Bang … Bang …

Strong vibrations rang all around, and in all directions, pieces of ruins were displayed around.

The ground is still shaking, and buildings are collapsing from time to time. The whole scene looks magnificent and spectacular.

However, the scene is spectacular enough, but just under the scene, those people feel uncomfortable.

“Damn mutation!”

Secretly hiding in a refuge, feeling the aftershocks around her, Lera gnashing teeth, unable to accept the scene in front of her.

Just about half a month, everything changed.

In the world ’s mutation, modern society collapsed between dynasties. Under the unprecedented earthquake, large buildings collapsed, the tsunami flooded the coast, and everything began to change.

However, these changes in the environment are not considered. Despite the horror, they are actually not too dangerous to the ordinary person.

Because, whether it is an earthquake or a tsunami, it seems to be controlled by people. Although it erupts from time to time, it has not completely erupted, and it will not cause a terrible crisis.

In addition, because of long-expected reasons, officials in various countries have long been prepared for this situation, and a large number of defensive facilities have been established long ago and are located in various highlands.

One such facility is the place where Lera and the others are staying.

Because of the long-term preparation, the conditions in this type of facilities are not too bad, and water and electricity are not too short in a short period of time. The related grain is also stored early, and all factors that may cause disturbances are judged .

Therefore, in this disaster, not many people died due to internal factors. The real difficulties are external.

bump! !!

A violent impact sounded, like a hammer hitting a huge city gate, making a shocking impact.

Listening to this voice, Lera and the others suddenly woke up, and suddenly gnashing teeth: “Here it is again!”

“These monsters!”

He stood up suddenly, looking at a certain distance in the distance, looking at the huge iron gate that was constantly shaking, with irresistible anger in his eyes.

Half a month ago, after the World mutation, in addition to the frequent earthquakes and tsunamis, some anomalous organisms continued to appear and began to endanger the lives of people around them.

At first it was just an ordinary black monster, but later, it was all kinds of monsters, including dangerous and safe, but without exception, it was not friendly to people in this world.

Just like natural enemies, these monsters will burst into a strong killing intent the moment they see humans, whether they are strong or weak.

Even after these monsters successfully kill people, these monsters seem to get any rewards. The whole body quickly changes dramatically and becomes more horrible.

It is for this reason that in a short period of time, these monsters became extremely scary and reached a point of despair.

Compared with these monsters, when humans see these monsters, they will also have an unprecedented desire to kill, as if they encountered natural enemies and food, they will have a crazy killing intent in their hearts. These monsters kill.

But unlike these monsters, humans kill monsters. Although there will be some changes, the Strength itself will not increase in the slightest.

It is for this reason that in the dispute with monster, human beings are almost in a disadvantageous position overall, and with the change of time, there is a growing trend.

“President, don’t be impulsive!”

Next to him, a thin, white arm rested on Lera’s shoulder. Schilim stepped out and looked at the iron gate outside. He looked dignified: “This Dao Sect is very sturdy. Even if the monster is found, it should not be hit. On, we are still safe !!! “

“When will this life come to an end!” Lera’s eyes were filled with anger, and the depression for half a month made his mood swings extremely obvious.

Before World mutation, his family was a well-known local consortium, and he was also a celebrity of the creation game. He was a well-known hot character, right, power, wealth…. These ordinary people draw on everything, he all have.

But overnight, World mutation, almost all of these things were lost. And he also became the pride of heaven, and became a refugee in a moment.

The contrast created by the strong changes kept his breath in his heart, coupled with the impulse to kill by the instinct of his natural enemies, at this time he could not help but explode.

“Be patient again, didn’t the official say that, at most half a month, changes will occur, and by then, the immediate disaster will be over …”

Beside, looking at Lera’s appearance at this time, Schilim shook the head, a little helpless.

With Lera type, he couldn’t be more angry about the situation in front of him.

In the previous disaster, many of their relatives and friends died in the hands of the monster outside, and they already hated the monster outside.

However, in the end, he is calm and understands that charge is ahead, but dead end is the only one, even because of his impulse, it will drag other people into it.

bump! bump! bump!

The sound of collision outside is still sounding, and with the passage of time, there is no tendency to stop at all, but it is getting stronger and stronger.

At the beginning, everyone was still a little scared and afraid, but after that, after a night passed, watching the monster outside did not break through the defense, they became numb and ignored the voice there.

Soon, days passed.

In the early morning, Lera got up from bed as before, and then started a day of training under the guidance of the instructor.

The current instructor is officially assigned.

During the period when they were trapped underground, in some places, in order to prevent disasters, local officials allowed the disaster victims in various places to conduct various trainings in their free time.

In this way, it can not only strengthen the people’s ability in all aspects, but also prevent the victims from doing nothing, letting their energy go out and causing trouble.

Every day, in order to vent the anger in her heart, Lera trains fiercely and will not stop until she is exhausted.

But this day’s situation is different than usual.

Upon arriving at the spacious training ground, Lera noticed at a glance that many people were missing from the surrounding array.

“At least a few hundred people are missing.”

He glanced at the array around him, an ominous premonition rising in his heart.

The number of people in the sanctuary in front of them is naturally quite large.

So many people are lined up in one place. If there are only dozens of people missing, it can’t be found at all.

Only when the number of hundreds of people disappeared at the same time can they be noticed at a glance.

Buzz …

A slight sound started to sound, like the vibration of a mosquito when it was flying. At first the sound was very low, but it was slowly clear until the sound of thousands of people in front of it was completely masked.

“what sound?”

At this time, everyone began to realize that something was wrong, and started to look a little nervously all around, trying to understand what the source of the anomaly was.

They quickly understood this.

Because in the distance, by the bright white lights in the shelter, countless strange insects with thin wings flew from the distance.

These insects look similar to ordinary mosquitoes, but their body shape is far from this. Each one is taken out individually and is the size of an ordinary human head.

And on the heads of these insects, the sharp and horrible mouthpieces are constantly squirming, and some are still swallowing fresh red pieces of meat, which just seem to make the scalp tingling.


Just moments later, everyone present reacted, and his face turned pale.

“The door is broken !!” Someone shouted in despair, but was immediately covered by the noise in front of him.


It was only a moment when Lera reacted, pulling Schilim’s clothes directly and running forward, shouting relatives and friends around while running.

His speed is very fast. Although he is in the real world and does not have the superman-like physical qualities in the creation game, his original Strength is very good, and he quickly ran to the entrance.

Unfortunately, in the chaotic environment in front of him, no matter how fast he runs.

People in various places have long been in a mess, and all the leaving passages are full of crowded people. Everyone is squeezing outwards so crazy that the passages are blocked and they do not pass at all.


Looking at this situation, Lera and Schilim complexion ashen.

The situation in front of them, even if they are worse.

In the real world, they are just mortals, neither can leap, nor fight with the front and monster. In the face of this situation, there is no other way of life except for dead end.

“Are you really going to die this time?”

They glanced at each other, and saw the despair and decisiveness in each other’s eyes.

Incidentally, they picked up a few iron bars from the counter next to them, and the killing mood in their hearts had reached its extreme at this time.

Since they can’t find a way to live, before they die, they also lack the courage to fight, even if they die, they need to give these monsters a layer of skin.

They glanced at each other for the last time, then inadvertently, took the iron rod and rushed forward.


In a vast world.

In a courtyard, a red wooden table is placed in the center, where a teenager with immaculate looks and a red seal on his forehead is sitting there, looking at the copy in his hands.

By the side of the boy, a middle-aged man with a tall figure and ordinary face with perseverance seemed to be standing there, wearing an armor on his body.

“His Royal Highness, I said those people have problems!”

Beside Adier, Luciu had an unbearable suspicion, watching Adier clenching one’s teeth said: “It was only overnight that half the residents of the entire city were cursed. If there were no problems, how could this be?”

What he said was naturally the event of the collective disappearance of players.

Players after all is an alien visitor. After the Mutation in the Real World, those players will no longer be able to log in to the game. In this world, the bodies of these players will all fall asleep and not wake up. It’s like a curse.

It’s okay elsewhere, after all, compared with this reality, the number of players is not too much, and the situation caused is not too obvious.

But in Elka Province, where players are concentrated, this is extremely obvious.

Take Sisely, for example. This city has concentrated a large number of players in the previous half of the year.

These players became officials in the local area, doing various businesses, and almost occupying most of them, comparing the number of indigenous people in the city.

However, the connection between the Real World and the game World is broken. At this moment, most people in the city are not awake, and the influence brought about by this can hardly be hidden.

Even if Adier had been prepared, after the majority of the players fell asleep collectively, the operation of the entire Elka Province would have to stop, with extremely serious consequences.

“I know.”

Looking at Luciu and Adier nodded in front of him, it was clear that when he was about to say something, an inexplicable induction came to his mind and made him startled.

He raised his head, his eyes instantly turned into silver, an inexplicable connection emerged, making his eyes penetrate the isolation of the World and stare at another World.

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