“Pass, next.”

In a flat and spacious place, looking at the robust man in front of him, he gently lowered the heavy armor on his hand, and the attendant in charge of the inspection was gentle nodded, indicating that this person was qualified.

The selection of soldiers is not at all complicated. The only item is the study of Strength and physical strength.

You can wear heavy iron armor and move freely in the armor-piercing state, even if you pass.

This is the most basic assessment. After all, this is the recruitment of regular troops. If you do not have the strength to wear armor, how can you expect these people to fight on the battlefield in the future.

However, looking at each and everyone robust man putting on armor, Luciu in charge watching it a bit surprised.

“Are the residents of the city of Sisely so good?”

He looked at each and everyone in front of them. It was a little bit effortless to wear armor, and to run fast on the road to the robust man of Agility.

The scene in front of him is obviously somewhat unexpected.

The living standard of this world is very low. Many local residents have malnutrition. Although it can not be said that they are physically disabled, they are basically not healthy.

But these people who are applying now are different. Basically, all of them seem to be physically fit, even if they are thin and weak, their physical strength is not weak, and they don’t look like people who are under fed all year round.

Even more exaggerated is that there are several fats in it, each and everyone has a tender white body and a raised belly, which makes Luen couldn’t help looking at it a few more times.

“Perhaps because the indigenous people here are different from other places.”

I couldn’t figure out the reason. Looking at the anomaly in front of him, Luen had to explain it.

These people are actually the players of Sisely City.

I have to say that Adier’s preparations are well done. At least after he announced the recruitment news, players in the entire Elka Province received the news. At this time, everyone near the city of Sisely was coming to Adier.

Of course, this news can be reached, not because of how powerful Adier’s propaganda methods are, but because of the player’s own communication and connection.

Since it is a game, something like a game forum is definitely indispensable. As long as a few players release the news announced in Sisely City, basically the surrounding players will soon know.

Now these people are obviously attracted to this.

“His Royal Highness, the number is almost enough. Do you want to continue?”

On one side, after reviewing the soldiers who had come to the clinic this time, Luen turned back from the field in front of him and came to Adier, watching him softly and asking.

Listening to the sound, Adier didn’t answer immediately, but turned around and looked towards the spacious ground in front of him.

Dozens of people are standing there neatly on the court, at this time there are neatly lined up there, and each and everyone looks pretty good.

Looking at these people, Adier shook his head secretly.

About half of the eventy-eighty people in the team are wearing Strange World, which obviously belongs to the players.

There is no way. Compared with the indigenous people of this World, these players have too much advantage, not to mention other, just the huge gap in the living standards of the two sides can make the difference between the two.

Therefore, with the exception of a few people, as long as these players come to the clinic, they are basically unlikely to be brushed down.

“The mark is getting stronger.”

A slight glance at the team in front of him seemed to be reviewing, but secretly, Adier was thinking.

He has been watching these “players” ever since he came to the city.

For more than half a month, in addition to learning a lot from these players, Adier also found something.

The breath of Strange World on these players is gradually fading.

As visitors from a different world, these players are undoubtedly completely aliens from the beginning. The breath on their bodies is incompatible with this world. If it were not for the blessing and blessing of another World, they would be directly excluded.

But over time, as these players spend more and more time in this world, the breath of Strange World on these players gradually fades, and instead, the imprint of this world on their body is gradually growing.

This kind of change is very slow. If there is no chip observation, it can’t be found by Adier itself, but it does exist, and it is being carried out firmly.

In this period, Adier also came to his own conclusions.

This is mostly a prelude to World Fusion, and a sign that these players will soon be integrated into the new World.

Over time, the degree of World convergence will continue to deepen. When the world of these players is completely annexed by the current this world, the Strange World breath of these players will probably disappear, and they will become people of this world completely.

By then, players will no longer be players.

Thinking of this, Adier could not help but look up, took a deep look at the queue in front of him, then turned around and looked at Luen: “Since people are enough, this time the solicitation is here.”

“Send someone to the mansion and arrange with those people before.”

“Yes.” Luen respected the nodded, watching Adier’s back, and soon walked to the stage, and began to direct these newcomers forward.

Soon, it was afternoon.

“Very good, everything seems to be going well.”

A fairly spacious small room with five people crowded together and discussing.

“Participating in the army is quite smooth, but this game is broken, and there are no missions to date, it is quite troublesome.” Sitting on a wooden bed, one person complained: “Except for the main missions, I didn’t see any other task. “

“There are still missions, you see, this time successfully joining the army, isn’t it just a mission?” Aside, Lera said indifferently, “Don’t you get the reward?”

“This is also called a reward?” The man was a little speechless: “After the selection, the title of this formal soldier and the benefits he enjoyed could have been obtained …”

“You don’t understand it,” Lera said with a smile. “It’s called increasing authenticity. It would be boring if the rewards were directly given to you out of thin air.”

“But speaking of which, the task system in this game is pit-less.” It seemed to be thinking of something, and he also murmured a bit: “Like us, the task reward is pretty good, if it is done hard It ’s miserable to get the task and finally get nothing. “

Listening to this, the others present were silently nodded.

When the genesis game started, many of these things happened.

Many players went to the indigenous people to take on various tasks, and finally worked hard, but they got nothing, and there were no rewards or rewards at all.

It’s like a player that Lera remembers.

As soon as the player was born in the game, he received a revenge mission, if he killed a certain enemy for someone. But when he worked hard to complete the task and went back to the person who posted the task, he found that the person who posted the task had been hacked to death.

This is naturally extremely embarrassing. It is said that the player who completed the mission collapsed, and was surprised that the tombstone of the person who posted the mission was dug up.

And similar to this kind of thing, there are many in the game Early-Stage, feedback to the game official, but also did not get any response.

It wasn’t until the game passed for a while that the majority of players started to learn how to do good. After that, those tasks that do not see benefits will not move at all.

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