“Let’s go on.”

Standing quietly under the mountain wall, watching the opening in front of the eyes, feeling the deep breath coming from it, Adier stood still for a long time, seeming to notice something.

“His Royal Highness!” Aside, Luciu’s face looked a little hesitant: “This place is a bit wrong. It seems to be related to the Soon royal family. It may be dangerous inside.”

“His Highness, please go back to the camp for a few days to recuperate, let my Sect go down to investigate, clear the traps, and then enter later!”

He looked at Adier in front of him and persuaded.

The remains of King of Antiquity, even though the contents are valuable, but the danger inside is always great.

Many of the relics left over from ancient times often have remnants of protection. If latecomers do not have credentials and enter without permission, they often lead to various consequences.

As a noble descendant, Luciu often heard more than once that someone broke into the ancient ruins, but eventually turned into a curse of the corpse’s curse and buried in the ruins.

“His Royal Highness, Luciu Knight is right!”

Aside, Qi Mu also said aloud, a determined face with a serious expression on his face at this time: “Please let my Sect go, my subordinates are not afraid of any danger, and they can definitely explore the situation in this ruin!” “

As a player, the task of doing this kind of adventure is perfect.

Compared with the indigenous people, players can continue to resurrect, even if they die in the ruins, the information in the end can be brought out, which is incomparable to the indigenous people.

“no need.”

Seems to be seeing through his thoughts, Adier did not turn around, his eyes looked deep toward the deep cave in front of him: “And, other places are fine, but this place … even if you are special in nature, I am afraid you can’t come out. “

The words dropped, he said nothing, looked at the deep cave in front of him, and walked directly into it.

“His Royal Highness …” At the rear, looking at the back of Adier, Qimu froze, instinctively felt a strange, and a sense of chill.

“He … knows us?” Realizing what Adier meant, he stared wide open and stayed there for a long time.

It wasn’t until he was awakened by the rest of the players that he reacted, looking at Luciu who had followed him in, and finally returned to God and walked in.

The intermittent footsteps echoed in place.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion. After Adier, Qimu always felt that the chill around him was getting heavier.

This is a strange feeling, not the surrounding temperature, but a kind of instinct from in the depth of one’s soul. There seems to be something terrifying lurking around, so that their souls instinctively feel fear and suffer various kinds of influences.

This feeling, combined with the words that Adier said before, made his heart chill even more, looking at the dark corridors around him, his eyes became more dignified.

Behind Adier, Luciu could feel that. Moreover, compared to strangers such as Qi Mu, as a descendant of King of Antiquity, he has a deeper sense of this feeling in front of him.

The depth of the cave in front of me looks like a God is sleeping, everything around, including the sound from time to time in the depth of the cave, is like that Revered Divinity is breathing, exhaling a terrifying breath, can’t help but want Kneeling forward, acknowledge allegiance.

In contrast, it is the breath of Adier.

With the icy atmosphere around him getting stronger, on Adier, a fierce violent atmosphere like tsunami and tsunami is tumbling, and all the icy cold coming from the surrounding area will be dispelled strongly and horribly, forcibly Turning the surroundings into his own field, even a King of Antiquity’s Strength, is not enough to make him bow his head.

It is also because Adier is in the forefront that he can stand here right now, otherwise, what he will do now is totally unpredictable.

“It started to change.”

Walking deep in the narrow and cold cave, the dark environment can not cause much obstruction to the sight. Walking in this, Adier stepped out and then looked towards the side.

A little shimmer began to flicker, gradually spreading outward from his body, gradually lighting up the surrounding World into a day.

The sudden light made Qimu’s eyes closed uncontrollably, and then slowly opened.

A scene appeared before them, making them stunned.

Unconsciously, under the rays of light around them, they were walking in a hall at this moment, with a long corridor in front of them, and two long frescoes on the left and right sides in front of them.

In the two murals, there are countless creatures. Among them are human beings that are indistinguishable from ordinary people, but also strange creatures with strange shapes. The changes are dazzling and cannot be seen at all.

“It’s like …”

Silently, he murmured in front of a magic beast mural of Three Heads and Six Arms.

When the words fell, he felt something wrong.

In front of his eyes, the magic beast mural of Three Heads and Six Arms gradually enlarged and gradually occupied his entire sight.

The next moment, the surrounding scene seemed to change, and he suddenly saw a scene.

On the endless plain of Hirano, a powerful magic beast fell, and its flesh gradually withered …

The grief at the dying, the fear gradually dispersed and slowly merged, so that his heart was cast a little shadow, as if the picture gradually passed, really incarnation into that magic beast.

“Be careful …” A voice whirls around, gradually swinging away, turning into a layer of mild and indescribable Strength in the surroundings, quietly entering all the hearts, dispersing their inner shadows and fears.

Standing in front of everyone, Adier faintly said, “The things in these murals are all real.”

“Really?” Qimu and the others were startled, and before they had reacted, they saw Adier in front of them, and continued to move forward.

Beside Adier, Luciu remained silent, and his acceptance of all this was much better than those of Qimu.

After all, although the player is a stranger, he has not escaped from the knowledge in the real world.

Living in a World without extraordinary Strength, even if the creation game has given them enough surprises, the scene in front of them is still extremely shocking.

Ignoring the players behind him, Adier continued to move forward.

As he walked, the frescoes continued to grow in front of his eyes.

The mural on the left is about a woman’s growth.

According to the mural, this is an ordinary girl, because she has beautiful purple hair and is regarded as a witch by the indigenous people around her.

When Zi Nu was 20 years old, there was a giant beast fight in the sky, and a drop of blood dripping from the sky happened to drop on Zi Nu, causing Zi Nu to grow a scorpion tail, and she gave birth to extraordinary power.

After that, in order to defend the country and to gain strength, Zi Nu fights with different Bloodline descendants all the way, and finally goes to Peak ····

At the end of this mural, Adier saw such a scene.

An all-purple girl with purple hair stands on the horizon, covering every inch of skin and every long hair with amazing charm. So she went straight to the sky, and the huge Purple Qi swallowed up a huge and indescribable Scorpio. New ancestor.

This is the final scene of the mural. As for the story of the purple girl, not at all mentioned in this mural.

Looking at these murals all the way, Adier’s mind also had a slight fluctuation, and his mood was no longer as calm as before, and he was a little surprised.

He had no doubt at all about the authenticity of these murals. Because a kind of Strength was felt on these murals, similar to the deepest origin of his within the body.

These murals are not artificial sculptures, but reflect the real experience of their own life through the original reflection. Among them, with the change of the owner’s mind, some privacy pictures may not be displayed, but they can be displayed. What comes out is undoubtedly true life experience.

What surprised Adier was the experience of the purple girl.

“From an ordinary mortal, the chance coincided with the Bloodline road, but he beheaded his opponent all the way, and finally swallowed all his Bloodline ancestors, thus giving birth to the origin …”

“This experience … even if it is the so-called protagonist, I am afraid it is so.”

Adier couldn’t help marveling at the scenes shown in the murals.

As a wizard who was also born on the Bloodline, he knew the difficulty.

Level 4 exists, where is it so easy to kill, especially as a descendant of Bloodline, it is more difficult to ascend your own Bloodline ancestor, as it seems to Adier, it is almost impossible.

The purple girl in front of her not only achieved this, but also promoted the bloodline that swallowed her ancestors, and even the behaviors of Adier were not sighed.

“If this purple girl really does such a thing, then I am afraid it will not be simple in itself, most of it is the Child of Destiny in a certain period of World.”

Looking at the mural in front of him, Adier retracted his eyes, and suddenly he was a little curious: “I just don’t know what the purple girl’s later experience was and why it fell. Even the related records are nearly annihilated in this world.”

As the lord of the entire Elka Province today, after devouring Soon, Adier also tried his best to search the records of the King of Antiquity, but found only a few clues.

Regardless of the former King of Soon, the Marquis of Soon, or the collections in the Calade Empire, there is no excessive record of this King of Antiquity. I only know that this King of Antiquity seems to have fallen very early. During a war of King of Antiquity, the traces of its existence were completely erased by the latecomers, eliminating all the roots of existence.

“His Royal Highness …”

On the side, Luciu kept talking, but looking at the silhouette of Adier in front of him, he finally said: “The King Descendant in these murals has not been recorded …”

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