The glow of scarlet red began to bloom, although weak, it was very agile.

In the eyes of everyone, on the front door, a head of a snake god, Totem stepping on the flames began to glow, the Totem above seemed to come alive at this moment, began to recover from the silence, and bloomed his majesty.

A crimson enchantment began to take shape. In a short time, it covered the range of 1000 meters, and stabilized everything in the enchantment without being affected by external forces.

“This … Is this a miracle?”

Looking at the shining Totem in front of me, feeling the enchantment around them, there was an unprecedented sense of stability in everyone’s hearts, and there was no hesitation and fear.

Mixed in the crowd, looking at Totem in front of her, Lera and Schilim looked at each other, and finally relaxed.

The reason why everyone in the sanctuary was praying to Sisso Prince was because they proposed it, so Sisso Prince responded, and they could not sighed in relief.

They are sheltered by the strength of Sisso Prince. Before the enchantment in front of them disappears, they will no longer be in danger, and they no longer need to worry about the temporary difficulties affecting themselves.

For the situation at hand, security is more important than anything else.

In the distance, with his blessings and blessings, Adier took back his eyes and continued to look towards the distant earth.

At this point, with the continuous operation of the World, the fusion of the two Worlds has reached its final stage.

The World began to dim, and the light of the scarlet shrouded the entire sky, bringing a strange layer of atmosphere to the entire World.

And in the deepest part of the world, through some kind of connection within the body, Adier was able to hear some kind of low-pitched murmur, and felt deep sorrow and sorrow from it.

That is the feeling conveyed by World consciousness, it is the sadness of World.

This world is coming to an end.

Bang …

The earth began to shake, and disasters that had been ubiquitous suddenly began to slow down all over the world. Then, throughout the earth, a mutation began to occur.

If you keep raising your eyes, you can see the entire World transformed into a circular sphere. At this moment, it is like a cracked egg, torn into several pieces by some strong and irresistible Strength, and over time Gone, still tearing.

The original huge continuous was torn, and a large amount of seawater seemed to be dragged, which directly turned into water dragons roaring in place.

And in the fragmentation of the earth, the hot lava poured from the ground, like a Fire Dragon that burned everything, roaring around the world, the whole scene looked like the end of the world.

Of course, in fact, the scene in front of me says that the end of the world is almost the same, because the entire world is going to fall into silence, it is the real end of the world.

“Oh my God!”

Sitting still in the sanctuary, through the enclave’s isolation, watching the horrifying scene outside, Lera and Schilim and the others were stunned, and the despair in their eyes would almost escape, soaking up the surroundings.

“World is going to be destroyed, we are not saved!”

There were wailing sounds from time to time. In the face of the scene, many people could not bear such a blow. They collapsed under the fact of the end of the world and wailed.

It is a pity that no matter how crying and wailing these creatures are, they cannot change the reality.

Outside, the earth continued to shatter, and was divided into pieces of “cake” by some unknown Strength, ready to be swallowed later.

And in the distance, a trace of the Red Seal was shining with light. The human zombie’s mark on it seemed to be alive, and it was waving with the flames.

The sight of the last days did not last long.

In Adier’s observation, just a few days later, with a shout from the depths of the World, the sound of the original sounded, the entire World finally disintegrated, and was directly led by the will of another World.


Observing this moment, Adier’s expression became more serious. In the eyes, the holy, sacred, but dreamy strong Strength was emerging, and all emerged at this moment, watching the distant World.

Under his gaze, at this moment when World completely took over, as the wailing of World consciousness resounded throughout the World, a huge mutation began to occur.

A bit of purple rays of light began to bloom. At this moment, the entire World was beginning to tremble, and even the sky and the void were sending out some kind of death and sorrow, which drove the laws and origins of the entire World to start shaking, as if for Lamentation of World Consciousness.

At this moment, within the scope of the whole world, all the creatures could not help raising their heads, and suddenly a great sorrow emerged in their hearts, like some extremely important person died, and their involuntary sorrows, Want to cry.

“it’s raining outside···”

Standing in front of the door of the sanctuary, looking at the scenery outside the enchantment, Lera resisted the irrepressible sadness in her heart and looked out.

Drip … Drip … Drip …

I don’t know when it started to rain a little bit of rain outside. However, unlike normal rain, this rain is not transparent, but a bright red color. Although it is not bloody, it makes people realize the meaning of death and silence in the first moment of seeing it.

Unlike normal rain, after falling on the ground, these red rains don’t settle like normal rain, but disappear directly, as if returning to the World.

In Adier’s eyes, these are not rain.

“The power of the World, which has accumulated over many years, erupted at this moment when World was about to collapse, and returned to the souls of this World?”

Standing on the mountain peak, Adier looked towards the feet.

On the ground underneath, as the rain began to fall, the rainwater directly integrated into the surrounding creatures within the body, and silently deepened the foundation of these creatures. Although the strength could not be strengthened much, the power of the world above them was all over But it has to be much richer.

The rain in front of you is actually not the rain, but the Strength accumulated by the World for many years.

At the end of the World’s annihilation, these accumulated Strengths have bloomed and returned to the World soul.

In a way, this is the last blessing of the World, and the last legacy left by the great cinderball to children.

“People in this world don’t know if they are lucky or sad.”

Watching the rain of the World keep falling, and feeling the power of the World permeating these creatures gradually increased, Adier sighed softly: “The annihilation of the World is a great crisis for the World, but for these World ’s beings Said, but it is another best opportunity. “

“With the blessings and improvements of the power of the world, these creatures who finally received the heritage, their own qualifications and innate talent have been improved, and with the blessing and shelter of the world, as long as luck is not too bad, they can basically survive.

“It’s just your World, and it’s never been there again.”

Looking at everything in front of him, Adier said quietly.

Born and raised in this world, ancestors have multiplied in this world. The imprint of World has long been deeply imprinted in the inside of these beings. Even if it is a new World, it cannot be removed.

After the new world, the soul instincts of these old worlds will be suppressed by the new world’s world consciousness, and then it will gradually have subsequent effects.

This effect is subtle and not obvious in reality, but it does exist, and it will continue as the Bloodline continues.

For the first generation, this may not matter, because they have the last blessing of World on them, and the power given by World is enough to offset this effect until they die.

But after the second and third generations, this influence will continue to intensify, and their descendants will gradually decline, until the mark of Bloodline is continuously diluted and eventually assimilated.

Of course, if these World survivors are extremely good descendants, it is not impossible to change this trend.

In Adier’s prediction, the existence of Level 5 is enough to resist the maliciousness of World. If a Level 5 exists in this group of old World descendants, then it will be enough to offset the maliciousness of World and to protect itself to a certain extent. Ethnic group.

Even, in theory, if a sixth-level or even higher-level existence can be born, it can even bring new life to the original World, condense the seeds of World’s birth again, and open up the world again, The original World has once again recovered.

Unfortunately, how difficult it is to achieve this level. Sometimes hundreds of World survivors may not be able to give birth to a Level 5, let alone a higher level of existence.

However, in theory, the first batch of World survivors is often the highest-performing World survivor.

This is why Adier is so enthusiastic about this World.

The survivors of World after being swallowed up, this is not something that can be found at any time, the use value is much greater than the ordinary person.

If Adier can collect this group of survivors, and then protect and teach them, they can not only expand their Strength, but also use this to seek out some of the world’s roots hidden in the survivors.


On the sky, a purple light bloomed, and then in Adier’s eyes, a little purple light escaped to the surroundings, and a piece of debris flew towards Adier, and merged with Adier in an instant.

Just a moment, Adier felt a kind of pulsation. In the depth of the inside of the body, Strength was more active than ever, like taking a tonic, and the Power of Origin contained therein was growing rapidly.

In just a short period of time, Adier’s breath has become much stronger, and the origin has grown by more than half in one breath, reaching a new stage.

“This is … the origin of the World?”

Feeling the change in his body, Adier fixed his mind, and then continued looking towards the sky.

I saw in the sky, a little piece of purple is constantly spreading out, in a blink of an eye it turned into thousands, and flew towards the world in an instant.

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