“Too much.”

Looking at the people who were unwilling to climb towards Adier, Lera seemed a little intolerant, but did not say anything, but closed her eyes silently.

Looking at his appearance, Adier turned to look at him, and the red seal on his forehead seemed to be more clear and obvious.

A golden light rain is permeating, Bloodline’s Strength is activated at this moment, and the Strength escapes, sweeping across all directions, covering all the people who have fallen to the ground.

Except for those who have become corpses, if there is still a breath, you can feel a coolness coming from all over your body, and then a warm and comfortable feeling passes, and the whole body begins to heal, and the flesh and blood originally lost begins. It kept growing, and it became the original.

Of course, compared with Lera and Schilim, these people are treated much worse.

Although they were saved a life, but that’s it, just helping them heal the wound is over.

As for limb rupture, those who lack hands and feet can only ask for blessing.

After doing this, Adier waved his hand, a red rays of light escaped, and rushed into the distance with a majestic momentum.

Driven by this Strength, the originally ruptured gate in the distance began to twist, the broken place began to reconnect, and restored to its former appearance.

Even more than before, on this huge protective door, a human head snake body, as if the Red Seal of the demon, was recorded, and the faint glow of scarlet red was blooming on it.

This is Adier’s own Blood Imprint, representing his Bloodline blessing, forcibly transforming the front door into a Magic Transformed Item.

Unless the strength of the imprint on the front door is exhausted, otherwise the door is indestructible protection and cannot be forcibly opened by external forces.

After doing this, Adier ’s Strength of this Project consumed almost half, and he was not interested in staying in this shelter, and the silhouette flashed and disappeared in place.

In situ, watching Adier’s disappearing silhouette, Lera and Schilim look at each other in dismay, and for a moment don’t know what to say.

Leaving from the sanctuary, Adier did not go to other sanctuaries, but quietly came to a towering mountain, quietly overlooking the ground under his feet.

In his eyes, this world is full of fluctuations at this time, World consciousness has recovered to Peak, and several Strength conflicts are also constantly acting, which has brought various effects to this world.

The most obvious is that the surface of the earth began to be turbulent. Tsunami and various disasters continued to occur. The entire World was affected almost everywhere, and there was no place of stability.

This situation is actually quite good. The impact of the collision of the three Worlds cannot be annihilated at all. If the consciousness of this world has recovered, starting to actively regulate these Strengths will minimize the impact. At this time, I am afraid it is not This is now.

Although the disaster at hand is horrible, under the control of World consciousness, it is controlled within a certain range, and not many people really die in the disaster.

“From the perspective of this world, I am afraid that the World I am in has also been affected at this time, but because the volume of World is much larger than this world, the impact is not as obvious as this world.”

Watching the changes in this world quietly, Adier thought slowly.

The three Worlds merge and merge with each other. The influence between each other is mutual, but in between, the stronger the World, the less affected, and the weaker the World, the greater the impact.

Among the three worlds, Adier’s creation world at this time is undoubtedly the strongest, and the smaller the impact, the weaker the real world is, and the greater the impact.

However, the world in front of us is not the world that is most affected. The other world is far worse than this world.

Thinking of this, he looked up and looked towards the dim sky in the distance.

His eyes began to rise gradually, rising to the sky, and watching an unknown, inexplicable World.

It was a smaller World, sandwiched between the Real World and the Creation World. At this time, in Adier’s sight, more than half of the World was stained with scarlet, which exuded a sense of silence and chaos.

This is a world that is about to be destroyed.

The three worlds swallowed each other. This world has the smallest body weight and is sandwiched between the real world and the creation world. It finally suffered a devastating blow. Even the structure of the world itself was about to be unsustainable. Mutation appeared and was on the verge of collapse.

A lot of monsters appearing in the World in reality are actually the original creatures of that World.

Because the World Consciousness mutated, these originally normal beings were also affected, and they began to alienate directly, and eventually became the picture in front of them.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Adier’s silhouette did not move at all, and the whole person was so rigid.

Deep in the source, his chip is also running at a high speed. At this time, he has mobilized all his computing power and is calculating and deducing.

The integration of several Worlds and witnessing the destruction of World is an extremely rare life experience. For Level 4 powerhouse like Adier, it is a rare opportunity.

During the destruction of the World, the origins and laws that were originally hidden in the World became clear. Observing the World at this time will undoubtedly save much effort than usual.

The light green data stream is constantly surging, and the chip in the source is running at full power, and every trace and every inch of the World movement is deduced to the record.

Soon, just five days later, the World in the distance began to be completely destroyed. The last glow of World was stained with scarlet, and then the entire World was dragged into it by the Creation World and torn into numerous pieces.

In this process, Adier can clearly see that there are countless pieces of law flashing through, and its origins are accepted by Genesis World.

Ten days later.

The earth began to sway, the ocean began to growl, and on the sky, the light of a layer of scarlet enveloped the entire World, as if the end of the world in the myth was about to come, I am afraid it would be absolutely perfect.

“Oh my God!”

Above the earth, watching the scene of the World in front of them, the survivors were afraid and shocked, with inexplicable panic and anxiety: “Is this the end of the world!”

Hong long! !

Layers of tsunami erupted along the coast, like a giant water dragon roaring, and its voice was more than half the world, flooding a large number of coastal areas.

bump! bump! !!

A dull sound came from the earth. In the eyes of countless people, the earth began to shatter, as if a complete moon cake had been shredded, and it was directly reduced to several complete fragments.

“no no!!”

There was wailing everywhere on the earth.

World’s wrestling is at the last moment. World consciousness no longer has time to control various disasters, so that various disasters finally begin to erupt, causing heavy losses to the entire World.

With just one tsunami, a coastal city will be submerged, and the entire city will not survive.

The disaster caused by the earthquake is no less inferior.

Even on the third day of the disaster, in the sky, huge meteors began to fall, burning a large number of Mars in mid-air, and then suddenly fell to the ground.

Tsunami, earthquake, meteorite … All kinds of disasters began to repeat in the World. In just a few days, there are more than 100 million dead souls.

Standing still, Adier could see.

With the progress of the disaster, countless creatures began to die, and after the death of countless creatures, the Strength that drove the World Consciousness was weakened, and the outbreak of the disaster was more uncontrollable, leading to the continuous escalation of the disaster and the formation of a vicious circle until the World Completely destroyed.

I want to change this situation, unless there is an external force outside the World, join the World’s wrestling, so that the strength of the two sides will be balanced again.

However, even if you want to interfere in this situation, even if it is the full burst of Adier’s strength, it is impossible.

Level 4 exists, although it is already like a demon, most people can do everything imagined by Demon Strength, but for the existence of this level of World, it is still incapable.

According to Adier’s estimation, if you want to change the situation in front of you, and let the World that is about to be swallowed out of the fate of being swallowed, I am afraid that at least Level 5 or even a higher level of existence can do it.

A Level 4, if you dare to get involved in the wrestling in the World, you can only be broken.

“mother !!”

“Do not!!”

A wailing sound came from the ground. Although it was covered by layers of noise, it was accurately heard by Adier.

In the earth below, countless souls struggled in it, floating in disasters, struggling to survive.

Among them, countless tragedy stories are being staged.

Some elderly people died on the spot, and some mother watched their child die, and the child watched his parents fall into a pool of blood … It was hard to tell what happened.

Standing on the peak, Adier can also see the distance. On the coast, the ocean gradually recedes, exposing the city inside.

On the receding sea water, a swollen and deformed corpse floated up, his face turned blue, and all looked terrible.

There are too many disasters, and so are the victims.

With Adier as the center, there are sorrows almost everywhere in the ten thousand li around the circle. A dull shout broke through the void isolation and was accurately conveyed to him, so he couldn’t help sighing.

In countless wailing sounds, he could hear the sound of prayers.

“Honor Prince, please help us to live …”

There were several refuges in the highlands. In the refuge, nearly a thousand people who had previously survived gathered in the square, at this time praying to the gate blessed by Adier, asking for his blessing.

A cry of prayer and a belief in pure survival survived through the layers of isolation through the Blood Imprint in front of him, and passed on to Adier, as he was aware of it.

Feeling these, feeling the voices of Lera and Schilim, Adier turned back silently, and a flash of silver flashed in his eyes.

But all of a sudden, everything seemed to stand still. A strong Strength came from his within the body and was accurately conveyed to the distance through the traction of the mark.

Soon, in the refuge in the distance, with the eyes of countless people shocked and joyful, the red seal in front of them began to bloom.

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