“Maybe it’s not a bad thing.”

At present, Adier was aware of the thoughts in Lera’s heart, and felt some of the emotions deep inside him, and Adier was speechless.

The opponent is obviously still in the mindset of the game player. At this time, most of them think that they have encountered a hidden plot, or even a hidden character.

Shook the head lightly, he was impassive on the surface, as if nothing had been found. After encouraging Lera in front of him, he let him step back and return to his team.

Of course, before leaving, in some way, Adier also did some tricks on the other party, dividing part of his Power of Origin and depositing it in front of Lera.

This not at all aroused the alert of the other party, and it was done very smoothly.

Until Adier made the other side back down, the other side didn’t notice anything abnormal, but just respectfully backed down from Adier and went all the way to the distance.

Walking on the road, Lera was still very excited, and the whole body’s blood was burning, just like living in a dream.

He never dreamed that he could run into such a big prize.

King of Antiquity, what does this mean?

This means that the highest level in the creation game, especially at the current stage, according to the official data, in the current game stage, the ninth stage is the most powerhouse of the entire World.

The tenth order of Adier means that it is stronger than the current ninth order. Even according to the official data, a tenth order King of Antiquity wants to kill a ninth order with no difficulty. There is no such thing. How much difficulty.

“There is a secret, there must be a secret!”

Walking on the road, Lera thought with great excitement. At this moment, she was in a state of unprecedented excitement, her brain was running madly, deducing the possibilities.

How can a tenth-order powerhouse stand safely in front of a local lord?

Although the marquis’ status is equally noble, let alone the counterpart’s heyday is comparable to King of Antiquity. Even if the 7th grade strength shown today is enough to sweep the entire Calade Empire, how could it be possible to stay in such a small place with peace of mind?

Ask yourself, if Lera owns this Strength, where else would it be so low-key, maybe he would just go out and kill the throne from King Culied.

“Will this Sisso Prince itself be a complete carrier of King of Antiquity … but it is not fully awakened yet?”

Suddenly, Lera thought of a possibility, and immediately flashed: “Even, the other party may not know how strong Strength they have, just think that he is an ordinary Prince.”

The more he thought, the more he felt possible, and the more excited he became.

“President, what’s wrong?” Aside, Schilim’s voice came.

He stood in the queue, looking at Lera, who was clearly over-excited in front of him, and felt something abnormal. He could not help lowering his voice and asked softly, “How?”

“Encountered a big fish.” Lera nodded, then looked at all around, could not help lowering his voice: “Let’s go back and say.”

“Okay.” Looking at Lera’s cautious look, Schilim realized what was going on, then followed Lera and walked towards his place of residence.

After a while, inside the house, several people began to gather.

Schilim took a look. The people in front of them were basically core members of the founding association, and their loyalty to the association was usually the highest.

After everyone arrived, Lera took a deep breath.

He did not explain, that efficiency was too low, and he could not disclose all the information accurately.

So, he directly sent a screenshot with Adier’s identity data.

Suddenly, the air in the place began to stagnate, and the surroundings began to become quiet for a moment, only a sound of heavy breathing continued to sound.

Looking at this gorgeous and horrifying identity data, none of the people present were able to keep calm, even the most calm Schilim, who was breathing at an accelerated rate, and his eyes became horrified and excited.

“President, this, this …”

After a long time, someone finally reluctantly calmed down from the excitement, looked at the people in front of Lera, wanted to say something, but stuttered and became incoherent.

“You must act as soon as possible!” Aside, Schilim decisively opened the mouth and said: “President, this news, for the time being, no one else should know.”

“Should not.” Lera shook the head: “You also know that the game has only begun for two months now. If it wasn’t for our luck, who could contact an Empire Prince?”

Listening to this, several people around nodded.

Noble nobles are not so accessible in this world. The game system not at all sets the identity for the player, which means that the identity of the player at the beginning is basically blank.

Such a person with a blank identity, let alone contact with those upper nobles, will have a hard time even in daily life.

Lera was able to get in close contact with the Prince, Adier, because of a series of coincidences.

In just two months, they don’t think there will be a second lucky.

“This news is only known to us for the time being, but if it is a few months later, I am afraid that more and more people will know it.” Schilim calmly analyzed: “After all, there are not a few players in the guards. There is always good luck talking to Sisso Prince. “

“So we must take advantage of this as soon as possible to establish our strengths.”

Listening to this, Lera was silently nodded.

The reason why he did not swallow the news alone, but chose to make it public to the core members of Schilim. In addition to trusting them, the news could not be kept for too long is also an important reason.

As the game time continues to grow and the number of players continues to increase, sooner or later, players will come into contact with Sisso Prince and eventually discover this secret.

Since it will be discovered sooner or later, it is better to make it public to the core members, and then focus on the entire Society’s Strength to attack Sisso Prince.

“But how do you attack this Sisso Prince?”

Then one person spoke up and asked a new question.

Suddenly, everyone frowned.

It seems that in order to maintain the authenticity of the game World, not at all comes with character favor system in the creation game, so it is naturally impossible to have a real strategy.

This has also caused immediate problems.

“There is only one solution to this problem.” Schilim calmly said, “If you want to have a relationship with this Sisso Prince, naturally you should move closer to each other as much as possible.”

“I propose that in the future, the focus of our association’s development will be placed in Sisely City. Members who enter the game in the future, regardless of gender, will be unified into Sisely City to cooperate with our actions.”

He looked at Lera seriously and said, “The strength of our founding association is not too strong, but it is not weak. Although there are not many members in the entire association, there are also nearly a thousand people, which is considered a weak strength.

“Although the strengths of the large associations are stronger than ours, they are mostly born elsewhere. When this large-scale development is in front of us, it is impossible to shrink all the strengths and put them in the city of Sisely like we did.

“Taking advantage of this gap, before the rest of the players discover the news, we can lay enough advantages.”

“OK.” For the suggestions of several people, Lera listened carefully, nodded from time to time.

They kept discussing until night, watching the dim sky outside, they stopped discussing and began to lie on their bed, ready to rest.

From the outsiders’ point of view, they are undoubtedly asleep, but in fact, their breath has disappeared, and they are left in place at this time, it is just a phantom, but it is not actually a living person.

But with the cover of the power of the world, these people seem to be really asleep, unless they are strong enough, otherwise they can’t find anomalies at all.



In the clean and empty room, a light sound sounded like something was turned on.

In a huge white coffin, one arm protruded directly from the inside, and then a person sat up from the inside.

“Hu ··· finally exited.”

Looking at the familiar layout around him, Lera fiercely shook her head, feeling a little nervous.

Logging out of the game, he doesn’t look much different from the image in Genesis World. The skin is still so dark, but the clothes on his body have changed, and it looks a lot more Spirit.

“This game warehouse is just not good at this. Every time you log out, it feels like you are going to collapse.”

Fiercely shook the head, Lera vomited subconsciously, a little silver in her eyes getting brighter and brighter.

On his body, a little silver pattern began to spread, eventually forming a moon mark on his forehead, completely covering his consciousness.

Just a moment, there was some change in him. Although still the image, he had a unique distinguished temperament, and a unique temperament that made the mind calm and peaceful.

“Is this another World?”

For a moment, a strand of Adier’s origin occupied Lera’s entire body, and at this time he looked at the surrounding decoration and said to himself.

“World consciousness has been awakened, and I am afraid that it is the strongest World I have ever seen in terms of activity level.”

Raising his head, looking at the World in front of him, Adier immediately reached such a conclusion.

Although it is the engulfed World, this world is not weak. According to Adier’s observation, the strength of this world, even if it is not as good as the previous cursed World, is not too weak.

There are more or less Worlds facing crises here, and the Strength that has accumulated over the years has exploded, but the foundation of World itself cannot be ignored, and it will never be weak.

“Unfortunately, no matter how powerful it was originally, now that we have reached this point, the ending is doomed.”

Watching all around, Adier shook his head slightly, then turned around, and walked familiarly into a room.

The room is not too big, with a large bed and a wooden table with a computer that Adier is familiar with.

“The level of technology should be similar to that of World in the first generation.”

After waiting for a while, reviewing the memory of this body, Adier walked to the wooden table gently, turned on the computer in the way of the memory, and logged into a forum.

“Welcome to the creation game forum …” Opening the website, a clear female voice came from the computer, followed by a gorgeous page with a video file.

Looking at the file and manipulating the mouse, Adier clicked directly.

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