In the distance, while Adier suppressed Bloodline’s pulsations, someone in the palace of Calade was suddenly awakened.

A clear cry rang through the entire palace, but then came to an abrupt halt, as if the owner was choking his throat, the voice was fierce.

In front of a bustling garden in front of the palace gate, a little boy, who was about four or five years old, with a faint red seal on his forehead turned back, seemingly intentionally, as if looking unintentionally where Elka Province is located direction.

The boy’s eyes were deep, and there was not the innocence of all the children in his eyes. Only the unique vicissitudes and calmness, even if he was only four or five years old, but the heavy majesty could not be hidden at all. Noble qualifications are enough to surprise anyone who meets.


He looked in the direction of Elka Province. A pair of scarlet red eyes were full of deepness, and there was a violent but noble breath flowing over him.

“His Royal Highness!” At this moment, there was a sound of calls outside, as if a servant came quickly from outside and came towards here.

Hearing the sound, the boy’s body was stunned, the red seal on his forehead faded quickly, and the power of the huge Bloodline that could not be concealed quickly faded away, gradually weakening from the original amazing level, to what the ordinary awakening should level.

With these changes, he seemed to be getting closer and closer to a child. The vicissitudes and depths that had been in his eyes disappeared, and he looked blankly as he looked for his servant.


While waiting, several days passed quickly.

In the city of Sisely, as World’s annexation ended, some changes began to occur.

The most obvious point is that those players who have previously left this world due to World convergence have gradually started to wake up.

“It’s like dreaming …”

In a quiet courtyard, looking at the flowers and plants in the courtyard, feeling the peaceful Yangguan outside, and the extremely real touch, Lera stretched out her hand and felt this feeling quietly.

Back to Genesis World, in him, the Strength that he had in the past also began to return, making him feel more secure than ever.

“Does our World really end like this?”

Sitting there for a long time, gradually, he let out a deep sigh.

From the real world to the creation world again, this time, he is truly coming, there is no option to return to the real world, and he can only survive in this world in the future.

Without the protection of the World consciousness, these players have lost their past capital. At least for the current players, there is only one life left. It is impossible to resurrect them after they die. Something happened.

However, even if all the privileges of being a player are lost, compared to those ignorant ordinary people, they are already lucky enough.

As players, they already have an in-depth understanding of this world. Many players have already laid the foundation in this world. Now after the real person comes, these foundations laid before will be inherited directly, much better than those ignorant ordinary. person is much better.

After clarifying the current situation, he slowly got up from where he was, and walked out of the door according to his past memories, ready to meet someone.

But he did not expect that he had just opened the gate to the courtyard, and a boy was already standing there outside.

“His Royal Highness!”

Looking at the boy outside the door, Lera froze, then reacted, kneeling directly on one knee, and looking at the person in front of him respectfully.

“Having slept for half a month, how do you feel?”

Looking at Lera in front of him, Adier was wearing a robe, standing upright in front of the gate, his face was calm, and it seemed that there was no surprise that Lera was waking up.

“Feeling bad.”

Lera had a bitter smile on her face, with that nostalgia and bitterness in her smile: “For half a month, it was like dreaming.”

“Just a blink of an eye, the city I grew up in is gone, my friends, loved ones, and partners are gone … In the end, even the end of the world comes …”

He said slowly, his voice became slower and bitter, and his mood seemed low.

In front of Adier, he didn’t play any mazes, and confessed his feelings straightforwardly.

No one is a fool. Until now, after witnessing Adier’s Strength, Lera has understood exactly what Adier is now, the so-called King of Antiquity, and how powerful Strength should be.

As far as this kind of existence is concerned, I am afraid that these so-called players are not a secret at all, just a bunch of boring clowns that’s all.

As he speaks, Adier can clearly sense his emotional changes, full of unwillingness and depression.

This is also normal. After all, no matter who lost his family and hometown in the past, I am afraid that his emotions will not be calmed down, and he will not be calmly accepted.

Perhaps after a long period of time, these old World wanderers can accept this fate, but it is not possible now.

Looking at Lera kneeling in front of her, while in her spare time, Adier was silently observing the changes on the other person’s eyes. A ray of silver in his eyes gradually lit up, representing the origin of Strength.

With the Power of Origin move, the sight immediately began to change.

In front of Lera, the fine lines continued to flash, and a slight flesh rose, representing the strength of the opponent’s body.

Compared with before, Lera’s physical data has hardly changed, but because of long sleep, the inside of the body seems a little weak and needs to be well-rested.

But at a deeper level, the changes in the other party are amazing.

Little by little’s purple spread on the line of each other’s destiny. Compared with before, the power of World Power’s favor has been almost several times stronger. What attracts the most attention is that within the power of these purple Worlds, a shining piece of light flashes in it. At this time, as Lera’s awakening is slowly being consumed, it quietly deepens the other party’s heritage.

This kind of background is manifested in the promotion of qualifications.

Lera’s qualifications are good. Whether it is Knight qualification or wizard qualification, I am afraid that in Adier’s previous evaluation, there are third-class.

But up to now, the other party’s already very good qualifications have been improved again. Whether it is Knight qualifications or wizard qualifications, they have broken through the original boundaries and reached the fourth level.

Even from the current signs, this degree is not the limit of the other party. After the other party ’s World Origin has been thoroughly digested, sooner or later, the other party ’s qualifications can reach the fifth level, or even beyond the boundaries of ordinary people, to the sixth level.

The sixth-class qualification is the assessment of ancient wizards. Under normal circumstances, only the immediate descendants of higher wizards have a small probability.

In the past, Adier has seen anyone with this qualification, except himself, only his first student Solana.

However, whether he or Solana can obtain this kind of qualification, they all rely on Bloodline to obtain it. In front of Lera, they rely entirely on the favor of World.

“So you guys have caught up to a good time …”

Looking at Lera in front of him, Adier sighed.

In the context of World Fusion, Lera is not alone. Looking at the entire World, there is more than one person who can have World Endeavour.

Although limited by conditions and the size of Enze, it is impossible for everyone to have such a deep foundation as the current Lera, but it is foreseeable that the fifth-class qualified survivors will never be in the minority.

And fifth-class qualifications, even if placed in the Wizarding World, are considered absolute geniuses.

“Counting the time, Schilim should wake up too.”

After a moment of silence, Adier spoke again, looking at Lera who was still kneeling in front of him. After a long time, he said a word in Lera’s surprised, shocked, ecstatic eyes and expression.

“I have some experiments with me, and I lack a few suitable assistants.”

“I don’t know if you want to be my student.”

“I do!” Adier’s voice had just fallen, and Lera’s hasty words sounded immediately, with a little urgency and tension, without even the slightest hesitation or hesitation.

Not only that, his face became more respectful immediately after he spoke, and his head fell directly to the ground, his heart filled with ecstasy and disbelief.

For him, it was a complete surprise.

Become a student of Sisso Prince, let alone now. Even if the real game has not been destroyed before, players will use the creation game as the world of the game. It is definitely a head-scratching enough to wait for it. thing.

This is still the case in the game, not to mention the fact that the real world has now been destroyed. After the creation game became the main world, becoming a student of Sisso Prince means finding a King of Antiquity as a teacher, which means that Lera Not clear enough.

Looking at Lera’s respectful and ecstatic gesture in front of him, Adier secretly shook the head, but didn’t pay much attention.

He accepted Lera as a student, for no purpose, simply because the other party’s qualifications were that’s all.

Sixth-level qualifications, as long as the mind is not too slow, usually practice hard enough, slowly boil up, Level 4 dare not say absolute, but Level 2 is absolutely no problem, Level 3 Peak also has some hope.

Under normal circumstances, meeting this standard is enough for Adier.

It is foreseeable that he will stay in this world for a long time to come. During this ample time, if Lera in front can grow up, it will help him later.

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