Above the sky, Purple Qi fluttered and danced. In the process, it continued to shatter, gradually separated into thousands, and then followed some connection and flew towards its end.

These are the origins of the World. As the World is swallowed and merged, most of the World origins will be plundered by another World, but a small part will also escape and give back to the World souls.

However, compared to the power of the World that everyone had before, these World sources are more precious, and the ordinary spiritual root is not eligible to be owned.

Only those who have great potential and higher potential are eligible for this most precious heritage.

Standing on the peak, watching this, Adier clearly saw that among the original debris flying in the sky, there were two large pieces of debris flying straight to somewhere, and finally they were accurately thrown into two people.

That’s Lera and Schilim. As well-know figures among players, in World’s assessment, these two people undoubtedly have higher potential, and finally got this gift.

The source fragments obtained by the two of them are certainly far behind Adier, but compared with the rest of the World, they are already one of the very best among them, and they can definitely be among the top 100.


Watching the division of the source quietly, witnessing the end of this World, Adier also sighed.

This world is very similar to his hometown. Seeing the fall of this World with his own eyes was also a touch to his heart, making his calm mood fluctuate.

“It’s time to leave.”

He looked up and looked at another world that was as hot as the sun in the distance, murmuring to the opened and mouth and said.

World’s evolution has come to this stage, the end is already doomed, what he should have witnessed, and he has finished witnessing, it is time to leave.

The next moment, his silhouette gradually became illusory, this projection light disappeared, and returned directly to his own body through the transmission of the original power.

Somewhere in the courtyard, Adier opened his eyes.

The memory of these days came to mind, and then Adier got up from where he was and looked towards.

Genesis World is also running during the time when his projection is gone. His avatar followed his previous trajectory and continued to deal with things throughout Elka Province without any mess.

However, after returning to the body, some previously unnoticed changes were immediately noticed by him.

“It seems that the movement of World particles has been a lot more active?”

Standing in place, the source senses the element particles of this world moving, and Adier is a little surprised.

Elemental particles are what wizards call World particles.

This is the Strength that a World must have, just like the Law of Gravity, and it is a necessary and necessary basis for a normal World.

However, because the rules and composition of the World are different, the appearance of element particles will change in different Worlds.

Some World’s elemental particles are thin, sturdy, and difficult to call. They are extremely unfriendly to the Super Strength, and even completely cut off the channel for the Super Strength to rise. In some Worlds, elemental particles are not only abundant, but also extremely active. If the wizard meditates in them, the speed of progress will continue to accelerate.

The current creation world, Boundary Energy, is enough to give birth to King of Antiquity of Level 4. Elemental particles are naturally abundant, but before that, these elemental particles were extremely rigid. Although abundant, they were not active and very difficult to call.

But now, in just a few days, the entire World has changed dramatically.

The activity of elemental particles has begun to change, and it has become active from the original rigidity. Even the concentration of elemental particles has a tendency to increase again.

This is only a change of a few days. As time goes on, after a period of time, the concentration and activity of the entire elemental particles will continue to increase until it reaches Peak.

“The bonus after devouring World?”

Feeling everything around him, Adier thought to himself.

The two Worlds have been eaten alive, plundering the accumulation of the rest of the World over the years, and the benefits to the World of Creation are very obvious.

Before the two Worlds are completely digested, the entire World will probably enter a prosperous period. Not only will the concentration and activity of elemental particles increase, but even deeper rule fluctuations will become more apparent.

cracking! !!

There is a crisp bird song in the distance, ringing under the big tree in the distance, and gradually surrounding it, conveying it to the courtyard.

Adier turned around. On his body, the red light was flashing, and the red seal on his forehead was revived autonomously. The Bloodline of the entire body was boiling, as if feeling a certain existence of a summon, responding and calling.

In the midst, he seemed to hear a low voice, and murmured softly in his ear, calling.

The voice was illusory and slight, but it was real, with an inexplicable affection and majesty, and with the pulsation and enthusiasm of Bloodline, people unknowingly believed in the voice and couldn’t help it Convinced.


Adier opened his eyes, deep in the source, a touch of silver awn bloomed, a pair of scarlet red eyes instantly brought silver, the whole person looks like a deity of aloof and remote, holy and noble, it is scary Look, can only look up at his back.

At this moment, Origin’s Strength erupted completely, suppressing his boiling red bloodline within the body instantly, blocking out some existing peep and connection.

“After World resurrected, what a cat and a dog really came out!”

Isolated Bloodline’s connection, feeling the kind of summon just now, Adier’s expressionless on his face, and the original outbreak of Power of Origin quickly converged.

He is not unfamiliar with the strength of the just-summon, which comes from the crimson Bloodline in his body.

The only summon, if Adier didn’t guess wrong, I am probably from the ancestor of Crimson Bloodline, the former King of Antiquity.

As World Consumption is completed and World Strength begins to recover, these past Kings of Antiquity also seem to have finally begun to show their tentacles, and have started to be active in this world again.

This is the case of the crimson king.

The genial summon is derived from Bloodline, which can only be received if the concentration of red Bloodline within the body reaches a certain level, so he is called to prepare for his recovery.

This call is compulsory. As long as your Strength originates from the crimson Bloodline, it will be called and controlled by it, and it is impossible to escape.

In a way, this is also one of the disadvantages of the Bloodline road.

After all, since Strength originates from Bloodline, how can it resist Bloodline’s control?

Bloodline ancestors’ control of their own descendants was almost natural. If you want to resist this kind of control, unless you have already promoted the birth of Level 4, like Adier, you can maintain your independence to a certain extent, and you won’t be completely reduced to a puppet.

Standing in place, sensing the call of just now, Adier turned around and looked away from a certain direction.

In his induction, the previous summon sound came from that direction.

“The Crimson King is beginning to recover, and anyone who can sense this, except me, will sooner or later be aware of that Culied King.”

“Just don’t know, what effect this incident will have.”

Looking silently into the distance, Adier was calm, thinking silently.

Not all descendants of the Crimson King’s recovery signal can be detected. After all, for a King of Antiquity, no one can be qualified even if he wants to be a puppet.

At the current stage, the recovery of the World has just begun, and the Crimson King should have just begun to recover. The call made can only be detected by a very small number of Crimson Bloodline’s strong descendants.

In addition to Adier, only Adier, the physical father, the master of the Calade Empire, and the King of Culied can do this.

“But since the Red King has begun to recover, what about the other Kings?”

Looking silently at the distant land, Adier sighed softly, and then looked towards his physical data, looking at his gains this time.

“Name: Adier.Fax. Strength: 97. Agility: 101.1. Constitution: 100.5. Spirit: Bloodline: Red Crowd (157.4%). Boundary Energy: 91.9. Power of Origin: 328785.1.”

“Coming to this world is really a good choice.”

Looking at his data at this time, feeling the origin of within the body almost several times larger than before, Adier lamented.

Compared with the decades when he was in the Mason region, after the advent of this world, what he has achieved in just one year is almost impossible for him to accumulate for thousands of years.

The reason for this gain has a lot to do with him catching up with a good time.

The World devours fusion. This kind of opportunity is not always met. Under normal circumstances, one World may not come across once in several epochs, and it will bring great benefits to the entire world.

Exier exists as Level 4, and in this environment, Adier can gain this gain only after gaining a lot of World origins.

If in a normal environment, he wants to achieve the gains he has today, and can only rely on time to continue to grind. Where is it faster to directly devour the origin of the World.

“After the two worlds are broken, the next main battlefield should be this world right now.”

Adier looked into the distance. In the eyes, some wars flew, and the scenes of flesh and blood flickered one after another, like a corner of the foreseeing the future, seeing the future scene that will be swept up by the war.

After World annexation, the entire World’s Strength will begin to recover, and produce the most attractive fruits in the shortest time.

For this final fruit, those Kings of Antiquity that have either lurked or fallen in the past may fear one after another.

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