“Name: Adier.Fax. Strength: 78.5. Agility: 85.1. Constitution: 82.9. Spirit: Bloodline: Red Crowd (139.1%). Boundary Energy: 74.9. Power of Origin: 284781.8.”

In front of it, a familiar attribute panel emerges, showing the data clearly in front of Adier.

Looking at his body’s current data, Adier couldn’t help but be lost in thought.

It has now been three months since he gave away the Seed of Knight.

In these three months, as he expected, as he gradually spread the Knight system, the Power of Origin of the World was also continuously passed on to him, which continuously strengthened himself. The origin.

In just three months, his Power of Origin has made progress that he could not believe before, and has reached where he is today.

Compared with these three months, the progress he has made in the past 50 years in the Mason region is almost as uncomfortable as a turtle crawl.

This is the difference between having resources and having no resources.

At the level of Level 4, most of the treasures and resources in the world are invalid for Adier. But this does not mean that at the level of Level 4, resources are completely useless.

On the contrary, resources are extremely important at any level. However, after a person reaches a certain level, the required resource requirements will rise to a level that is unacceptable to ordinary people.

Where do people dare to think about things like World Origin?

Without Level 4, it is impossible to understand the existence of World consciousness, and it is impossible to reach the core of World, which is the core of World.

If Adier is not because he is special and has the shuttle ability, he cannot detect the existence of World consciousness, let alone establish a connection with World consciousness and obtain the origin of World.

“Experiments have confirmed that teaching those groups of players to get on the road to Knight can indeed gain the favor of World consciousness and accelerate the acquisition of the origin.”

Walking down the aisle, Adier awoke from meditation, then raised his head and looked towards.

On the several hundred meters ahead, there are several large and spacious training fields.

The training ground is spacious and huge, and the floor on the ground looks very new, as if it had just been constructed.

And above, some people are training at this time.

These people are men and women, all wearing special training clothes. At this time, standing on the spacious training ground, sweating like rain, holding the training long sword in his hand, waving a row of shining sword lights.

If you look closely, you can see that there are some similar marks on these people.

That’s the trace of Xiu’er breathing.

As the Knight Breathing Technique designed by Adier himself, the Dier Breathing Technique can only be regarded as excellent at first, but after experiencing several Worlds and absorbing the concepts and knowledge of different Worlds, this breathing method has been gradually improved and reached a theory Perfection.

Especially after entering Destiny World, because the Boundary Energy on hand was gradually becoming more abundant, Adier also bought a lot of knowledge of other systems, drew excellent ideas and skills from it, and perfected his own Dier Breathing Technique to a new level.

The complete Dier Breathing Technique is a truly powerful Knight’s Secret, which is enough for people to learn about Founding Ancestor Knight, which is the level of Level 4.

Of course, these people are not yet qualified to teach the complete Dier Breathing Technique.

These apprentices are training just the basic part of breathing.

However, just the basics are enough.

After all, this is not a big deal, but a higher breathing method obtained by a Level 4 powerhouse through a lot of time research, and finally by the huge computing power of the chip.

Even if it is only the basic part, but in all aspects, it has achieved the theoretical best. Even if there are other breathing methods that can surpass some properties, it is impossible to compare with this breathing method.

Thanks to this breathing method, these students are making rapid progress, and the breath on their bodies is very stable, even some individuals have already achieved certain results.

These apprentices are the fruits of Adier’s time.

Although they are just a dozen or so people, their Knight qualifications are very good. As measured by Adier’s standards, each one is above Level 3 and has the potential to activate Life Seed.

Of course, with Adier’s consistent attitude towards players, while these players are learning, they have also paid an expensive tuition fee.

“In about three months, someone should be able to activate Life Seed …”

Looking at the players in front of him, Adier looked down and thought.

The reason to teach the player’s breathing method instead of selling the Knight seeds directly to collect money is mainly for the sake of popularity.

It takes time to condense the Knight seed. Although the sale of the Knight seed directly can get a lot of Boundary Energy in a short time, it is far from being popular.

Because the number of players is not hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands, but millions.

With so many players, Adier wants to popularize the Knight system among players in order to gain more care of the World consciousness. The seeds of Knight alone are absolutely not enough.

After all, no matter how he says, he has only one person, and the kind of high-precision things like Knight must be tailor-made. Even if it is chip-assisted, it takes a lot of time and is unlikely to be used as an item. The long-term popularization method depends on progress, and can only be used as a high-end product for advanced players with poor qualifications but aloof and remote.

And, for today’s Adier, things like Boundary Energy, while important, are no longer lacking.

After going through several Worlds and even being promoted to the origin of Level 4, but nowadays, the use of Boundary Energy, Adier is still very rough, so except for a few aspects, the demand for Boundary Energy is not great.

On the contrary, things like the origin of the World are absolutely good things that are absolutely seen. For this, it is worthwhile to give up a little bit of small profits in front of you.

What’s more, it is not necessarily just giving up.

After all, there are many more ways in which Adier can be used to harvest players than Knight.

Standing in front of you, looking at the hard-trained players, Adier thought a lot.

In his eyes, there is a faint line flickering on these players in front of him, gradually woven into him.

As these players not only train, their body’s breath begins to gradually improve, this weak line also changes, and they become weaker and stronger, gradually becoming stable and solid, and no longer have the original weak feeling.

Thousands of these lines are intertwined, connecting Adier with a great existence in the deep, forming the situation today.

“I have a hunch that when someone activates the seed of life, the attitude of World consciousness will change again, and then my care will increase to another level.”

Looking at the players in front of him, Adier thought for a moment, then walked out, and slowly walked into a hall.

In the hall, some people were walking here, and after seeing Adier stepping out, they bowed saluted.

Passing through the hall, Adier ignored the attitude of the people around him and walked directly into a small room.

In the room, flashes of voodoo rune are flashing, which contain strands of mana, forming a complex protective Wizard Array.

At the very center of the Wizard Array, a black jade is being placed in it. Under the illumination of the Wizard Array, a pure faint deep purple light is slowly blooming.

Compared with a few months ago, under the nourishment of Wizard Array and medicaments laid out by Adier, this flesh and blood recovered quickly. The strong vitality of King of Antiquity is fully manifested.

Adier estimates that, with the current degree of recovery of this flesh and blood, if it is not confined by the Wizard Array, it is not allowed to recover fully. I am afraid that it will be able to swallow up all the beneficial substances around it and plunder all vitality to supplement itself.

This tenacious vitality apparently deduced the terrible survivability of Level 4, which surprised Adier.

Unfortunately, that’s the extent.

No matter how tenacious the vitality of this piece of flesh and blood, and how strong the vitality within it is, but in the hands of Adier, there is no need to count on a complete recovery.

After observing the changes in flesh and blood for a while, Adier stepped aside and looked towards a few things there.

It was a small bottle of blood-like liquid, and it was also surrounded by a large group of miniature Wizard Arrays, which locked the Strength inside and did not let it escape in the slightest.

Under the light of Wizard Array Strength, this bottle of blood is blooming with a little faint purple rays of light, some of which are very weak Strength, which is very similar to that escaped from the black jade.

“The Bloodline of the Soon people does have some properties, like the one on this black jade, from the same Bloodline.”

Looking at the bottle of purple blood, and the black jade flesh, Adier lost his thoughts: “But the main Bloodline is still different. It should be that the Soon Bloodline is not pure, and in the later time, it is different from other Kings. The intermarriage of descendants of Antiquity, on the contrary, gradually degenerates their Bloodline power. “

This was an accidental discovery after he killed Soon.

The Soon collar, which originated from the ancient Soon duchy, was originally a branch of the King of Antiquity blood family, and its royal family had the Kingline of Antiquity’s Bloodline.

The reason why Adier wanted to annihilate Soon ’s collar, in addition to unifying the Elka Province, was to obtain the Bloodline inheritance of Soon ’s royal family, so as to deepen his understanding of King of Antiquity.

However, after countless years of inheritance, the inheritance of the Soon royal family has been mostly lost. Adier searched the Soon royal family for a whole month. Except for some useless books and legends, nothing useful was found.

However, in the Bloodline royal family’s Bloodline, Adier made some discoveries.

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