“It seems that some of the plans set out before still need to be changed. For the cultivation of players, we must also come up with the charter as soon as possible.”

In the camp, Adier sat up from the wooden chair, and the player’s attention suddenly increased a lot.

If before, he just regarded the player as an available object, and wanted to use the group of players to harvest more Boundary Energy. Now, he really attaches importance to the group of players and wants to cultivate it from the heart. This group of players.

The reason for the change in attitude is not complicated, it’s just because of the world’s origin that’s all.

As an outsider, it is impossible for Adier to directly inherit the legacy of the real World, so it can only start with the children of the World itself, the group of players.

The reason is actually very simple.

This is equivalent to a rich man being killed by a robber. Most of his property will be taken away by the robber, but the remaining part is naturally inherited by the rich child.

And Adier wants to obtain this legacy, it is obviously impossible to start from the robber side, and can only play a dozen children of the rich, that is, the idea of ​​the group of players that’s all.

Because of this, he has to change his attitude towards players. After that, he must cultivate as much as possible for that group of players, so as to obtain World feedback.

This mechanism is not difficult to understand.

The rich man was killed by the robbers, leaving behind a group of waiting children to inherit the legacy. At this time, Adier appeared as a guardian, while protecting and educating the group of children, he also received part of the legacy of this group of children as his own reward.

Of course, this is why Adier lacks strength.

With the existence of Level 4, its essence of life is comparable to that of a demon, and it has drawn a huge gap with mortals.

But rising to the level of World, the existence of Level 4 is still nothing. The two sides fighting each other, whether it is a rich man or a robber, are not confronted by Adier, so he can only take a roundabout way to share a share of the rich man ’s legacy.

But if he is strong and directly under the pressure of World, how about taking away the last legacy of World to his people? The same can be done.

In other words, if the real strength is that level, Adier may not be able to see such a legacy.

Thinking of this, Adier shook his head and walked straight out of the camp.

For the next half month, the situation proceeded quickly.

With countless stunned eyes, Adier’s army was rushing all the way, leading the way in Soon, with almost no decent resistance.

When he had just arrived in Soon, the local lord, Knight named Bila, led his own 500-knight regiment, directly attacked the nearby castle, and buried all the fortresses outside Soon.

In the second week, just as Soon City wanted to organize an army resistance, an unexpected major event occurred, which suddenly made the situation tense.

In the early morning, the Marquis Soon was assassinated by a group of killers, and turned silently into a headless body. Only one body was lying on the bed, and it was a long time before it was discovered.

In the third week, Soon Knight, a well-known great poet in the city of Soon, lobbied around, and finally led several Baron to open the door of Soon city and welcome Sisso Prince into the city.

That night, the eldest son of the Marquis of Soon launched a military transformation in an attempt to kill Sisso Prince to recapture Soon City, but before he left the barracks, he was killed by the surrounding confidants, and his head was dedicated to Sisso Prince.

At all around, Soon led the rebels in an attempt to attack the city of Soon, but in just three days, the entire army’s food was burned by the fire, the food was completely cut off, and it was eventually destroyed in one fell swoop.


With the stunned attention of countless native Elka Provinces, Adier only fully accepted all the territories of Soon, and even clarified the entire Soon territory in just one month. No stubborn resistance was encountered, not even an accident.

Even if just walking on the road, there are countless people to take the initiative to take refuge. The positive attitude and crazy posture almost stunned others, and couldn’t believe it was a reality.

Luciu, who had expressed opposition before the war began, couldn’t believe it after seeing this. After being silent for many days, he slowly eased over.

Only in the early part of the second month, Adier returned to Sisely. Compared with the time when he left, not only did the army around him not decrease, but it increased a lot.

After returning to Sisely, Adier was not busy repairing, but immediately began to prepare for another thing.


“Are there only a few of us?”

In the spacious hall, Qimu looked surprised at the people around him.

Around him, not many people were sitting at this time. In addition to him, there are only three of them, Lerian, Schilim, and others.

In total, there are less than ten people, most of them are men, and the number of women is only two.

“Basically, the best performers this time are all here.”

After testing his body, looking at the people around him, Schilim opened the mouth and said, “It’s not that there are no other people, but those people may not have come here, but chose other rewards.”

“It’s possible.” Lera nodded, a black face was even darker, and there were several scars on his stout arm, which seemed to be stingy: “But what is this thing, Knight?”

“Wait a while, you will know.” Aside, Willian eyes opened, the mouth opened peacefully said.

After a while, the place was quiet, because in the distance, footsteps were coming quickly, and then a familiar and strange silhouette came from the outside.

Outside, Adier was wearing a white robe, followed by Alice and the others, walking straight from the outside.

Seeing a few people from Lera, he sat down directly in the center, then took out a light blue crystal and placed it silently on the wooden table.

“Well, who comes first?” Without much nonsense, after coming here, he looked up directly in front of him and asked.

Listening to this, the Lera people looked at each other in dismay, and after a while, Lera stood up and stood up from the same place: “Let’s do it.”

As the words fell, he went to Adier, and under Adier’s guidance, slowly put his hands on the light blue crystal.

A light blue rays of light flickered, and then Lera only felt a black in front of her eyes. The whole person seemed to disappear from the place and came to somewhere in the distance.

At this moment, he seems to have become a child since training. He started training at a very young age, practicing basic breathing methods, and growing up.

In the process, some knowledge was naturally incorporated into his mind, making him unforgettable.

In front of him, in the light blue crystal ball, a little blue breath escaped. Under the control of Adier, he gradually integrated into Lera’s body, helping him to transform something within the body.

This process did not last long. Very soon, just ten minutes later, Lera eyes opened, and a glance flashed through her eyes.

The two memories began to converge, and his consciousness returned quickly, and then he quickly realized his current status, and he couldn’t help but be a bit shocked: “I …”

He shouted subconsciously, only to feel that something was wrong with him.

At his heart, a seed of faintly discernable was emerging, making him feel a very strange feeling. It seems that as long as he exerts himself, he can do many things in memory.

Of course, to some extent, it is indeed true.

“This is the Seed of Knight. It hasn’t been formed yet. When it is fully formed, it will be when Life Seed wakes up.”

Looking at Lera in front of him, Adier looked up, opened the mouth and said lightly: “Your qualifications are good.”

He didn’t lie, and Lera’s Knight qualifications were really good.

If the Knight’s qualification is divided into Level 5 based on the wizard’s soul qualification, then Lera’s Knight qualification can be regarded as Level 3, or even the better one in Level 3.

Listening to Adier’s evaluation, Lera was gently relaxed, holding back many doubts in his mind, stepping back and giving way to others.

Next, the others went one after another, repeating the process of Lera.

As expected from Adier, thanks to World Heritage, all of them have Knight qualifications and can go down the road of Knight.

Of course, even if they all have Knight qualifications, the qualifications of these people are not exactly the same.

In this group of people, Qimu and Lera have the best qualifications, both of which are Level 3, and the remaining few will be a lot worse. Several first-level qualifications, under normal circumstances, even activate Life Seed Can’t do it.

Of course, after Adier’s hands, these people now have no such worry.

In order to avoid a long learning period, the combat power of these people should be formed as soon as possible, and also for experiments. In these people, Adier still took some effort, directly consuming their part of Strength, simulating the kind of Knight.

These Knight seeds are based on the physical conditions of these people, and are supported by Boundary Energy, based on the huge amount of computing power of the chip. After the transplant, only the Knight qualifications can be obtained, even if the qualifications are poor, they can Driven by the Seed of Knight, Life Seed is slowly activated.

This can be regarded as a special treatment.

Not much Boundary Energy is needed to build the Knight Seed, but if there are too many, the consumption is huge.

Therefore, this method can only be used occasionally. To a large extent, Knight Breathing Technique is seriously popularized, so that people with Knight qualification can promote themselves.

As for Lera and the others, they are special treatments. They can only be used as rewards to some players in special periods, and cannot be used as a means of popularization.

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