gradually Really established the rule of King’s Courtyard.

After just watching it for a while, after a while, many Knights in front of him finished this training and started preparing to leave.

Instead of leaving directly, they arranged the lineup first, paid a knight salute to Adier collectively, and then gradually left, returning to their rest places.

“finish watching?”

When everything was over, a voice came from the side.

Listening to the sound, Adier turned around and looked towards the direction from which the sound came.

There, an elegant elf woman with a beautiful and noble appearance came from the side and it was Edice.

She was wearing a white dress today, she looked extremely elegant in every move, and smiled on her face when she saw Adier.

“You’re here.” Adier looked surprised when he saw Edice: “Has it been done?”

“Well, it’s over.” Walking to Adier, Edice nodded: “Including the Northern Territory, there are a total of 13 downfields. Starting next year, our wizards and Knights will be stationed to select qualified staff for us. Child. “

The so-called lower regions refer to those regions that connect to the Mason region, but the wizard civilization is far less developed than the Mason region.

In the past, the Southern Territory where Adier was born, and the Northern Territory that arrived later, belonged to this type of lower territory.

“Just do it.” Adier nodded, listening to Edice: “In the past, because of severe isolation and too few wizards, these places were too backward, and the selection of apprentices was too primitive, causing a lot of waste. . “

“Now we’re in charge. This situation must be avoided as much as possible.”

Looking at Edice, he said seriously.

This is indeed the status quo of those lower regions.

Take the Southern Territory where Adier used to be. In the entire Southern Territory, selecting apprentices still needs to be recommended. If the apprentices do not have family power behind them, there is no way to become a wizard apprentice.

As for the situation of Knight, let alone, unless it happens to be born in those noble families, otherwise this life is destined to be buried.

This will naturally cause great waste. It can be said that 99% of apprentices will be wasted in the process and will not be used at all.

“It’s OK to establish a stronghold and select apprentices by region.”

To Adier, Edice was a bit skeptical: “Other problems can be solved, but how to accurately check the apprenticeship and how to send them back? What should we do about these two problems?”

Both of these are very real issues.

For the current wizarding world, if you want to test the spiritual qualifications of a wizard, you often need some special medium, not just the eyes of the so-called Hell King Beast, but other and so on precious materials.

It would be unrealistic to test everybody ’s qualifications as a wizard according to Adier, and the consumption would be too great to be accepted in the current model.

The second problem is the problem of distance.

There is also a long chaos zone between the lower zone and the Mason region, but compared to other places, the danger of these chaos zones is not too great, so it can barely let people pass.

But even so, if you want to cross the isolation of the chaotic area and come to the Maison area from the lower area, you must take the expensive airship as Adier did.

This is also a very real issue. Airships are expensive, not to mention their cost, that is, every time an airship sails, it must consume a lot of magic stones.

If this method is chosen to transport the remaining apprentices in the lower lands, I am afraid that King’s Courtyard’s finances will not be able to bear it.

“The previous problem can be solved with Magic Transformed Item.”

Silently listening to Edice’s problems, Adier said.

“Magic Transformed Item?” Listening to this, Edice froze, then saw a deep black gem appear in front of her eyes.

“Is this?” She asked, looking at the black gemstone that Adier had passed in front of her.

“Stone of Spirits, this is something I made specifically to solve the first problem.” Holding this black gem in his hand, Adier said quietly: “This Magic Transformed Item can accurately sense some unique Fluctuating, to detect whether they have wizarding qualifications. “

“Of course, this can only detect whether you have qualifications, not specific qualifications.”

“It’s enough.” Edice affirmed nodded. “How difficult and how difficult is this Magic Transformed Item to make?”

“It’s not difficult, and the materials are not expensive, but it takes a little longer.” Adier opened the mouth and said: “With the drawings, a third-class apprentice who is proficient in magic arts takes about three months, To be able to make such a piece. “

“That’s enough, at least compared to what Hell King Beast eyes and so on, it’s cheaper and more realistic.” Edice shook his head, and then continued to ask: “So what’s the distance problem, how can this be solved?”

“There is no other way to solve this problem, only to level up those chaotic areas.” Looking at the sky in the distance, pondering for a while, Adier opened the mouth and said: “I have investigated some things in the chaotic area, The areas that can successfully establish contact with the Messen area are mostly not too dangerous, and the surrounding chaotic areas are not too high and within acceptable limits. “

“The reason why this wasn’t done in the past was because the Mason region was divided for a long time, and the Wizard Academy battled with each other, losing too much Strength.”

“Now we have unified Maison, and after fifty years of accumulation, Strength is enough.”

“It’s just that, the loss is doomed to be heavy.” Listening to Adier, Edice was a little worried and felt a bit wrong.

“It can’t be avoided, and it must be done.” Adier’s attitude seems firm: “Though the lower areas are backward, they are not useless, and there are also abundant resources in them to tap.”

“Only through the passage between the Mason area and these areas can these areas be truly occupied by us.”

“And those chaotic areas are a huge gain in themselves.”

Paused, Adier continued, “These chaotic areas were also part of the wizarding civilization in ancient times, and they contained many ancient wizarding ruins and inheritance.”

“And in those chaotic and uninhabited areas, there is no shortage of places with sufficient concentration of elemental particles. As long as the dangers are removed, these areas can be opened up.”

“You must know the gains.”

This chapter is a two-in-one chapter, and there will be another chapter later

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