“The Source of the Bloodline of the Soon Royal Family should initially be consistent with the power of the Bloodline contained in this black jade, but later, the Source of the Bloodline to which the Royal Family of Soon belonged fell, causing the Power of the Bloodline to begin to decline, although the descendants could also have Extraordinary power, but without the power of the past. “

“This time, according to the surrounding history, it should be that the former Kingdom of Soon began to decline, and its territories began to shrink, gradually becoming a period of little duchy.”

Standing in place, Adier pondered: “After that, the Bloodline of the Soon royal family within the body also began to be impure, and the Strength contained in its Bloodline began to decline, and this has gradually become what it is today.”

As a Level 4 promoted by the power of Bloodline, Adier naturally understands such things as the power of Bloodline.

Although there is no clear record, according to Adier’s understanding, if a Bloodline’s source is cut off, the descendants of the Bloodline will also be affected in some way and will eventually be displayed in various forms.

Just like Moon Elf Bloodline. In the ancient times, how prosperous Moon Elf Bloodline is, the reputation of the King of Moon Elf has spread to many worlds, and it has been widely known in countless worlds.

At that time, the number of Moon Elf in pure blood was unthinkable by today’s wizards. Even the bloodline boundary broke through, and the elf who became the emperor had more than one or two. The power was called heyday.

But after the fall of the Emerald Mother, Moon Elf Bloodline began to decline, and to this day, the remaining pure blood is very small.

Even Adier suspected that even the curse of the Scourge in Moon Elf Bloodline and the extinction of the elf tribe in Jadeite World were related to the fall of the Emerald Mother.

The consequences of such horror made Adier feel a little creepy.

Similarly, if King of Antiquity, the source of Bloodline, falls, then as a descendant, King Soon’s chamber is affected, and it is normal for Bloodline’s power to begin to decline.

As for the other Bloodlines in the Soon Royal Bloodline, it is also normal.

After all, as the absolute nobles of this world, the intermarriage between different Bloodline can’t be more normal.

According to Adier’s history, more than one hundred years ago, more than one Kadra royal family Princess married the Marquis Soon, let alone other times.

After such a long history of transformation, the ancient Bloodline to which the Soon royal family originally belonged has gradually become thinner, and even the Bloodline inheritance originally owned has gradually disappeared, and Strength is also declining, first from the original huge kingdom into a vassal little Duchy was conquered by the Calade Empire hundreds of years ago and became a subject of the Calade Empire, the so-called Marquis of Soon.

And now, this last bloody territory has also been taken by Adier. Without accident, the entire family will soon lose all its glory and disappear into the long river of history.

Of course, in fact, although the territory was seized by Adier, the Marquis recognized by the Marquis of Soon after all is Calade not only possessed the privileges originally promised by the Empire, but also naturally had a huge impact on Elka Province. Power and inheritance are worth some money.

Now the entire territory of the Marquis of Soon is annexed by Adier, and the entire royal house of Soon is completely wiped out by Adier. If nothing unexpected happens, after a period of time, I am afraid that there will be a lot of so-called Soon descendants who will come forward for the Marquis The title and the privilege are over.

Of course, as the de facto lord of the entire Elka Province, Adier is not afraid of trouble, but he does not want trouble.

So, in this regard, he is ready.

The Bottle of Bloodline, which was purified from within the body of the royal family of Soon, was prepared for this.

Thinking of this, he stood up calmly, put away the bottle of blood locked in the Wizard Array, and walked out the door.


“A new solicitation order?”

Silhouettes fluttered everywhere on the busy street.

As a herald appeared on the high stage in front of him, a player immediately boiled.

“What is the call? The village chief or sheriff? Even a patrol can!”

Looking at the herald standing on the high stage in front, a group of players’ eyes were glowing, and the flashing light in their eyes almost turned into substance, drowning the herald standing on the high stage in front.

“Don’t worry, don’t worry!”

Looking forward, looking at a crowd of human heads below, the herald’s throat was a little hoarse, but looking at the scene in front of him, I was still a bit lucky, and I was glad that I didn’t have to stand on the stage.

Not surprisingly, the herald is naturally a player and a member of Lera’s so-called founding association.

As members of the founding association, Lera and Schilim will naturally promote their members after they get off the ground. Some opportunities and places that are difficult for ordinary people to obtain will give priority to their friends and subordinates.

This is the case with the herald in front of him. As the core member of the founding association, he has good luck and ability, which can kill many players and get this rare opportunity.

You know, after more than half a year of game progress, it is not that difficult to find an errand under Sisso Prince at this time.

Nowadays, as long as you can rely on Sisso Prince, even if it is just an ordinary soldier, an ordinary maid, it will instantly become a hot character, major investment institutions, and major players’ guilds. Will come to you immediately, and promise you all kinds of conditions, just to win you over.

The reason for this is naturally one of Sisso Prince’s side, and more importantly, Sisso Prince’s men often get benefits that are not available elsewhere.

Whether it is all kinds of incredible potions, or all kinds of items with magical Strength and Knight, are pursued by countless players. Whenever a family falls into their hands and sells it, it will immediately become a rich man.

And these things, only the people under the leadership of Sisso Prince are eligible to redeem and obtain, others can only look at the eyes, but can not get the slightest benefit.

Especially in recent times, it is also reported that Sisso Prince has opened Knight courses for players under his team in order to make up for the lack of strength of his subordinates. As long as they have enough achievements, even a slave can go up to listen.

These preferential conditions are all reasons for Sisso Prince to impress many players, so that now in Sisely City, a large number of players are waiting at all times, waiting for an opportunity to join Sisso Prince.

And recently, it’s obviously a good time.

As Soon was annexed by Sisso Prince, in theory, the entire Elka Province became Sisso Prince’s territory.

This is a site many times larger than Sisely City University. To rule, it naturally requires a lot of manpower.

For this reason, during this time, sheriffs and soldiers in various places need to be recruited again, and the opportunities created for this are too many.

So that, during this time, whenever there is a herald on the high platform, a team of players will come around, just waiting for the announcement of the call.

“Don’t think about it, this time it’s not the sheriff’s call.”

Looking at the expressions on the faces of many players below, the herald announced the news expressionlessly.

Listening to this news, the faces of many players below remain unchanged. Except for the disappointment in the eyes of a few people, the expectations in the eyes of the others remain undiminished.

“There was only one call this time, and the conditions for the call were very harsh.”

Looking at the many players around him, the herald tried to keep his voice down, creating an atmosphere of depression: “First of all, it must be tall enough and handsome enough!”

“Those who are not tall enough, can rest.”

Listening to this, suddenly, the corner of mouth twitching of many players below felt a deep malicious attack.

“Is this a requirement to recruit officers directly? Or is it the guard who is responsible for etiquette?”

Below, there are speculated players with active thinking, and some people’s eyes light up directly.

The treatment of officers, especially the escorts, has always been good, and the treatment and status are definitely higher than ordinary officers.

“Second, in addition to being handsome and tall, you must also be proficient in Calade, Soong, and be able to write.”

“Apart from that, noble etiquette must also be proficient, and must have an understanding of Elka Province and the entire Calade Empire, and even the history of the Calade Empire over the past hundreds of years.”

The herald then opened the mouth and said, looking at the many players below, with deep sympathy in his eyes.

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