Roar! !

A burst of roar and a low bite came from all directions, flooding the surrounding world with a lot of noise, which was distressing and painful.

A feeling of suffocation came from my mind, like an ordinary person in the deep sea, who could only struggle with it weakly, sinking gradually.

Feeling this, Adier eyes opened, all the discomfort that the whole body felt originally disappeared at this moment, leaving only the most original and real part of the picture.

“this is···”

He couldn’t help but look at the picture in front of him.

Because in front of me, a wonderful scene is showing.

In a withering forest, slender scorpions crawled among them, entangled with each other and crawling among them.

It’s nothing strange, it’s really amazing, and even frightening, it’s the number of scorpions in this forest, not one or two, but thousands.

Countless scorpions are crawling here, including large and small, poisonous scorpions and ordinary small scorpions, and even large scorpions that feed on other scorpions, but all of them are crawling here and slowly approaching Deep in the forest.

In the deepest part of the forest, a huge scorpion ball is placed in it, and strange scorpions are climbing in it, rolling this scorpion ball more and more, and even Adier feels a little surprised.

It seemed that I felt Adier’s gaze, and a large number of scorpions quickly spread out, revealing the things inside.

Standing in place, Adier keenly felt that a pair of gentle and indifferent, gently moving eyes were fixed on his body, and he accurately focused on his body.

In the center surrounded by the scorpion in front, the appearance of a girl with purple hair gradually revealed.

She wasn’t wearing any clothes, and her whole body was like the most delicate crystal, full of deadly appeal, and it was impossible to shift her eyes.

A piece of purple hair was loose, soft and long, and at this moment stood there, with a gentle smile on his breathtaking face, and looked at Adier so quietly.

“You finally came···”

She smiled on her cheek, staring like stars, silently looking at Adier, and said.

Only this sentence fell, and Adier suddenly changed complexion greatly, feeling a kind of wrong.

The expression of the girl in front of her eyes was agile, her breath was deep and almost unfathomable, it was not like a faded memory at all, but like a living person.

What’s more, the words spoken by the other party are also strange, not like a simple memory segment, but rather a well-prepared means.

“The time hundred thousand years rotates, I had a hunch … I will one day meet this possibility in this world, so I will create a clone early and wait here …”

She looked at Adier seriously. Although her eyes were calm, her eyes seemed to memorize Adier’s appearance and breath deeply, and engraved in the deepest part of her soul: “Now it seems that after all … “

“You!” Adier complexion changed. At this moment, there was a cool air on his body, which made his mind change.

Until now, when the other party spoke, the other person’s breath really came out.

The bit by bit of purple mist rises, condensing into the appearance of a Scorpio, and on the other side, it seems that there is a vague world running, lingering a timeless and permanent, as if forever indelible weather.

This weather, this feeling, it is impossible to be Level 4 at all!

At least Level 5, and even higher levels.

boom! !

A burst of broken glass sounds broke out, and cracks began to appear around the scene in front of him. Pieces of glass fragments scattered, with bits and pieces of memory fragments.

“It’s almost time …”

Looking at everything around, Zi Nu gently said: “My body is located in another Great World. Even if I use this source to talk to you, there is only so much time left.”

“Strive to become stronger … One day, we will meet again.”

The soft voice fell, and in the place, the sound of liu shattered broke out completely, and then the scene in front of him disappeared completely.

Countless pieces of memory are flying in the sky, standing in place, watching this scene, Adier’s mood is slightly calm, thinking of the other party’s previous words, frowning in place.

And at the end of the front, a little purple light fluttered, and after feeling the breath of Adier, it flew directly.

A little inner throbbing sensation gradually rose, making Adier raise his head unconsciously, looked towards the purple glow ahead.

Adier is no stranger to this familiar thrill, and has experienced it many times before.

That was the feeling brought about when the coordinates were found, but compared to the past few times, this time the feeling was stronger than ever, and the future was clear.

If the World coordinates he found in the past were a pastry, then the coordinates he found this time were a big meal, and his origin could not help but raise a desire, like a hungry traveler I want to eat.

But despite this, looking at the coordinates in front of him, he did not move at all, but hesitated for a while.

The coordinates in front of him are not what he found, but what is left of the unknown existence, and whether there will be any backhands in it is unknown.

However, he hasn’t waited for the determination in his heart. In front of him, the coordinates of purple are flying, wrapped in some unique Strength. In Adier’s shocked eyes, he rushed towards him directly and merged into his body in an instant. .

Suddenly, a huge World unfolded in front of his eyes.

It was a huge World, its distance was extremely far, and its power was extremely powerful. In Adier’s induction, it was even better than the Wizard World.

After learning about this world, an inexplicable message followed, and Adier cleared the name of this world.

“Origin World ···” frowns, feeling the coordinates of this world, Adier was silent for a moment.

“His Royal Highness, what’s wrong?”

Beside, Luciu and the others’ voice of doubt came, breaking the silence in place.

Adier turned and looked around, and behind him, Luciu and the others stood silently, and around, several corpses were standing in place, and everything looked just like before.


He opened the mouth and said, and then suddenly complexion changed.

Before he knew it, something had been added to him.

It was a call of faintly discernable, the source is not the other, it is the coordinates of the ancestor World.

A faintly discernable appeal came from this coordinate, and it was acting on him every moment, making his mind heavier.

According to this trend, Adier estimates that he will not be able to bear this pressure for thousands of years at most, leading to various consequences.

“I’m afraid I won’t go to this world, so I set up a special means in the coordinates?”

Adier’s face was covered with chills, and he felt the coordinates recorded in the depth of one’s soul, and now even the source became dead.

This is a speechless result.

Just now, Adier made up his mind that he would never go to that World if it was not necessary in this life. But the other party was like guessing the thought in his heart. In a blink of an eye, the other party gave him a way to force him to go to this world someday in the future.

This feeling is really terrible.

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