Time passed a few more days soon.

One morning, a group of people were training in a frenzy on a spacious flat ground.

The content of training is not much. In addition to the usual physical training, they are fighting each other to let these newcomers learn something in confrontation with each other.

boom! !

With a dull bang, Lera pushed a big man to the ground and stood at the end.

This is the usual training, but just as Adier suggested, in order to motivate these soldiers, each of the best performers in each training has additional rewards.

Standing in front of the high platform, Lera smiled and took a golden round Little Jin coin from the attendant officer in front of her, smiling very happy there.

It wasn’t all pretense, in fact, he did have reasons to be happy.

The creation game is the greatest invention of the new world. It not only uses the most advanced virtual technology, but also has the full support of most countries in the world.

With this heavy influence and the full support of governments, the currency in the game World can actually be exchanged for real currency, and the exchange rate is very high.

Just this Kinnar in his hand, if he is willing to take the shot, he can at least be worth two to three months of income for ordinary people.

Moreover, at this price, it seems that it is still low at present. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to buy it because there are too many people who want to buy it.

Thinking of this, Lera’s smile was even brighter, and with his dark face, it looked honest.

However, despite the bright smile on his face, his eyes were constantly looking outwards, constantly looking somewhere.

The place was a small pavilion, not too far from here, just a dozen meters away.

While there, some people were sitting there, and one of them even made many of the soldiers in the training room unable to turn their eyes away, and looked at each other with an unconscious look.

The reason for this is not because the other party is peerless beauty, but because of the other party’s identity.

Calade Prince, the new lord of Sisely, a marquis.

For players at the current stage, as long as there is one of the above identities, it is already a well-deserved golden thigh. As long as you can hold one, you will immediately develop a rhythm. It is not a problem to go to life Peak from then on.

It can be imagined how important the Adier is in the eyes of these players.

After receiving the reward this time, Lera was ready to step down and return to her team.

Only at this moment, an unexpected sound suddenly sounded, making his movements stiff.

“Let him come.” A soft voice came from a distance. Although it was far away, it was accurately heard.

Listening to this voice, Lera froze, then exulted.

After so many days of performance, what he has done is actually this.

Resisting the excitement in his heart, he looked towards the attendant officer, and then led by the other party, walked honestly toward the pavilion ahead.

Not long after, he walked into this small pavilion and saw the person who had spoken before.

Very young and majestic, this is the first impression that Adier gave Lera.

Going to Adier, Lera only had a look, then lowered his head, maintaining the humility of the inferior to the superior.

“You’re Lera?” In front of him, Adier’s voice continued to sound.

“Yes.” Lera nodded, but focused on his character panel.

“The character relationship has been established.” On the character panel, a piece of information first appeared, and then Adier’s identity data emerged immediately.

This is a feature of the creation game. Although there is also an identity panel, you can check the identity of the game character, but you must establish a connection with the target character.

It was as if, before Adier and Lera had spoken a word, the character connection was established and he could see Adier’s identity panel.

Without too much hesitation, while distracted to deal with Adier, Lera directly opened Adier’s identity panel.

Name: Sisso .Calade

Identity: Calade Empire Prince, Lord of Sisely City, Calade Empire Marquis …

Strength level: 7th grade (tenth order)

lifespan: five hundred 72 years.

Bloodline Source: King of Antiquity

Ability: Unknown


Each item of data is skipped, and it contains both identity lifespan and other data.

However, most of these data are unknown, and only a few of them can be displayed.

However, it is just shocking enough to just show the data.

“This, this … 7th grade …”

Standing in front of Adier, looking at Adier’s identity panel, the boss with Lera’s eyes open was full of shock and his face was completely savvy.

This is not to blame him. In fact, if you change to another player, the reaction may be even more exaggerated at this time.

What is 7th grade?

Take the official data learned by Lera, even if it is the most powerhouse in the creation game at this time, I am afraid that it is the ninth stage. If it is only put into the Calade Empire, even if it is the most powerhouse on the bright side of the Calade Empire, the King of Culied is said to be only 7th grade, which is comparable to Adier.

Moreover, from the attribute panel, this is not the whole strength of Adier.

The tenth order in the brackets indicates that the other party’s heyday was the real tenth order powerhouse. At this time, I am afraid that it is only seriously injured or suppressed.

“Tenth level … This is already the level of King of Antiquity …”

Thoughts flashed through my heart, and at this moment, Lera’s entire heart was shaking.

According to widely given information, the most powerful house in the creation game, the group of people with the title of King of Antiquity, has a strength between about tenth to twelfth.

The strength of the tenth order, if it is in full bloom, is now King of Antiquity, even if it is the weakest level, it is also King of Antiquity.

A living King of Antiquity!

Flashing this thought in his heart, Lera just felt that his whole body was boiling, his whole body was shaking slightly with excitement, and the whole person was instantly filled with an excited emotion.

“Jackpot!” At this moment, there was only one thought in his mind. In order not to make his appearance too obvious, he lowered his head to prevent others from seeing his too excited face.

“It’s a big deal.” In front of him, watching Lera shaking in front of him, aware of his inner thoughts, Adier shook the head.

In the past, there has been the disguise of the emerald mark, but he did not expect this.

Just now, as Lera talked to him, a force of World swept over Adier.

Although Adier was very alert, it was just that moment that was enough for the other party to get a lot of things.

This after all is a World-conscious Strength. Even if Adier is a Level 4, he will win if he is not careful.

Of course, this is actually nothing.

He entered this world. Although he did not have the camouflage of the Emerald Mark, he also re-entered through the shuttle ability.

This is equivalent to backing up in this world. After a proper registration process, even if some abnormalities are exposed, wisdom is ignored by World consciousness and will not be alerted.


PS: Recommend a WeChat Princess: Red Sword’s Book Waste Relief

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