Amidst the barren sand, some people are struggling.

This is Elka Province, which is the largest area in the vicinity, and the poorest land and the worst place to produce.

A court epic once recorded that this was the battlefield of the King of Antiquity after the fierce battle. The great Strength left a deep mark on this land, destroying the original ecology of this land and making it originally rich. Become barren, and then become a bad land.

At this time, on this land, the entire group was struggling.

This is a small team of about five hundred people, and its composition is complex, including both a cavalry of about one hundred people, and casual staff such as chefs and maids.

At the very center of the team, a few white horses were pulling a gorgeous carriage, struggling on a rough road.

“Her Royal Highness Sisso hasn’t woken up yet?”

Riding on the forefront of the line, he looked up and looked at the hot sun in the sky. Luen felt the sweat on his forehead and asked the servants on the side.

“Not yet.” A Knight beside him answered seriously.

“Trouble …” Luen secretly sighed, looked at the sky in front of him, and after thinking about the distance, he ordered the people behind him to stop and start resting by a river.

At this point, within the carriage.

In the gorgeous and comfortable carriage, a lot of heat was flowing in all around, making people feel extremely hot.

Among them, a teenager wearing a white robe with a delicate and pretty face was lying there quietly, his face looking a little pale.

The rugged roads outside are turbulent. As the team continues to move forward, the carriage is also shaking constantly, making zhi zhi ya ya sounds from time to time.

It seems to be because it is too noisy and bumpy. As time goes by, the teenager gradually opens his eyes, and a little silver flashes in his eyes.

“here is···”

Just waking up from his deep sleep, his will seemed a bit chaotic, and after a while, he gradually woke up, clear comprehension of his state at this time.

“Sisso.Calade, King Culied third child.”

“Three months ago, because of offending his father, he was assigned to the border by King Culied, and turned from a prince into a marquis.”


“A Prince who has been relegated to the border, this time is lucky.”

With all the information in his head, Adier smiled.

Compared to the previous World Curse, this time the beginning of this time is indeed good.

As a Prince, even the derogatory ones are destined to have nothing to worry about. They are born at the top of society.

Although the identity of this world is useless to Adier, if you can have a good starting point, you can undoubtedly save him a lot of time.

“Well, the flow rate of time is ten to one compared with Wizard World. Although it is not as good as Cursed World, it is quite good.”

“As for the World Rules …”

While speaking, Adier moved gently, feeling the different atmosphere of this world, and had to helplessly accept a fact.

The rules of this world are very different from those of the Wizarding World. Neither mana nor Battle Qi can stretch in this world. Even the most basic Spirit power is also greatly restrained. It was originally able to move a large mountain. Spirit power, even this grass can’t be shaken in this world.

It’s not that Adier’s Strength has weakened, but that World’s rules are suppressing pure Spirit forces, which has caused the immediate result.

The only thing not restrained by World is Adier’s Power of Origin.

According to Adier’s feelings, even in this world with very different rules, his Power of Origin can show all its power.

“It seems that this time, the choice is reincarnation along with the origin, but it is right.”

Feeling the Power of Origin, which is still strong in the body, Adier sighed softly.

Reincarnation with the origin, this is an extra option after promotion to Level 4.

Rather than simply reincarnation, choosing to reincarnate together can bring your own strength to other worlds together, so that you can quickly rise in the new world instead of starting from scratch.

Of course, compared with the pure reincarnation, the Boundary Energy consumed by this reincarnation is also much more.

Fortunately, Boundary Energy in Adier’s hands is very abundant, otherwise, if he changed to other times, he would really be reluctant.

“Name: Adier.Fax. Strength: 1.7. Agility: 1.4. Constitution: 1.5. Spirit: 107.1. Boundary Energy: 234595.1. Power of Origin: 19.9.”

The data has been reduced a lot, even the most powerful Spirit, and because of the differences in the world and the weakness of the body, it can not be brought intact, only these can be left.

The only complete one is Adier’s Power of Origin, all without any loss.

“It seems that in ancient times, only Level 4 wizards were qualified to set foot in Strange World, and this is not without reason.” Feeling the change in his body, Adier shook his head and walked directly from the carriage.

Stepping out of the carriage, a cool breeze blew from a distance. While bringing up a leaf, it also gave Adier a coolness.

In front of me is a wood, surrounded by tall trees, each of which is at least a dozen meters tall, covered with light green leaves with a unique texture.

Under this forest, some servants are cooking in the middle of a fire, and several burly chefs are nervously processing various materials in preparation for lunch.

“His Royal Highness Sisso!”

In the distance, a sound of surprise came, accompanied by a rush of footsteps.

This is a middle-aged man wearing a black chain mail, with a normal face, a helmet on his head, and a long sword on his waist. At this time, he strode to Adier and his face looked very surprised.

“Luen, you are here.”

Looking at this person in front of him, Adier’s face was calm and did not show any strangeness, but he asked calmly, “How long can I get to the place.”

“It’s … as it stands now, it will take about three hours.” Looking at Adier in front of him, Luen made an estimate and then answered seriously.

Three hours, this time is quite similar to what Adier estimated.

Sitting in the shade of a tree, Adier kept Luen down and discussed quietly for a long time.

The topics they discussed were nothing more than the current situation in Elka Province and the problems they were facing when they arrived in the territory.

In the face of these questions from Adier, Luen was somewhat surprised.

Adier’s physical predecessor, that is, the Sisso Prince has never asked these things before. After being dismissed, he drunken the stupor all day, completely handing over the things in the team to Luen.

Luen was used to this, but he didn’t expect Adier to change the normal situation in the past and ask again.

Although unexpected, Prince’s order was still heeded.

Even if Prince is reviled, it is also Prince, far more noble than a nobody like him.

Therefore, facing Adier’s question, Luen answered it very seriously, and there was no slackness in the process.

Sorry, it’s too sleepy tonight, my eyelids have been jumping, this is the only change

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