“Get up.”

In the quiet courtyard, looking at Lera kneeling on the ground in front of him, Adier opened his mouth gently, then lifted him personally, his face softened.

Since it is already a student of its own, it is naturally different from the previous in terms of attitude and treatment.

“You just woke up. For the time being these days, rest assured.”

Looking at Lera in front of him, Adier said, “After this time, after all the others have woken up, you can return to your barracks.”

“As for this time …”

As he spoke, he held out a hand, and in Lera’s stunned eyes, there was a shimmer of light on his fingertips, which passed directly to him.

As the rays of light were passed on to him, a large piece of information suddenly emerged in his mind, complex and subtle, and the first line of the data contained a few words: Dier Breathing Technique.

This is the Dier Breathing Technique compiled by Adier. In the past year, Lera has also practiced, but compared to the one he has obtained before, this one is undoubtedly more profound and complicated, and there are many There is also a deeper depiction of the place, which can make people go further.

“This is!” Feeling a lot of messages emerging in his mind, Lera was so happy that before he had time to say anything, he heard Adier continue to speak.

“During the break, don’t be idle.”

Gently glanced at each other, Adier’s face could not see any expression: “Your within the body has the seed of Knight I implanted before, and it should be fast to practice this breathing method.”

“After you’ve been promoted to Great Knight, I’ll teach you something else.”

“Yes!” Listening to this, Lera’s face was straightened, and there was a thick joy in his eyes.

Looking at him like this, Adier nodded, and then the sound of the wind was direct, and the entire body became a phantom and disappeared in place.

Departing from where Lera was, Adier went somewhere else.

With the real world completely annexed, players like Lera have begun to wake up. However, there are differences.

Due to individual surprises, the speed of players waking up is somewhat different, such as Lera. Among the players, it is already the fastest group to wake up. More players are still sleeping at this time, and they are still Did not wake up.

Of course, some players did not wake up, but some players did not wake up.

A few days ago, Adier discovered that at some point, some players’ bodies had automatically died, and the whole person did not look abnormal at all, just like normal people.

In this case, the player himself is in an accident. After all, at the final juncture of World Fusion, even if the World is in reality, it is actually not a safe place. Various monsters and natural disasters. It is not surprising that mortals die in it.

Once you die in the real world, the result will naturally reflect this world, eventually causing the player to die in this world.

“But the point now is not these players, but the ordinary survivors …”

Walking on the road, while walking towards his own courtyard, Adier also bowed his head and lost his thoughts: “Although the quality of the players is good, the World favors on them are generally stronger than the ordinary person, but in the end, they are a small number. Compare it. “

It is said that it is an ordinary person, but it may not be an ordinary person.

The creatures of the actual World, after decades of World consciousness’s Strength feedback, are now able to reach this world alive, most of them have qualifications.

Perhaps in terms of quality, these original ordinary persons are far less than players, but the absolute number can make up for all of this, and it is impossible for anyone to ignore.

How many people are there in the real world?

Adier is not very clear about this issue, but according to the volume of a World, at least it is calculated in units of 100 million.

Even if they have experienced various natural disasters and the continuous invasion of the Strange World monster, the number of people who can finally come alive in the end will never be less than hundreds of millions.

Such a huge body, even if only 10% of these hundreds of millions of people have the qualifications to become Knights and Wizards, that is an extraordinary amount.

This is like a seed with great potential. You may not see anything before it germinates, but once it germinates, the Strength that erupts is enough to shock and fear anyone.

Of course, although the potential of this seed is terrifying, it is not easy to realize this potential.

The simplest constraint is the limitation of resources.

Any system consumes resources. Whether it is Knight or wizard, it is a big resource consumer. In the coastal area where Adier was born, how many wizard families need to exhaust their wealth in order to support a wizard. The system’s ability to consume resources.

Knight’s system requires relatively few resources, but Knight’s system is also more dangerous. Because without the help of the wizard’s various potions, if Knight wants to improve, the speed will be extremely slow, an unbearable speed.

What’s more, at the Late Stage, Knight’s resources need to be above the wizard system.

Just to promote Source Awakening Knight, you need the pure Bloodline of ancient creatures, but how can this kind of thing be obtained by ordinary people?

In addition to the limitation of resources, there are also constraints on teachers, environment, time, and other conditions. It is doomed that it is impossible for everyone to embark on an extraordinary road, and only some of the elites can be selected for supply.

But in addition to these conditions, the potential of this seed is also clearly foreseeable. As long as it can be realized, it will be enough to shock countless people.


“His Royal Highness, the garrison in the field has news.”

One morning, in a very luxurious hall, Sisely city officials were discussing and discussing the next affairs of Elka Province.

In the crowd, Luciu was wearing a bright red robe, and his face looked red light, and the whole person looked very Spirit.

“Within the range of Elka Province, a large number of foreigners have flowed in from various cities, their language is incomprehensible, their bodies are dressed in exquisite clothes, and they are all squeezed into the surrounding cities.”

Standing in the middle of the Chamber, watched by officials around the world, Luciu’s face was calm, and he had handed over the materials he had prepared, and he opened the mouth and said: “Because there are too many people influx Every city can’t squeeze anymore, so the governors in each city sent people to ask for instructions to expel these refugees? “

“Expulsion?” Listening to this, all the people present were frowned, and some of them could not help but opened the mouth and said, “How many people do you need to make trouble?”

When talking, people around him couldn’t help but look at Luciu’s body, apparently wanting to know the answer.

You know, deporting refugees is something that has never been done in Elka Province since Adier arrived.

Elka Province is originally remote, not only backward, but also wild beasts and mosquitoes. It is also sparsely populated and lacks labor.

Therefore, since Adier moved into Elka Province, apart from bandits, the efforts to recruit refugees have always been very large. Normally, only refugees are recruited to the surrounding areas, and it is impossible to actively evict them.

As the governor of each city, if it can recruit refugees, it is also one of its achievements. If there are a large number of foreigners entering the country, it is too late to welcome them. Why would you think of deportation?

This problem came to everyone’s minds in an instant. Only a few players, such as Adier side Lera, seemed to think of something, and their faces changed slightly.

“There are too many.”

Speaking of this, Luciu’s complexion gradually became dignified: “According to the reports of the various governors, almost every city has refugees from at least several thousand thousand. The total number of foreigners in the entire Elka Province can even reach millions. And even more than that! “


“This is impossible!!”


The voice fell, and an exclamation erupted from all corners, with shock and disbelief that could not be concealed.

“Millions of refugees!”

In the crowd, a middle-aged person with a thin figure and gray hair and wearing a formal suit was shocked, staring at Luciu in front of his eyes, his eyes widened: “My Excellency, I am not questioning what you said, but the governors everywhere Will there be any major problems with this number? “

He said hesitantly that he didn’t believe this number was true.

This is no wonder. You know, how many people are there in the entire Elka Province?

According to Adier’s estimation, even those indigenous people who have not been conquered can only be millions.

Now there are only influxes of outsiders, and there are such numbers that have to be doubted.

“A few days ago, just when I received the message, Your Highness had already confirmed it with Sect.”

Feeling the gaze coming from the surroundings, Luciu smiled bitterly: “These numbers are indeed a big problem, but they are not overreported. On the contrary, they may be underreported …

“In fact, in the West City in the vicinity, at least a few thousand thousand outsiders gathered at this time, and the number continues to increase over time.”

The voice fell, and the place suddenly fell into a deadly silence.

Around them, the faces of the people were incredulous, and they were about to continue to ask questions. They heard a voice from above.

“Well, you don’t have to question the number of refugees.”

Sitting on the top, Adier interrupted the crowd’s doubts and looked at the officials below, saying.

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