“A thousand years···”

Standing in place, Adier’s complexion gradually calmed down, feeling the traction from the coordinates, said silently in his heart.

The traction from that coordinate is very strong, and as time goes by, the traction from inside is still increasing.

According to this trend, Adier estimates that at most one thousand years, he will be forced into that World by this coordinate, and there will be no room left.

“It seems I have to go there.”

Feeling all this, Adier sighed in his heart, then turned around and looked towards side Luciu and the others: “Gather some of the things here, let’s leave.”

After going through the scene just now, Adier understands the details of the King of Antiquity right now.

This is not a powerhouse produced locally, but an incarnation of a Strange World powerhouse. Even the fall is an illusion that was done early, just to stay here, waiting for him to be delivered to the door.

Thinking of all this, thinking of the other party’s previous words, Adier’s heart could not help but burst into coldness.

Being able to cross the World, foreseeing the arrival of Adier many years ago, and making arrangements in advance, the strength of this existence itself is frightening, and its strength far exceeds Adier’s imagination.

But what is the reason why such a person exists and takes a lot of effort on Adier?

Along the way, Adier pondered the question, and his mind became full of doubts.



In the quiet hall, a slight sound started to ring, and it was ringing all around.

In a coffin-like white box, an arm rose sharply, and then a tall and resolute silhouette emerged from it, with a little water stain on his body.

“How do you feel?” A husky voice came from behind him, which didn’t sound too far away.

“It’s a bit bad.” Lera shook her head and shook her arms casually, then she smiled bitterly on the face: “I didn’t think so much before, but after experiencing the feeling in the game, I felt a sense of weakness that I didn’t have before.”

“That’s true.” In the distance, Schilim stepped out of another room, listening to his words, it was quite nodded.

Only by experiencing Strength can you know the beauty of having Strength.

In the game World, because of the potion given by Adier, the physical data of these players has risen to a horrible level. In the real world, it is definitely a superman, a tiger and a leopard, and a broken tree is a pediatrics.

After experiencing this Strength, which is horrible to ordinary people, and then returning to his weak body, the feeling of discomfort will be amplified, causing a strong sense of imbalance.

Schilim is similar. In the game World, he can memorize dozens of books a day, both in learning ability and memory ability are much stronger than the real World.

If it weren’t for the necessary diet and activities, they would not want to get out of the game now.

“Unfortunately, games are just games …”

Lera sighed and then said, “Is there any news lately?”

Schilim has always been in charge of the association’s affairs in intelligence gathering, so he asked that.

“There are not many specific issues, but there are more and more official messages …”

Schilim said casually, trying to say something.

bump! !!

Outside, a huge explosion suddenly sounded, which changed the faces of the two in front of them: “What’s going on?”

Whether it is Lera or Schilim, there are a lot of resources behind it, and the place where they live is a well-known rich area. The security facilities are definitely in place. Under normal circumstances, the probability of various accidents is very low. It goes without saying that such a terrible explosion occurred.

Before they could react from surprise, some changes began to occur.

The earth began to turbulence, and the World beneath it began to shake.

In the surroundings, the various devices in their house were shaking with visible eye speed, and the lights on some electrical equipment were dim and dim, making it horrible to see.

Aaahhhhhhh!! ! !

Screams came from all directions, like the screams of countless evil spirits at the same time, as if from the endless abyss hell.

“what’s the situation!!”

Listening to the sound, Lera and Schilim suddenly changed their faces, and then, motivated by a crisis of instincts, went straight out of the room.

Opening the door and coming out of the room, the shaking of the surrounding earth has gradually stabilized, but in the distance, an amazing scene is emerging.

On the distant sky, countless black strange birds are flying, forming one black spot after another in the air, which looks densely packed, which is very scary.

“what is that?”

Looking at these black birds, Lera’s face was a little shocked, and she looked at the scene shyly, not knowing what happened.

It was only in his heart that at this time there was an extremely strong hunch, as if something bad was happening and was about to spread to the surroundings.

This feeling is ridiculous, but it is real, and it has never been truer. If he hadn’t kept his reason, he could hardly control his instinct, and wanted to stay away from the surroundings and to a safe place.

But this feeling came fast and quickly. Soon, in the sky, as the strange birds disappeared from a distance quickly, this feeling also faded quickly, as if it had never appeared before.


Looking at the strange bird disappearing in the distance, Lera and Schilim were stunned in place, and they were a bit at a loss.

A busy footstep was ringing quickly on an island thousands of kilometers away.

As the external mutation began to occur, the changes around the World were quickly captured, and the data of all parties were quickly aggregated and gathered in this place to calculate the final result.

Soon, as the busy footsteps of countless researchers sounded, a row of data gradually emerged on the final brain.

“World unification begins … thirty-three days from zero …”

The mechanically synthesized sound resounded around the base. Around the base, wearing uniforms of different nationalities, countless researchers looked dignified and couldn’t help revealing the inexplicable expression in their eyes. It seemed that they were about to predict the next event.

“Damn, is this day finally coming !!!”

At a corner of the base, listening to the sound of mechanical synthesis, a middle-aged big man dropped the water cup fiercely on his hand, and his expression on his face was nearly distorted.

“Calm down …”

Beside, a soft voice of a woman was persuading: “There is still a month or so, if there is nothing left to do, please complete it as soon as possible …”

“Don’t leave yourself sorry at this time …”

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