“Genesis? Player, game?”

On the other side of the city, riding on the streets of the city, Adier corner of mouth twitching, somehow felt a deep sense of sight.

As a veteran rider, although he didn’t know much about games, he certainly knew it.

The mouths of those “players” are not critical.

Maybe it was a subconscious thought that this was a game World. For some information, those foreign visitors just slightly masked it. After all the surrounding residents left, they discussed it in a generous manner without any precautionary consciousness at all.

This is no wonder, after all, if these strangers treat this world as a kind of game, naturally they will not have the kind of alertness in the real world.

In addition, there seems to be some kind of defense mechanism in these alien visitors.

Just as Adier peered at the strangers, some strange strengths emerged from the strangers, directly weakening the sense of existence of the strangers, and directly blocking their words.

For the blocked Strength, Adier estimates that if he had not been born after his promotion to Level 4, I am afraid that he would also be affected by the power of the shielding, and the words of those people would be ignored by accident.

This can also explain some exceptions.

After all, reality is not a real game. If these players have no defense at all, with these players’ abnormalities, I am afraid that the indigenous people around them will be alerted early, which will lead to various consequences.

But with this Strength’s shielding, these players can survive in this world safely, and some abnormal actions and language will not arouse the alertness of the surrounding indigenous people.

“Interesting, is the shelter of World consciousness?”

Feeling the breath of those strangers, Adier smiled.

He is no stranger to the Strength that exists in those strangers, but has experienced it in many Worlds before.

That is the Strength that belongs to the World Consciousness. It’s just that compared to the World Adier has experienced before, the World Conscious Strength on these alien visitors is more active, not as dead as other Worlds, full of a sense of activity.

This is also very understandable. After all, the world is approaching the point of integration. It is impossible for World consciousness to become silent even if it becomes silent. It is normal to change from silent to active.

“Player …”

Silently reading the word, Adier’s face remained unchanged, but he looked silently towards one side: “Luen.”

“Your Highness, what do you tell me?” Next to him, Luen rushed forward and looked at Adier respectfully asked.

“How do you think we recruit some soldiers locally?” Looking at Luen, Adier asked thoughtfully.

“This is a necessary practice.” Luen froze, and then nodded: “Even if His Royal Highness doesn’t say it, I will advise His Highness next.”

“Sisely City’s defenses are too lax, and if there is any accident, it may be dangerous.”

“After a few days, send someone to announce the news around the city.” Looking at a certain direction in the distance, Adier pointed out: “The original two hundred guards in the city did not rush to disperse first, but retained their training there first. a period of time.”

“Before the end of this month, we will complete the original five hundred establishment.”

“I’m afraid it will cost a lot of money.” Luen was silent for a while, then opened the mouth and said.

“Sisely City’s tax has not been adjusted for the previous three years. This is a sum of money. In addition, I can also pay for the critical time.” Adier said indifferently.

As a Prince, the body owner of Adier is not a Prince as clearly as in the novels, but he is not as good as a slave.

Although this body is not liked by the original father, it is also a well-known Prince. Although the wealth accumulated in the past two decades is not as good as some big nobles, it is definitely a lot. It is only with no difficulty to recruit hundreds of people.

“Then there is no problem.” Luen smiled on Adier’s face as he spoke, clapping his chest against Adier and assuring: “As long as you have enough finances, you can easily recruit the right soldiers here.”

“I hope so.” Adier nodded, then looked towards the other side, with inexplicable meaning in his eyes.

Aren’t those players waiting for his actions, then he will give them a chance on their own initiative.

In the next few days, Adier did not show much anomaly, but seemed to be much more diligent, handling various affairs in the mansion and completing the transfer of Sisely City.

According to the prior plan, he also sent people to various streets in the city to publicize the news of recruiting soldiers.

“I’m coming!”

At noon, the sun was shining high in the sky, roasting the entire city like a big stove.

On a high platform in the city, a decently dressed young herald was speaking on the high platform.

The content of the speech is not much, just a few, the most important of which is the news of the recruitment of soldiers announced by Adier.

“··· The soldiers who have passed the screening can settle in the residence of the Marquis, and receive 53 nars each month, two sacks of wheat …”

After a while, the high voice was uploaded from the high platform, and it didn’t take long. After the reading was finished here, the hermit looked at the crowded people frowning, and finally sweated out from here and went to the next place to read.

This is the limitation of this backward society, and communication basically relies on shouting.

There are papers, but unfortunately, the literacy rate in this world is obviously not high. If it ’s like a notice posted in a TV series, Adier estimates that few people can understand it.

After all, he was recruiting a soldier, not a magician, and it was common sense that he didn’t know the word.

Forced by this situation, he had to order a high platform in each and everyone as a temporary announcement point, sending someone to announce the decree in the most primitive way.

“Schilim, we really guessed it!”

Standing outside a platform, watching the gradual flow of people outside, Lera was a little excited: “The new lord really ordered the recruitment of soldiers, our opportunity is here!”

“As long as we become regular fighters, we can leave our current identity and directly enter the city’s military system and start the next development!”

He said with some excitement, a lot of sweat hanging on a dark face.

Although it is a “player” identity, this “game” is extremely unfriendly to these players.

I don’t know if it is for authenticity or any other reason. When the player is born, in addition to the clothes on the body, they are often all whiteboards.

But even if there is no money on the body, players still need to eat in this world, otherwise the hunger value will gradually decrease, and finally starve to nothing like ordinary person.

Therefore, these players have tried everything to prevent their characters from being starved at the beginning of their lives.

There are people who steal things, people who sell labor, and people who hunt and eat wild vegetables on their own. In short, everyone has tried various methods.

As players born in Elka Province, these people have a particularly miserable life.

Elka Province is a well-known bad place. It is not a prosperous place at all. It is surrounded by robbers and many indigenous people.

These players want to develop in this place, it can be described as extremely difficult, can not find many opportunities.

At present, the recruitment of local lords is an excellent opportunity for these players.

This is a formal recruitment, recruiting serious soldiers, not cannon fodder temporarily recruited during the war.

As a standing strength in the territory, this serious standing army, although not very precious, is rarely called for publicly.

This time they were able to meet, still relying on the complex situation near the city of Sisely, and the new lord took office, and the military strength was insufficient.

“As long as we are warriors, with our ability, if we are willing to work hard, we can always get ahead.”

After a few laps on the spot, Lera opened the mouth and said with some excitement: “If it can be mixed into an officer, then the situation is opened, and everything is easier afterwards.”

“Schilim, how many members do we have near the city of Sisely?” He looked at the young Sven, and asked,

“It has been counted, and there are 78 people in total.” On the side, Schilim nodded, opened the mouth and said: “But there are only 53 male members here, and the rest are female members, which is not suitable for the recruitment of soldiers condition.”

“Fifty-three people are enough.” Lera nodded: “Send a message after turning back offline, let them turn back to put down their things, come and gather with us.”

“Although there are not many players in Sisely City, there are many other than us. Don’t be preempted by others.”

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