oh la la oh la la ···

di di di …

Drops of rain are falling, and on the eaves of all around the city, some water droplets gradually converge into a stream, which flows toward the ground under the action of gravity.

Pedestrians scattered around, each holding an umbrella to return home, the silhouette seemed busy.

Around the street, a little boy wearing a school uniform wet by the rain was struggling to walk on the road.

The rain was still on the horizon, a thunderous thunder and a thunderbolt swept across the sky, and the scenery covered that moment.


The boy was frightened, stepped on the steps with one foot, and his small body fell down.


A thick, powerful arm stretched out, pulling the boy exactly, and a lonely silhouette appeared near him.

This is a very young man, covered in black clothed black pants, holding a sturdy long umbrella in his hand, just standing there, no need to do anything, the noble and pure breath of his body is naturally revealed, and it is conveyed to everyone around him. In people’s hearts, it makes all around be quiet for a moment, as if even the rain stopped.

“It’s raining, be careful on the road.”

Glancing at the little boy in front of him, Adier whispered, handed the long umbrella to the other person, stopped saying anything, and continued on the long road ahead.

Beside, I watched Adier’s silhouette come out from the front. The boy had not came back to his senses, and his heart was stunning.

“This city is very similar to my hometown.”

Walking on the unmanned street, in the heavy rain, Adier walked in the rain, and quietly admired the beauty and uniqueness of the city.

The city in front of him is very similar to the city where he lived in the first life. Whether it is the dress of the residents or the various buildings in the city, it is somewhat similar to that time.

Because of this, Adier rarely wastes time here, not to achieve any purpose, just to see the city.

Before long, he went to another street in the city.

Compared with the previous streets, it is obviously more prosperous here, and large billboards are erected in each place, but the content above is surprisingly consistent and related to a certain game.

The creation game, the related content of this game is posted everywhere in this city. As long as you live in this city, I am afraid that it is impossible to know this game.

Along the way, Adier also encountered a mall that sells gaming equipment, and went in personally to check it out.

What caused him to shake his head was that the price of such equipment was very expensive. The minimum hundred thousand federal currency converted into Adier I currency was millions, and the requirement must be cash.

This is a huge hidden threshold. Even if it is advertised everywhere at this time, the only people who can actually participate are only a few people that’s all.

Regardless of whether it is Lera or Schilim, there are huge forces behind them to support, either it is the rich family itself, or someone is investing in support behind it, which is not comparable to ordinary people.

Thinking of this, Adier couldn’t help shaking his head.

This world is about to be swallowed up, and the players in front of them are actually the seeds selected by the World Consciousness, representing part of World ’s future hopes.

This is the last asylum and blessing of World. If you miss this last chance, after World is annexed, life will probably be very difficult.

The most basic point is the gap between identity and innate conditions.

Those gamers, if Adier didn’t guess wrong, everything they have gained in the creation game World will be inherited after the two Worlds are completely merged.

This opened a gap with those ordinary persons. After World merged, the foundations of the two sides were not at the same level. Regardless of connections, resources, identity, and even the level of awareness of the new world, these players must be far above the ordinary person. With no difficulty, they can survive in the new world and even rise.

The merger of World can’t be stopped by anyone. If mortals can catch this last ride, then it will be okay to say that with World ’s last blessings and gifts, it is likely to be better than the past.

This part of the blessings and gifts comes from its own World.

When this world is annexed, the final Strength of the World will be excited, and instinct will be passed on to every people. This is the final shelter and blessing of the World.

But even though it is also asylum, there are also distances.

If it is only a mortal person, although there will also be asylum, but it will certainly not be too much.

But if it is those players, it may not be necessary.

They are also their own people, but the consciousness of this world undoubtedly favors these players. When the World is annexed, these players will definitely have the most Strength, and even the outstanding part of it will be related to some Small World ’s. Child of Destiny is not inferior.

This is the general trend. These players took this ride, and they are at the top of the era. No accidents in the future, they are destined to overtake ordinary persons.

Those who haven’t gotten a ride, can only become cannon fodder under the general trend of the times.

“People who are eligible to participate in the game but did not participate in the end may cry in the end.”

Walking on the road wet by raindrops, listening to the sound of the raindrops around, Adier thought for a moment, then raised his head and looked towards the sky.

He seemed to be looking at the sky, but it was a heavy rainy day at this time, except for the black clouds and a lot of water vapor, nothing could be seen in the sky.

Just looking at the scene, his eyes are changing, a flash of silver flashes on it, flashing with a pure holy breath.

Gradually, the scenery in the sky began to change. The white starlight with little by little flashing on it, like stars, and like a lamp, blooming in the sky.

These lights are some bright, some dim, some huge, some small, but there is no exception above, there are faint Purple Qi entanglement, connected with an invisible existence in a deep place in the sky, growing and spreading.

“Strength has begun to spread.”

Watching these scenes quietly, Adier whispered to himself.

Each of these stars represents a living body. The stronger the light, the larger the reminder, the stronger the essence of this life.

As for the Purple Qi entangled in these stars, it is the power of World that Adier is very familiar with, which is Boundary Energy.

It can be seen from the landscape in front that the strength of this world has begun to spread, and a lot of the power of the world has begun to be active, transferred to the people of these worlds, but it has not yet been activated at this time, all are lurking.

It is estimated that after the merger of the World is completed and the life of this world officially landed in the new World, the power of these Worlds will be activated, and these people will finally rely on and rely on them.

This is the last blessing of the World, and also the last help of this world for the people. Just like the biological parents, the last Strength is given to the children, so that they will not be left unreliable in the strange World.

“With the power of these Worlds, these people can live slowly when they reach the new World, as long as they are not too frustrating.” Looking at the stars, feeling the fluctuations and breath of this world, Adier turned, his eyes instantly looked through ten thousand In li space, within a few seconds, everyone in this city can be seen clearly.

The city wasn’t in the slightest power in front of him, which was the conclusion that Adier had travelled through the city.

This world seems to have produced some extraordinary Strength at not at all, so although the World is not weak, its life is not strong.

But to the surprise of Adier, the people in this world are very good in themselves.

Whether it is Life Seed or soul potential, people in this world must exceed the World that Adier has experienced before, even if it is a wizarding world, it can’t be compared with this world.

Just within several dozen meters around Adier, there are several souls with third-level qualifications. Put in some remote corners of the Wizarding World, they are full of wizarding geniuses.

In Wizarding World, if you want to find such apprentices, you must look for them in a large number of wizarding families before you can find a few. But in this world, this kind of wizard genius seems to be everywhere. Although it can’t be said that it’s a bad street, it can’t be said how strange.

Moreover, this situation of extraordinary qualifications seems to be improving.

According to Adier, the older people are, the weaker their superior qualifications are, and the younger they are, the better their superior qualifications are.

Even in some babies, Adier found several fifth-class qualifications.

This kind of genius in the Wizarding World must have a small chance to meet in the official Wizard ’s biological son, in this world, it appears directly in the descendants of mortals.

“Is the consciousness driven by World Consciousness?” Watching this phenomenon, Adier sighed softly: “The people in this world have really caught up to a good time.”

There is no doubt that this unreasonable situation can only be the result of the promotion of World consciousness.

With the consumption of a large amount of World power, the residents of this world will be affected subtly, and the qualifications of descendants will be higher and higher.

This is also a blessing of the World, to make sure that these people can rise as far as possible and occupy their place in the new World.

If it is among the old people of the old World, in the future, someone can be promoted to Level 4, rebirth of the origin, maybe they can follow the past associations and bring new hope to the old World.

It ’s just a pity that no matter how good the qualifications are, if there is no suitable environment to cultivate them, in the end, they can only die in vain and waste the entire World Consciousness.

To Adier’s knowledge, the only extraordinary Strength in that main World seems to have grown on Bloodline.

Without the inherent ancient Bloodline, even if you have the best qualifications and the strongest source, what can you do?

“Extra Strength, that World cannot be given to you.”

Standing on the unmanned road, watching the people walking around and stopping, and completely ignoring the pedestrians, Adier smiled on his face: “However, I just have what you lack.”

Hong long!

There was a sudden heavy rain outside, and a thunderstorm flashed in the sky, blowing a muffled noise, noisy around, as if the entire World was echoing.

Looking at the sky, after a while, the silhouette of Adier gradually disappeared, and the whole person was directly blurred in place, all traces left by it disappeared and forgotten by the entire World.

The heavy rain lasted for a whole whole number of days, and during this time, on this world’s network, a burst of post was also heating up at an extremely fast speed, causing great concern.

I’m sorry here. After returning home yesterday morning, I found that the computer was crushed, so I sent it to a computer store to get it. I didn’t expect to make it so long. Start updating today, update it tonight, update as much as possible tomorrow

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