Open the video, and as the screen changes, a large amount of content begins to emerge and evolves on the computer screen.

What started out was a vast plateau, and then there was a large number of horses and horses, and a tall silhouette of each and everyone with hundreds of 1000 meters in height.

These silhouettes fought against each other, and each strike of Strength was earth quaking and mountains shaking, which could break the mountains and rivers and collapse the mountains, resulting in a scene like the last days.

However, despite these silhouettes killing each other, there is always a thick layer of fog covering these silhouettes. Only outlines can be seen, and real shapes cannot be seen.

Looking at these silhouette killing scenes, Adier’s attitude suddenly changed, and he was a little careless, but at this time he became extremely serious.

From the perspective of ordinary people, these may be just ordinary videos. Although they are very real, as exquisite as a well-made movie, they cannot be true.

But in Adier’s view, these are undoubtedly real pictures. It is very likely that they are the World consciousness of this world, and some of the pictures are directly taken from the other World.

As a Level 4 powerhouse, Adier still has this vision.

Under his gaze, the video, which was not more than ten minutes before, quickly ended, and then on the video’s display page, a line of strange handwriting began to appear.

“King of Antiquity ····”

Looking silently at the handwriting that appeared on the video, Adier murmured, and then looked towards other pages.

The website in front of this is the game forum of this world. It is said that it was actively organized by the game official. There are even public officials of various countries on it to ensure the stability and development of the forum.

This unprecedented attention has surprised many people, but also felt a trend. Since then, everyone with ability has entered the creation game at this time.

“This world has been completely mobilized by the World-conscious Strength.”

Visit the Internet for a while, whether it is on the news or various search pages, almost all of them are related to the game of creation. Even the various stars with many fans are overshadowed by this time, all of them have been removed by some star players.

In this world today, the creation game is the mainstream, and even the Strength between nations is now emerging in the creation game.

Seeing this, Adier shook his head and sighed. After sighing, he couldn’t help but feel a little shocked.

The current situation is impossible to achieve under normal circumstances, and it can only be created after World consciousness recovers and its Strength influence is consumed.

Even if there is no relevant experience, but just looking at this situation, Adier can also imagine the Strength that it needs to consume.

After being promoted to Level 4, through the addition of Destiny World, in this regard, he is no longer a noob, and has a certain understanding of what is behind this phenomenon.

World consciousness is a kind of existence that was born from the strength of the integration of a World. It is a pan-consciousness created by integrating all the consciousnesses of a World. From the moment it is born, it automatically has the highest authority of the World, which is the name of the World. Supreme Master.

But even so, World consciousness cannot completely control the entire World, just as people cannot accurately control every cell of themselves and change every structure of themselves, so is World consciousness.

Maybe in a large area, just like people move their hands and feet, slowly move the land within the World and create new terrain through plate movement. This can of course be done, but the time is bound to be long.

However, as before, controlling the entire civilization to develop into the creation game and promote the fine movements of the creation game, the World consciousness can never do it.

There is only one possibility to achieve this, and that is to squander the power of World saved by itself, to affect the entire human civilization, and to push everything in a direction that is conducive to the situation at hand.

This promotion is obviously not in accordance with common sense. Although forcibly made under the influence of the power of the World, as long as the World reduces the promotion, I am afraid that the situation at hand will immediately collapse and return to normal conditions.

At that time, the creation game may still be the focus of the entire World, but as now, it is unlikely that all governments will develop it.

Therefore, in order to maintain the current situation, World consciousness is bound to bleed all the time, and a lot of World’s power is squandered like money, just to keep the current situation from collapsing.

But, what can World Consciousness gain from spending so much to maintain this game?

This was the question Adier was thinking at this time.

World consciousness never does useless work, it is a last resort, and Strength is never wasted. Being able to sacrifice World consciousness to this point, this creation game must be very important for World consciousness.

“The answer to this question may only be found from those players.”

Thinking of the players in his territory, Adier shook his head every day, then opened the forum and logged in.

For some reasons, instead of using Lera’s own account, he re-registered a new account, then logged in, opened a page, and started editing.

“Since you have ready-made resources and don’t make good use of them, wouldn’t you be so sorry for such good conditions?”

With a smile on his face, he quickly edited a piece of content on it.

The title of the content is simple and eye-catching.

“Shocked! Sisely Prince Sisso Prince!”


After everything was done, Adier turned off the computer lightly, and then there was a mystery in his body, as great as the World, a timeless and deep Strength started to rise from him.

A little world power rose from Adier, and as Adier’s idea turned into a drop of water, it seemed to drip into the original still lake surface, and spread toward all around.

Where ordinary people can’t see, countless traces of Adier before are being corrected, including a series of actions he has performed through the computer before. At this time, no matter how much he pursues, he can’t find it.

“Probably only a few dozen points away.”

At a glance at the change in the amount of Boundary Energy, Adier walked out the door gently, and it seemed that he didn’t care.

This new use of Boundary Energy is something that Adier has gradually mastered while observing players and simulating fluctuations in World consciousness.

The so-called Boundary Energy is actually a thing with World Power. And with a large amount of Boundary Energy, to a certain extent, what the World consciousness can do, he can naturally also do, it’s just that the world’s power is consumed that’s all.

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