A thick Purple Qi rises above the sky, a World in full bloom, and falls into the eyes of Adier.

This world is magnificent, shining in the void, but it has already undergone drastic changes.

At the center between this World and this world, a world that is about to collapse is approaching, is gradually merging with this world, and is slowly approaching the creation world.

This is a fusion of three worlds. Each of the three worlds is a powerful individual. At this time, they are close to each other under some common action, and gradually have an impact.

Even if it’s not in that World at this time, Adier can imagine the dramatic changes in those two Worlds, which is absolutely amazing.

Quietly, he looked up and continued to look, a scene gradually appeared in his eyes.

Some people shouted and roared, some whispered softly, and some ran away in the wilderness, what were they avoiding …

The picture of everything gradually disappeared. In the end, in Adier’s eyes, a picture emerged clearly.

That was Lera’s silhouette. At this time, it was facing a group of monster attacks. It was already the most dangerous time, so that Adier’s imprint on him was triggered, which made Adier in another World feel.

Gently, he sighed, and then the whole person changed instantly, his eyes became extremely sharp.

In the meditation, there is a certain connection through the power within the body, and a light of purple emerges from the body and is instantly transmitted to another World.

bump! bump! bump!

The sound of crisp collisions was still sounding, and the violent impact sound when swinging with iron bars.

“Come on, you monster!”

Wielding an iron rod, one rod broke the head of an Insect beast in front of him, and the green body fluid was scattered to the ground. Lera’s expression was a little crazy.

In just a short time, there were a lot of wounds on his body, and his left arm was broken, and the bones contaminated with flesh and blood were seen on it.

The intense pain and intense desire to kill him stimulated the mind, and the state of excessive blood loss caused his mind to quickly fade away and approach a coma.

Even at this moment, he could feel a strong drowsiness, as long as he closed his eyes, he would never open again.

Beside him, Schilim stood with his back against the wall, the blood dripping from his body and flowing to the ground.

Compared with Lera, he looked even more miserable, one calf was eaten away, the blood at the wound was flowing, and he could only stand barely against the wall.

“Are we going to die?”

The blood was constantly draining, and the brain’s consciousness was quickly becoming blurred. Schilim only felt that the eyelids were getting heavier, and the monster in front of him was getting harder and harder to see, flickering in the distance.

In the distance, a winged monster slowly crawled towards them, the mouthpiece on his head was squirming, and a small piece of finger bone was still eating on it.

Slowly, he crawled to the side of Lera and Schilim, without any politeness, eating directly on their flesh and blood.


Feeling the pain in his body, Lera’s arm holding the iron rod dropped weakly, and finally a thought flashed in her heart.

The vision in front of me is gradually blurred, and in the brain, memories of the past are constantly emerging.

From the carefree childhood, to the colorfulness of the killing in the creation game, and finally to the mutation of the real world, the monster that is all over the sky …

Everything’s picture began to fade, and in the end, there was only the last picture in his mind.

That’s what Adier looks like.


The crisp sound of glass breaking sounded like a mirror breaking in an instant, and numerous space fragments scattered like a broken mirror, exposing the scene inside.

A faint clear air rises from the surroundings, and although it is cool, it also carries a unique Strength, but in an instant, it surrounds the place and turns it into another area.

“I … didn’t die?”

I closed my eyes a lot and felt that the pain in my body was gradually disappearing. Both Lera and Schilim slowly opened their eyes, just to see the scene in front of them.

I do not know when, in front of him, a silhouette of a teenager has appeared.

He was wearing a moon-white robe, and his body was immaculate. There was no expression on his handsome face, and there was a scarlet red mark on his forehead. The noble temperament on his body could not be covered, no matter who it was, When this young man, he must look up in his heart, as if to see the most noble king.

“you are····!!”

Seeing this person, Lera and Schilim immediately froze. In their eyes, a shocking and shocking emotion continued to surge, leaving them straight.

In front of this young boy, they will naturally not be unfamiliar. They often met in the previous founding games, and even continued to show loyalty and vowed to be loyal to each other.

I just didn’t expect that at this juncture, the other party appeared in front of himself in this way.

“This this····”

Looking at the scene in front of them, their heads suddenly crashed, staring at Adier in front of them, wondering what to say for a moment.

“Be quiet.”

Gently glanced at Lera and looked at the tragic surroundings, Adier shook the head.

The scene in front of him was somewhat unexpected.

Although when the players collectively went offline, he anticipated the upheaval of this world, but did not expect to start in this way.

If it had not been for Lera’s body, there had been imprints he had laid, and I’m afraid he hadn’t responded until now.

“Forget it, although it’s a bit late, it’s not too late now.”

He looked up and looked at the raging monster in front of him. Adier sighed softly, then took a step forward.


Suddenly, the surrounding space began to stagnate, and the surrounding space and time seemed to be frozen, followed by a fierce flame.

Behind Adier, as the actual rays of light erupted, then in the rays of light, Totem, a human zombie, stepped on the flames, roared and walked from the fire sea, exuding violent terror and majesty.

This is the full activation of the power of Bloodline. Although it is far less than Adier’s ontology when it comes to Strength, just this one is enough for the situation at hand.

A ray of red light flashed, and then in front of everyone around, a monster with a scalp began to burn, all the monsters were ignited at the same time, and turned into dust and fell to the ground, accumulating thick ashes.

After doing this, he turned around, his eyes looked towards Lera and Schilim in front of him.

A bit of purple light flashed, and a heat current surged around, turning into a golden rain, and merged into the bodies of the two at once, and integrated with them.

Just for a moment, a horrific transformation began to happen to them.

The original wound began to heal, and the bones that had been bitten began to grow again, and the flesh and blood continued to connect, and eventually healed and returned to the previous appearance.

By the time the golden rain in the place had completely disappeared, Lera and Schilim had recovered completely. Not only did their wounds disappear, but even all the limbs they had exercised had returned to Section Head and stood intact in front of Adier’s eyes.

If this entire process is seen by some experts, I am afraid that even the eyes will be glared. If I have not seen it with my own eyes, I am afraid I cannot believe this is a fact.


Gently waving his hand, watching his re-grown arm, feeling the force on it, Lera had some expression 恍惚.

He looked at the Adier in front of him, and then looked at Schilim, who was also recovering as he was before, and finally kneeled slowly: “His Royal Highness …”

Only within a short time, he calmed down, forcibly suppressed the shock in his heart and couldn’t believe it, and barely calmed down.

Regardless of the truth of all this, how the Sisso Prince in front of him appeared in the real world. But now, each other is their only savior.

Outside World, at this time, a large number of monsters are piled up. There is no protective door blocking them. Those monsters will probably flood into this shelter soon.

In this case, the only person who can save them is Sisso Prince.

“Get up.”

Looking at Lera in front of him, Adier’s face remained unchanged, he opened his mouth gently, and then turned around, looking towards all around.

Around, there are stumps and bones everywhere, large pieces of flesh and blood are scattered all around, and some have sharp mouthparts.

This is the scene when the monster was raging before. It was just a short time ago that caused this misery.

Intermittent moans were sounding, with painful wailing.

That was the voice of the attacked, and it looked like he was suffering tremendously.

“Sisso Prince !!”

At this point, the crisis is lifted, and the surviving talents can react, looking at the out of the ordinary, as if the Adier came out of the story, one after another is shocked.

These people are no strangers to Sisso Prince.

In the past few years, because of the popularity of the creation game, even some of them have begun to spread in this world, and gradually become popular.

It was in this context that Adier became known to the public.

As the most powerful character at the current stage of the creation game, in this world, he is recognized as the protagonist in the creation game world, even if it is a child. At this time, I am afraid that he can say the name and deeds of Sisso Prince, not to mention In front of these people.

The characters around the game appear to be extremely thrilling at first, but just before their eyes, they are nothing.

Looking at the silhouettes of teenagers standing in the distance, these people almost didn’t hesitate and crawled towards Adier madly.


A cry wailed in the wild, and in the pool of blood, many people climbed toward Adier with difficulty, with longing for life in their eyes.

These people’s limbs are basically incomplete, the wounds on their bodies are everywhere, and they can’t live long, and they can live to this day, all supported by the will to survive.

After seeing Adier’s silhouette, these people crawled towards him frantically, and seemed unwilling to die like this.

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