“It’s not necessarily the wrong place, it’s possible, it’s because of the ruins themselves.”

Riding a horse through the barren jungle, Adier looks out at the sky and into the distance.

As he focused, in his eyes, the distant scene quickly changed.

Pieces of grass began to fade, and large pieces of floor began to move. At the very center of the mountain forest, there seemed to be a sound sounding, echoing with a faintly discernable sound of music.

This music is very slight and unique. It belongs to the soul, and even the music deep in the origin of Bloodline, ordinary people can’t hear it at all.

If you want to hear this voice, if it is not very powerful, it belongs to someone who has a relationship with this voice.

There is no doubt that Adier belongs to the two conditions in the field.

Silently, he took out a piece of black jade from his arms and just held it in his hand.

In the amazement of the surrounding people, the black ancient jade in front of them is blooming and shining. On the original smooth and moist appearance, complex graphic marks began to emerge and manifest, accompanied by a deep breath of enthusiasm, being surrounded by A share of Strength starts to activate.

“this is···”

Looking at the ancient jade in Adier’s hand, Qimu waited for a few players.

Naturally, they will not be unfamiliar with this ancient jade, because this is the one they dug out from the ruins themselves and dedicated to Adier.

However, compared to when they found it, the ancient jade in front of them was shining. The Strength wave above seemed to have a real shape, and all the eyes of everyone around him were instantly absorbed.

Looking at this ancient jade, feeling the true Strength that came from it, Qimu only felt that all the emotions in his heart were rolling, almost to tilt out.

A strong desire, unwillingness and remorse, continued to emerge, intertwined with each other, and turned into a mass of shadows, and their entire soul was to be persecuted.

Driven by this shadow, Qimu suddenly raised a strong impulse, almost unable to control his emotions, and wanted to recapture this ancient jade in the hands of Adier.

bump! !!

A crisp crackling sound came from the ear, quickly oscillating throughout the mind, and its reverberation will wake everyone up instantly.


With the clear sound of ears passing, Qimu and the others suddenly awakened. Looking at the ancient jade in Adier’s hand, his heart was instantly filled with a panic. The previous jealousy and unwillingness all disappeared, but there was some Fear later.

“What the hell is this?”

Beside, Luciu was surprised and angry, looking at the flesh and blood held by Adier’s palm. The fear and consternation in his eyes need not be concealed.

In Fangcai, in addition to the players around him, he is also the same. If it is not interrupted at a critical moment, it is almost impossible to suppress his desire in his heart, and he must shoot to Adier.

“A King of Antiquity’s flesh, where Strength is activated, cannot be stopped by your Strength.”

Looking at the frightened expression on the faces of the people around him, Adier turned and explained gently.

Then he turned around and looked towards the mountains ahead: “Let’s go, I probably already know where this ruin is.”

The voice dropped, looking at the mountains in the distance, he drove his horse forward without stopping too much.

Behind, looking at Adier’s back, Luciu and Qimu stared at each other, and finally hit the horses inadvertently, guarding Adier and moving on.

After a short while, they walked to the foot of a large mountain, where they stopped facing the clean stone wall.

“here is···”

Looking at the stone wall in front of him, Qi Mu froze, and there was a unique feeling in his head.

It was a very weird feeling.

He seems to have come many times in front of him, and he is familiar with the plants and trees in front of him, but he wants to do not raise what happened.

Even no matter what he thought, he couldn’t remember when he had been to this place.

But then, that feeling disappeared.

There was a man walking forward, his body was not tall, but he stood upright, and seemed to accommodate all the pressure on himself, and all the pressure around him was attributed to himself, without affecting the rest of the body.

Suddenly, Qi Mu’s mind froze. A memory fragment from the past few months quickly appeared in his mind and almost exploded in his mind, leaving him thinking blank at this time.

“I did come here, but why did I forget it again?”

It was only a short while that his clothes were wet with cold sweat, and his face was pale and he murmured in his mouth.

There were several players beside him, too, apparently remembering some things that they had forgotten before, and his face became extremely pale.

“It’s right here.”

Looking at the stone wall in front of him, Adier looked up, and his breath gradually changed.

Before a little bit of red seal appeared, at this moment, a tyrannize, a peerless violent breath emerged from him, and the ferocious and violent body on him caused people to lose heart, and they dare not oppose it. As.

Behind him, a crimson giant beast phantom emerged.

This giant beast is red and covered with densely packed sharp scales. Although the skull is humanoid, the scarlet red fine lines are densely spread on his face. The eyes of scarlet red are slowly opened. If the madness of his eyes is tilted Out is enough to make 10,000 people lost in an instant and plunged into a complete insanity.

As the phantom of this red giant beast emerged, it was only a moment that the surrounding heaven and earth began to change color, and the sky quickly changed from light to dark, and then from dark to red. Among them was a brutal and brutal, tyrannize Bloodline will sweep across the wild, but where All the creatures in the 1000 meters are overwhelmed by a force of will, and can’t look up and turn at all.

“this is!!”

Looking at the change on Adier, feeling the tyrannize, the fierce will of the tyrannical, Luciu complexion greatly changed, a shocking emotion went straight to the bottom of his heart, making him directly stay: “Son of the Crimson!”

As Knight appointed by the Calade royal family to Adier, he is not a ignorant figure.

On the contrary, Luciu was born of a pure aristocracy. Within the body also has a Bloodline of a King of Antiquity, but Bloodline is multi-colored, and he is not the heir to the title. This is where Adier came to Elka Province. Here, The desert is redeveloped.

Therefore, at this moment, the insight brought by good birth made him instantly recognize Adier’s current state.

“The form of the son of the crimson can only be revealed by the King Descendant with the purest Bloodline !!!”

Looking at Adier’s condition, he was shocked: “Even among the kings of the past, only the first generation of the legendary king can have it, not even the current King of Culied !!!”

“Since Third Prince can do that, why not show it !!”

Looking at the appearance of Adier, in shock, he also rose a bit puzzled.

As a noble descendant, he couldn’t understand the significance of the identity of the son of the crimson.

This not only represents Supreme’s glory, but also represents Supreme’s potential and Strength.

As the son of Crimson, naturally has the most powerful Bloodline, even if you do nothing, its Strength will automatically increase with time, and eventually reach a level that ordinary people cannot imagine.

It can be said that if Adier showed the current Bloodline Strength when he was in the palace, no one would dare to expel him, even if the current king faces a crimson son, he will immediately establish him as the heir. There will be no extra thoughts.

This is where Luciu is puzzled.

According to common sense, if the average person has this Bloodline Strength, they will surely want to know it.

But Adier is just the opposite. Not only did he not show the slightest expression, but in the past ten years, he disguised himself as Bloodline as an awakening, and only then did he show up.

On the side, Adier didn’t know the thoughts in Luciu’s mind. Maybe even if he knew, he wouldn’t care.

He looked at the stone wall in front of him, slowly opened the body’s Bloodline Strength, and fully exploded all the Strengths dug out during this time.

A scarlet red glow shone around. Behind him, he felt Adier’s will. The red giant beast of the head zombie was roaring, and the whole body shone with red flames, shining on the stone wall in front of him. .

Suppressed by this Strength, the next moment, the stone wall in front of him began to show something strange.

A light purple light appeared on the stone wall in front of the eyes, and then at the next moment, every bit of purple texture began to emerge, interwoven into a complex and delicate pattern.

It was a beautiful-looking young girl, covered with purple scales, and her purple hair fluttered, and the whole person looked lifelike, as if she wanted to get out of a mural.

And behind the girl, a long scorpion tail spread out …

“The King of Antiquity who once fell?”

Looking at the manifestation on the stone wall, Adier said lightly, his face always calm.

As his voice fell, on the stone wall in front of him, the eyes of the sleeping girl opened fiercely, and in his eyes, a mark of purple barbs appeared, resonating with some of the surrounding items.

It was a black piece of ancient jade. At this time, it was pulled by the stone wall and was silently emitting light, emitting a faint but bright light, which illuminated the road ahead.

Then, in the amazement of the surrounding people, the stone wall in front of them gradually melted, and a straight path appeared, which looked dim inside, like a huge bottomless mouth, which would swallow everyone up.

“Here it is …”

Looking at the road in front of her, and the purple-haired girl who appeared before, Luciu and the others were stunned, unable to respond.

“We’re here …”

Raising his head slightly, Adier looked forward, and his breath returned to a steady state at this moment.

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