
Standing in front of everyone, facing Adier’s questioning, the old man was sweating and stammered for a long time, and didn’t know what to say.

Obviously he had already thought about the response in advance, but at this time facing Adier in person, feeling Adier’s cold look, he seemed to be stared at by a fierce beast, and he could not speak at all.

Adier’s momentum is too strong. This is not only a matter of identity, but also of Adier’s huge Spirit.

With his strong Spirit power, even in this world, there is a lot of restrictions, but to deter an ordinary person with no difficulty, he can’t afford half resistance.


After watching the old man quietly for a while, Adier finally let go, and then turned his attention to the long line in front of him.

The line at the city gate is long.

In addition to the city’s guards and officials being mobilized in a unified manner, many people in the city came out to watch, including local residents and some foreign businessmen, as well as some local families.

after all is the new lord takes office, there will always be people who will come and see, even if it is impossible to get in touch with the new lord, it is good to at least recognize the appearance of the new lord.

Looking at these people, Adier suddenly stopped.

Because in his induction, there seemed to be a few Dao Aura lurking in front of him, incompatible with the surrounding world, exuding a strange breath.

They were tall men in animal fur coats who looked out of place.

The reason why they are incompatible is their Essence, Qi, Spirit.

People who live comfortably in modern big cities are different from those who lived in ancient times and have been planting their entire lives.

In front of them, this is how Adier feels.

In Adier’s Spirit induction, the Spirit fluctuations of these people are full of agility and activity, contrasting with the numbness and silence of others around them.

Most obviously, it was when Adier looked towards them.

What arose in the hearts of other people was awe, but the emotions that appeared most in the hearts of these people were excitement and excitement.

“Interesting, alien visitors from another World …”

Withdrawing his eyes from those people, Adier’s expression did not change, but he sighed in his heart.

This world is not simply a World, but a combination of several Worlds.

Adier still remembers the scene when he first entered this world. Several Worlds merged with each other, and each other’s World barriers began to melt away and gradually became one.

The people in front of them bear the strong Strange World mark, but they have the thin atmosphere of this World. Obviously, they are the people who have been swallowed up in the World.

Thinking of this, Adier’s heart moved, but there was no change on the surface, and he still maintained the solemn and majestic appearance before, riding a horse alone, and taking the guard behind him into the city ahead.

As Adier entered the city, the originally gathered people outside the city gate gradually dispersed, leaving only a few sparse people.

“Is that the City Lord here? Sure enough the tyrant.”

Looking at Adier’s distant back, a burly young man with a dark complexion and a tall and strong look brightened: “Seeing his outfit? Not to mention anything else, it is the white horse. At this stage of the game, there are How many people can have? “

“Don’t just look at those things.” A white-skinned Sven young man took a step forward. Although wearing a fur coat, he looked like a noble-born Scholar: “I’ve found someone to buy the news, this Sisso Marquis It is said that the Prince of the Calade Empire, although not liked by the king, is also a Prince, and a few good horses are nothing. “

“Looking at the army behind the opponent, it’s just the one hundred Knights, I’m afraid he can easily overthousands of people.” He flushed and looked at the Knights who accompanied Adier into the city. He was a little excited and a little fanatic: “This is opportunity.”

“What?” The others stunned, but the burly young man’s eyes brightened: “Schilim, you think …”

“Yeah.” The Sven youth named Schilim was nodded. “This Sisso Prince is a great opportunity.”

“I have studied the background of this game, and finally found out that there are only a few ways to want to start in this world where the class flow is extremely slow and harsh.”

“Either do business and become a well-known big businessman; or become a robber on the rebellion, and finally be surrendered by the kingdom to become a noble; or directly hook up with a big noble and become the other party …

Schilim glowed in front of his eyes: “Under normal circumstances, we can do these methods at the same time, but now we have a good choice.”

Speaking of which, his tone was paused, and then pointed to the city gate in the distance: “There is a Prince here. Although the situation is neglected, it is also Prince.”

“At this stage, of all the players in the World, let alone Prince, there are not many who can go online with lower aristocrats. Once we have joined this Prince, our founding association will be able to lay down the size of the Early Stage. Advantage!”

“Unfortunately, how can I get online with this Prince?” Schilim, who was looking thoughtfully, continued to ask.

“It’s not difficult.” Schilim laughed: “President Lera, you saw it just now.”

“The situation in this city of Sisely has been so bad. Even the original 500 guards have become 200 farmers. Everyone understands the problems, and we don’t need to continue the discussion.”

“This is the city of Sisely, surrounded by robbers and indigenous people. It is dangerous everywhere. In this case, as long as the Sisso Prince has a sense of crisis, he will strengthen his military strength, which is to recruit soldiers.”

“At that time, the opportunity for our founding association will come.” He spread his hand, said with a smile.

“Indeed.” Listening to this, Lera laughed.

In other respects, they may not have an advantage compared to the indigenous people in this game, but in this regard, these players have a great advantage.

As players growing up in modern society, compared with the indigenous people of this world, most of them are burly and strong men. When it comes to physical strength, they are by no means comparable to the malnourished indigenous people of this world.

And as players, they are not afraid of death. After all, even if they die, they can spend the game to resurrect the gold coin. As long as they have enough harvest, they can fight without fear of death, which is totally unmatched by the indigenous people in this world.

“Go back and do a census to see how many people in our association were born in Elka Province.”

Looking at the sparse flow of people in front of him, Lera opened the mouth and said: “After we determine the next move of this Prince, we will issue a notice to let all our members come here.”

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