“This this···”

Looking at the scene in front of him, Qi Mu and the others were dumbfounded.

In the corner in front of him, a tall corpse was lying there quietly.

The corpse looks very tall. If it can stand up, I am afraid that it is four five meters tall and full of breath. The body is densely covered with heavy scales, with fine textures on it, and the golden luster flashes in place.

It can be seen that this corpse must be an extremely powerful King Descendant before his death. The Bloodline on his body is extremely majestic. Even if he has died for countless years, he can still be out of breath, as if he had to breathe. Already.

Even compared with the previous corpse, this corpse is also the most complete. Not only did the flesh and blood on the body not disappear, there was no sign of decay, it looked like a sleeping emperor, where he fell asleep quietly , Waiting for the wake of the future.

“A Bloodline Son of Level 3!”

Looking at this corpse, even Adier was twitched by eyelids, feeling a bit surprised.

Beside him, Luciu and the others were almost kneeling.

The majesty of this corpse is too strong. Even if it has died for countless years, its Strength has mostly dissipated, but even the only remaining point is still unprecedented terror for those who are not even one level.

Even if it wasn’t for Adier standing in front of them, they wouldn’t be trembling, their flesh would be stiff, and it wouldn’t be a surprise to die here directly.

“This … this must be a Supreme King …”

Standing behind Adier, Luciu’s mouth trembled: “Only this existence can have such great majesty after death …”

While speaking, after standing still, he also stared at Adier in front of him, watching his reaction.

Unlike them, Adier stood in front of the corpse and seemed unaffected. Not only did he not react at all, he didn’t even change his face much, and he didn’t seem to feel the body in front of him.

This situation made him certain, and the fearful heart settled down instantly, and the backbone was restored.

“A Bloodline descendant of Level 3 shouldn’t have fallen right here. Why did he die here?”

Standing in front of the body, looking at the tall body in front of him, Adier was a little confused.

To this temple, he knew from the moment he entered, that there should not be much Strength left in it.

With countless years of consumption, the strength of this temple has been exhausted. Although a reflection of the origin of King of Antiquity brings the place itself with a trace of the strength of King of Antiquity, these Strengths have at most destroyed some Levels 2 exists. For existence above Level 3, there should be nothing to do.

So the question is, how did this Level 3 Bloodline descendant fall here?

“The body has no external scars, and no traces of External Strength …”

Looking at the corpse in front of him, Adier calculated silently, and then extended the hand, under the gaze of Qimu and the others behind him, and stretched his hand directly on the corpse in front of him.

Cold and supple, it feels like touching a woman’s soft skin, and it is instantly passed behind Adier.

Adier’s arm touched the scales on the body, and Adier suddenly hesitated, feeling some kind of trace in the body.

In order to confirm his feelings, he took out a black ancient jade from his body, and then unlocked the suppression on it.

oh la la ···

The light purple shimmer escaped from the ancient jade. It seemed to feel something. The Strength response above was unprecedentedly fierce.

In Adier’s induction, the Spirit fluctuations on the ancient jade quickly became fierce, and there was a vague consciousness looming on it, and the instinctual shouting seemed to be calling something.

At the same time, on the corpse in front of me, a muffled sound spread rapidly, as if it were hit countless times at the same time, cracks began to appear on the tall corpse in front of it, like ceramics gradually cracked, and began to reveal the Flesh and Skeleton.

The scales of little by little began to fall off. After the cracking, the flesh and blood originally used to support the body began to wither quickly, leaving only huge white bones and a bright glow.

This radiance is beautiful. In the radiance, you can see a Scorpio roaring upwards, and a silhouette with purple long hair, which exudes awe and majesty.

In just a moment, the surrounding environment began to change, and the originally humid and dark corridor quickly became dry. The soil on the ground began to instantly turn into a pure black crystal, which was instantly changed by an inexplicable horror Strength.

This change is gradual, gradually spreading from the original corpse, gradually expanding to the surroundings, and spreading to the distance without stopping.

“this is···”

Looking at the glittering purple crystal in front of him, Adier’s eyes were deep, but his heart was shaking: “Origin!”

The crystal of purple in front of him is very similar to something in the depth of one’s soul. It belongs to the origin of the existence of Level 4, and it is also the origin of Bloodline.

“Yuanyuan Yisan, look at this, this King of Antiquity has really fallen!”

Looking at the crystal of purple in front of him, he strongly suppressed the vibration of the ancient jade in his hand, and Adier flashed this thought in his mind.

Under normal circumstances, the origin of Level 4 cannot be split, and it is impossible to escape. The only thing that can cause this result is the fall of the body.

This means that the King of Antiquity in front of him is really falling, and it is falling completely.

Thinking of this, Adier raised his head, one hand restrained the ancient jade, and the other hand quickly grabbed the ancient jade in front of him.

The origin of a Level 4 existence is definitely the most precious thing in a Level 4 existence, only worse than the level of the World origin.

Even asking Level 4 at the same time, the origin of the King of Antiquity in front of him may be more rewarding for Adier.

As the arm comes in contact with the purple crystal, the place stops for a moment.

A cold and hot, extremely violent, but with a sense of tranquility from the heart, was accurately accepted by Adier.

In the depth of one’s soul, which cannot be seen by ordinary people, in the meditation, the origin of a silver flashes, and as the origin draws, it comes into contact with the origin of another purple, reflecting each other.

As this process began to occur, a little faintly discernable voice began to come, with a unique perception, accompanied by a large number of memory fragments.

Just for a moment, Adier closed his eyes, and his consciousness was completely indulged in some of the memories and feelings carried by this source.

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