Standing in front of the high platform, listening to the words of the herald, the players were uproar.

“Both physical appearance and etiquette are required, what is this going to do?” Looking at the herald on the high platform, some players were stunned, wondering what to say.

The requirements of body and appearance are also that’s all. Although a group of people are directly screened out naturally, there are also many people who meet the requirements.

However, the requirements of knowledge and etiquette later on are very difficult.

Players are essentially foreign visitors. Although it is possible to communicate with the indigenous peoples of this world because of World Consciousness, it does not mean that these players can write.

If it is the text of the real world, these players will no doubt have the slightest problem, but the native problem of this world is a huge problem.

Not to mention Soong, which is only popular in Elka Province, and even as the official language of the Calade Empire, Calade is widely spoken. Few of these players can recognize it.

After all, as long as there are no obstacles to communication, these players will not spend a lot of time learning local languages ​​at all, except for some people with special needs.

As for the subsequent etiquette and academic requirements, it is even more difficult for strong men to fully address the weaknesses of the player group.

Therefore, as soon as these requirements are spoken out, many players who are present immediately are silent. Except for a few people, the others have silently given up and no longer stare at the selection this time.

However, they still have curiosity in their hearts.

After more than half a year’s understanding, these players in the deep Sisely City have some understanding of Sisso Prince’s behavior.

The opponent never does useless work, and if there is no purpose, it is unlikely to initiate a call.

So this time, what is the purpose of the other party’s soaring call?

The players at the scene pondered this question, and then someone asked: “Excuse me, how long will this call last?”

After a brief glance at the speaker, the player in charge of the order did not change his face, and continued to say, “It took two months. After two months, this call was cancelled.”

Suddenly, the player below looked bright.

The two-month period is not long, but if it is necessary, it is not impossible to pay a large price to find a player with some basic training.

Perhaps because social activities are not complicated, the language system of this world is not complicated, and the learning difficulty is not that large compared to the real world languages.

Moreover, with the help of system, they can naturally read and understand the language of this world, and in turn learn the writing of the language without difficulty.

As long as there is enough motivation, although the two-month period is short, it may not be impossible.

“What’s the reward this time?”

I figured this out, and immediately a player asked a question, and all the players’ attention was immediately attracted.

“People who have been called can get a personal interview with the lord and get a chance for baptism.”

Watched by the hot eyes of the players, the messenger cleared his throat, and said so in the eyes of the players looking forward.


“Baptism opportunity, what is this?”

Walking to the hallway of the manor, Lera was holding a scarlet red long sword in her hand, and looked at the side Schilim with some doubts.

“I’m not quite clear, too.” Schilim shook his head slightly beside him. “However, according to Sisso Prince’s usual style, what he can bring up must be a good thing.”

“It’s like the kind of Knight that time.” Lera thoughtfully, then said: “But even if it’s good, with this time’s conditions, not many people are qualified to be selected.”

“In our founding association, the most promising is Schilim you.”

He looked at Schilim and said with a sigh.

In this regard, Schilim indifferent expression.

As the founding association of Vice President, in order to better formulate a strategy, Schilim must have a thorough understanding of the surrounding information.

He knows the terrain and history of Elka Province, including the rise and decline of the Soon royal family, and the rise of the Calade empire.

Compared to that call condition, the only thing he lacks is the knowledge of the native language.

But at this point, he also has a great advantage over ordinary players.

He has taken the blue potion, and he is given the seed of Knight for his merit. The physical data of the game characters is far from those of ordinary players.

Driven by powerful game data, his own thinking response and memory have also been greatly enhanced. In learning this sport, he is much stronger than ordinary players.

This is also one of the charms of the creation game.

As the game progresses, more and more players find that as the data of the game characters changes, they can also feel for themselves

The strength of the game characters becomes stronger, and their strength in the game will also be a lot stronger. The stronger the Constitution is, the stronger the physical strength will be, and the intelligence will be enhanced. The thinking speed and memory will also increase significantly.

This unique situation has caused infinite people to go crazy in the real world.

The feeling of becoming stronger will be addictive. After experiencing the horrible Strength that is enough to tear the tiger and leopard, and then return to the weak body of the real world, this strong contrast will cause collapse.

And even if you don’t mention this feeling, as the intellectual attributes of the game characters gradually increase, learning in the game world will be much faster than in the real world.

The only pity is that this change can only take effect in the creation game. Once it returns to the real world, it will be immediately returned to its original shape.

Thinking of this, Schilim shook his head slightly, then eyes opened, looking at Lera in front of him, opened the mouth and said: “I have a feeling that the selection this time is mostly related to the baptism, which is related to the royal family of Soon.”

“I feel the same way,” Lera nodded, not surprisingly.

Although not explicitly stated, this time, Adier’s performance was too obvious.

Whether in Soong or to understand the history of the Soon royal family, the requirements are specifically aimed at the Soon royal family.

From this information, and then reminiscent of Adier’s recent moves, if Lera and Schilim can no longer guess, they will not be able to sit in this position.

“Speaking of which, the Marquis of Soon was annexed. After so long, there should be a response from the empire.”

Walking in the unmanned corridor, Schilim pointed out.

“Almost.” Lera narrowed her eyes, eventually nodded.

Sisso Prince is not an independent lord, at least on the surface, the counterpart is the Prince of the Calade Empire, the biological child of this generation of Calade Kings.

The Marquis of Soon is similar. As a long-time great aristocracy, the Marquess of Soon acknowledged allegiance Calade empire for hundreds of years. Although independent during this period, it also married many large aristocrats of the empire and had many allies in the empire.

In the empire’s geographical position, the Marquis Soon was also the main force to suppress the east of the empire and protect Elka Province.

Now that the Marquis Soon himself has died and his territory has been annexed by Sisso Prince, it is difficult to imagine what the attitude of the Empire is.

However, neither Lera, Schilim, or other players have any worries.

As players, they are, in a sense, the most confident people in this world for Adier.

“If the King of Antiquity dignified would be overthrown by a mortal empire, that would be a strange thing.”

Shook the head, thinking about the latest information from Sisso Prince, Schilim sighed deeply: “And, besides King of Antiquity, this one, but the son of World …”

“If the Son of the World would be planted here, I wouldn’t believe anything.”

Beside him, Lera laughed as he said this, and then said: “This matter, we can wait quietly, but Qimu’s side, there seems to be some movement recently.”

“What happened?” Schilim turned back and asked.

“Not quite clear, but it is said to be related to a relic.” Lera shook the head, saying he was not clear.


“Is this right here?”

Walking in the middle of a mountain forest, Adier rode a horse and looked at the cluttered grass and forest ahead.

And beside Adier, Luciu was looking at the side Qimu with a bad look: “You said that there are ancient ruins to report, and the result is that we took us to a barren mountain?”

He looked at players like Qi Mu and asked, expression looked very bad.

As the Knight who escorted Sisso Prince to Sisely, Luciu made his fortune after Sisso Prince annexed the entire Elka Province, and became one of the most powerful people in Elka Province. Given the title, with a large territory, it can be described as the most peak period of life.

As Adier annexed Soon’s collar, Luciu was so excited that he was thinking about a big fanfare, but then was brought out by a message from Qimu, and was arranged by Adier on this barren hill for several months, only In search of a possible ancient ruin.

This is okay, but when it comes to searching for ruins, the result is that after a few months on a barren mountain, after spending a lot of manpower and resources, there is still no trace.

Therefore, during this time, his temper became more and more irritable, and his eyes looking at Qimu became worse and worse.

If it weren’t for Adier being by his side, I’m afraid he couldn’t help anger.

On his side, looking at the scenery around all, Qimu also frowns, a little puzzled: “It is this area, why is it gone?”

The reason he came here at this time was to take Adier into a relic he had found.

At that time, the piece of black flesh on Adier’s hand was what he found in this ruin.

Originally thought that this was an ergonomic job, and maybe he could get a lot of gains.

But when they really searched, they realized that things were not as easy as imagined.

The ruins are gone. No matter how they look for it, the ruins are not in the same place, and even they sent an army to search around for months, they found no trace.

When you first entered, the traces seemed to disappear, and they were obviously in the same place, but the things that were originally here disappeared strangely.

This strange phenomenon immediately brought their search to an impasse.

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