“It seems that this World is really not simple.”

Sitting in the shade and sending Luen away, Adier was lost in thought: “Is it the King of Antiquity?”

The advantage of turning into a Prince is that it can be at the top of society from the beginning, and can know the secrets that ordinary people don’t know at all, such as King of Antiquity.

The so-called King of Antiquity is a legend widely spread in this world.

In folklore, during the wild days of the World, there were a person who came to the world, leading the people who were still in the original stage to rise, breaking the rule of the evil dynasty and achieving the new World today.

King of Antiquity is the strongest being in the world. They can raise the hand to break the sky, and in one thought can sink the continuous sea, which is the greatest and eternal existence in the world.

If it is an ordinary person, after hearing all kinds of rumors about King of Antiquity, most of them will think that this is just ordinary folklore, but after inheriting the memory of Sisso, Adier understands that these are not legends at all, but what happened. .

King of Antiquity does exist, and was once active thousands of years ago, but gradually lost track of it over time.

As for why the original Sisso was so sure?

Adier waved his hand, and a faint blood-color halo was gradually revealed on his hand. Among them, a Scarlet Red Blood Imprint was flickering, which contained a fiery huge Strength.

This Strength is different from mana and vitality. It is more similar to Adier’s Moon Elf power and originates entirely from Bloodline. It has nothing to do with the day after tomorrow.

In other words, this is actually one of the powers of Bloodline.

“The power of Bloodline, the so-called Calade Royal Family, is actually a descendant of the King of Antiquity Bloodline?”

Feeling the Strength contained in this body, Adier could not help shaking his head: “too weak.”

This weakness does not refer to King of Antiquity, but to this body.

In Adier’s induction, the power of Bloodline contained in this body, not to mention his body, even compared to an ordinary elf aristocracy, blinded the original Royal Family identity .

The reason why you can activate the Blood Imprint right now is actually that Adier has strong control. This can accurately find the thin Bloodline contained in the body, and use its own Bloodline to activate it.

If I changed to the original Sisso, I am afraid that there is no difference at all except that the body is stronger than ordinary people and lifespan is probably a little more.

“It’s no wonder that this kind of waste will be driven out and reduced from the original Prince to a border lord.”

Sitting in the shade, Adier shook his head, then gradually lost his thoughts.

From Sisso’s original memory, Adier not at all found other extraordinary systems, which were basically Bloodline theories. Powerhouse was a powerhouse from the beginning, and civilians were civilians from the beginning, speaking entirely by birth.

Of course, it is not ruled out that this is the reason why Sisso not at all awakens Bloodline, and fails to really awaken Bloodline.

Without being able to awaken Bloodline, you cannot become a true Transcender, and many things will naturally not be clear.

“Forget it, there is still a long time left and right, first stabilize, and then slowly explore the situation in this world.”

At the end of the day, Adier got up from his place and looked towards the endless forest.

After being promoted to Level 4, he is in the Mason area. His time is not as urgent as in the past, and he can explore slowly, not as urgent as in the past.

The curse of the Scourge on the original himself, after he was promoted to Level 4, the threat was much smaller. After the Emerald Mark completely disappeared, Adier was confident to suppress the curse of the Scourge.

With this condition, with Level 4 lifespan, he still has a lot of time to consume, so there is no need to worry so much.

In the shade, more than half an hour later, the whole team set off again, headed towards the destination at this time under the leadership of Luen.

In the process, Adier didn’t say a word, just as silent as before, but the maids in the carriage were no longer there, and he was rushed to other carriages.

This episode did not cause any surprises. Under the hot sun, the entire team was moving forward, just like before.

It was not until dusk that they stopped and reached their destination this time.

“Is this the only one?”

Outside in the dusk, Adier stepped off the carriage and looked at the scene in front of him, frowning slightly. With his tall and erect figure, he had some pretentious looks.

In front of him, an Old Codger wearing a red linen robe was standing in front of him with trembling with fear, and behind him was a welcome team of about two hundred people.

This team is the guard of the city in front. At this time, with Adier, the new lord, each and everyone is mobilized by the local sheriff and welcomed together.

What makes Adier frown is the status of these guards. Each and everyone looks like they are malnourished, and their body armor is broken. Some people even came in wearing animal skins. There was no decent. equipment.

No matter from Essence, Qi, Spirit, or from the equipment on his body, this is not like an army, but rather a group of farmers in the field.

“It’s really so …”

Adier shook his head, expressionless looking towards the old man in front of him, which is the assistant officer of the city: “Why are there only such people?”

“Isn’t it saying that Sisli City has a full five hundred guard establishment? Why are there only two hundred here?”

He looked at the old man in front of him, his face cold.

If it was the original Sisso, the situation may not be clear, but Adier is not.

Some common sense things, on the way, through discussions with Luen, he has probably figured it out. This includes part of the situation in front of the city.

As one of the few cities of the Calade Empire in Elka Province, Sisely is undoubtedly a poor city, not to mention that compared with those prosperous areas, it is far worse than ordinary places. Backcountry.

The city is best known for its chaos, bandits, robbers, and conflicts among ethnic minorities.

Because of this, the border city’s military force is not bad. Under the original rule of the empire, it has a warrior establishment of 500 people and enjoys military expenses of 500 people.

According to Luen’s previous investigation, the soldiers in Sisely City are undoubtedly full, that is, a total of 500 soldiers with armor.

In front of Adier, let alone five hundred people, not even half of the full amount.

As for the so-called armor, let alone mention it.

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