At night, the thin moonlight shone on the earth.

In the magnificent palace, Adier walked quietly to an altar under the moonlight.

“Name: Adier.Fax. Strength: 237.1. Agility: 245.4. Constitution: 258.2. Spirit: 510.1. Boundary Energy: 251595.1. Power of Origin: 19.9. Bloodline: Moon Elf.”

The familiar attribute panel comes to mind, compared to the past, the data has some floating.

Especially in the column of Boundary Energy, after fifty years of accumulation at this time, it has reached 250,000 horrors.

Standing in front of the altar, looking at his physical data, Adier sighed softly: “A full fifty years, is there only such a little progress?”

Looking at his physical data, he sighed deeply, feeling a faint sense of weakness.

For a full fifty years, despite having to worry about a lot of trivia, Adier still took a lot of time to meditate and learn. After fifty years, there has been no break.

But even so, in the past 50 years, his progress is still very small, except for Boundary Energy, which has accumulated a lot because of time, the remaining Strength has not increased much at all.

Moreover, Adier can feel that even if it is his slight growth, most of them are not actually obtained through meditation, but driven by the growth of Power of Origin.

Thinking of this, he could not help but sighed deeply, and then continued to look towards the magnificent altar in front of him.

The altar in front of him is made by himself, and there are many Wizard Arrays on it, which can form a layer of protection. In a short time, even if it is also Level 4, it cannot be easily shaken.

“After fifty years, it’s time to continue …”

Looking at the altar in front of him, thinking about the experience of the past 50 years, Adier muttered to himself.

In the first few years, after he realized the slow progress, he had the intention to leave the Mason area and continue to explore other World.

At that time, the underground Devil’s projection had just fled, and the Mason region had just been unified. The situation had not been completely stabilized. If he left, it would be easy for problems.

Until now, a full fifty years have passed, the underground demon’s projection must have collapsed, and the Mason region has stabilized, so he can pull away from these trivia and start his journey again.

“let’s start···”

Looking at the altar in front of him, he murmured, and then sat up directly.

Activate the heavy Wizard Array that exists on the altar, he slowly closed his eyes, indulging his mind in his own roots.

After awakening the origin, the traversal ability has been attached to the origin of Adier, and has become part of the origin of Adier.

And at this moment, with the turbulence of Adier’s will, the origin of the light silver began to glow, and instantly disappeared from the place with Adier’s will, and came to a dark and deep place.

A little golden glow slowly bloomed.

After the initial darkness and depth, a golden river ran across the river. The water in it criss-crossed, flowing continuously, and brought a wave of time and space.

Surrounded by this long river of time and space, Adier was shrouded in a layer of light, floating along with the flowing golden water, and heading towards an unknown place in the distance.

Stars gradually pass by.

Adier was silent all the way, waiting silently for the time.

He wants to leave and go to other Worlds, but those too weak Worlds are not in his choice.

For him at present, the most suitable World is undoubtedly the World with Level 4.

The World with Level 4 often has huge value in itself, most of which have unique rules, and there are huge resources that can be tapped.

Like the Cursed World that Adier has gone to before, not only has rich resources, but also the cursed existence of this unique World phenomenon.

Unfortunately, although this long river of time and space, and the Worlds connected to it are almost endless, among these Worlds, the strong Great World that can meet Adier’s requirements is too rare.

The vast majority are dead worlds. Although a few Worlds have an active breath of life, the Strength shown in them is too weak to meet Adier’s requirements at all.

In order to find the right World, he had to continue looking forward, and eventually came to a fork in the road.

Here, Adier was a moment.

Because in the front, a very strange World is blooming rays of light.

It was also a very powerful World, but it was also very strange.

Because this world is not just one, but several connected together.

One of the largest worlds is at the center, and beside this world, several slightly smaller worlds are close to this world, and each other’s world barriers are merging and devouring each other.

Even without entering this world, just feeling the breath of this world, Adier can feel the fierce collision among them, and the wild roar of the power of World, even with Adier’s current Level 4 strength, he also feels a weakness With powerlessness.

“This is … engulfment and promotion between Worlds?”

As the water drifted forward, looking at this world, Adier froze and then reacted.

Worlds will devour and assimilate. This kind of thing, Adier has heard of it in Destiny World.

This kind of time is not uncommon, just like before, several Worlds swallowed together, and even the strength of each World is not weak, Adier is the first time to see it.

Looking at this world, Adier was hesitant for a moment.

The Strength of this world should not be weak. According to the situation that Adier senses, each World is considered to be very strong, and the World in its center is even more terrifying, almost stronger than the cursed World.

It’s just that these Worlds are in the stage of devouring fusion. If you go in at this time, what will happen is unpredictable.

In case of any accident, the Boundary Energy spent on this journey is almost nothing.

Just thinking about it, looking at the long and infinite space in front of him, Adier still made up his mind.

Just coming here, it has cost him thousands of Boundary Energy. If you continue to find it, don’t say when you can find the next suitable World, even if you find it, the Boundary Energy spent is probably a terrible figure. It is better to choose the World in front of you.

And World Convergence, although easy to bring additional dangers, may also have unexpected gains.

Thinking of this, Adier no longer hesitated, and thought directly, rushing towards the center of that World.

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