“There is no need to discuss the number of refugees.”

Sitting at the top of the table, looking at the discussion officials below, Adier said lightly: “Rather than discussing this, think about where the refugees came from and how to resettle.”


Following Adier’s order, everyone below looked at each other in dismay. After a while, one person spoke: “So many foreigners appear at the same time. It cannot be the native indigenous people of Elka Province, only foreigners. refugee···”

“Just … from which country did so many refugees come from?”

Facing Adier, someone wondered.

No one is a fool, and millions of refugees have emerged in Elka Province. It is an individual who can find out what’s wrong, and it is impossible to explore carefully.

“There is no news of turmoil in the north and there is no rebellion in the empire. It cannot be from here.”

“On the west is the famous desert empire Cadodos, but the people in this country look unique and do not match the refugees described by the governor outside …”

“Most likely to the south … There are many small countries there, and the situation is also complicated. Maybe a large-scale disaster has occurred …”

“Enough!” Listening to the loud discussions around him, Luciu’s loud voice was very prominent in it, and his face looked very dignified at this time: “Where does this group of refugees come from, you only need to ask those refugees to know this question . “

“As of now, think about how to resettle these refugees!”

He said with a serious expression on his face, the whole man looked very serious and was afraid to relax.

This problem is undoubtedly large for millions of refugees, and if not handled properly, the consequences can be disastrous.

Among other things, once these refugees start chaos, the final result will be horrible.

“Do we have enough food?”

Sitting on the top, thinking about all kinds of questions, Adier then looked towards Luciu below, with an inquiry in his language.

“This … because there was no war last year, it left a batch of food.”

Facing Adier, Luciu’s face hesitated: “It’s just this batch of food, if it is released to these millions of refugees, it is definitely not enough. No matter how much one day’s rations can be diluted, it can support a month.”

This is indeed a real problem.

Elka Province is remote, sparsely populated, and the original food output is not enough. Even after Adier came to power, the entire Elka Province was integrated to ease this situation, but the time was too short.

But in two years, even if a certain amount of grain has been accumulated, it will not be too much. Faced with the magnitude of millions, it is impossible to support it for too long.

Even millions may not be the limit.

Sitting on top, Adier thought silently.

Obviously, these refugees will appear in large numbers on his site, rather than elsewhere. In essence, it is the tendency of World Consciousness towards him.

It is a gain to establish a connection with the World consciousness and obtain the source from the World consciousness. As for the refugees that appear in large numbers, it is the World consciousness that is put out through this connection.

Listening to Luciu’s words, everyone began to talk, and the whole hall was filled with quarrels.

Sitting quietly on the top, Adier was gradually lost in thought.

There is no doubt that these refugees must be admitted.

For ordinary refugees, it does not matter if they are not accepted, but these refugees are different. In essence, they belong to the last being of a World and are blessed and blessed by the old World. Among them are wizards and Knight qualifications.

However, the food issue is also a big one.

It’s not that it can’t be done, it’s just that for Adier, it goes against his previous meaning.

“It seems that some extraordinary means must be used.”

His face was calm, but his heart was sighing, and he turned and looked towards the south. A pair of eyes seemed to penetrate through the heavy isolation, and he saw the world outside: “Only hope, it will not cause some existing attention and vigilance.”

“No need to say anymore …”

He looked towards the noisy hall below. The calm voice resounded throughout the hall. Although it was not powerful, it sounded accurately in everyone’s ears. It was extremely clear: “Send orders and let the governors everywhere accept refugees. . “

“In this case, relief food?” Listening to Adier’s voice and looking at him, Luciu did not dare to oppose, but only expressed his concerns: “If you accept these refugees, you will not be able to get relief food, I am afraid There will be big problems. “

“Get some food from Sisely first.”

Adier faintly opened the mouth and said, the breath on his body seemed to change a little, exuding a kind of heavy majesty: “As for the rest, just find the small countries in the south to borrow.”

“His Royal Highness wants to fight a lot against the South?” Luciu heart startled, then looked at Adier in front of him, feeling the majestic Bloodline majesty on him, but said nothing.

Adier kept calm for so long that they almost forgot the real Strength under Adier’s gentle face.


“how do you feel?”

Early in the morning, the discussion was over. On the calm training ground, several people were training here.

Lera was holding a long knife in his hand and waving it earnestly. The long knife in his hand occasionally crossed the road in the air, causing a ripple.

Opposite him, Schilim was holding a short long sword in his hand. At this time, wearing a gray training suit, he was training with sweat.

In addition to the two of them, there is also Qi Mu, who is also standing here, meticulously training himself on the training ground in front of him, and adjusting his state with the help of Strength of breathing method.

Under the gaze of Adier, in these three people within the body, as their training continues, at their heart, a light green seed is glowing, matching the breathing method they are training, and gradually improving. Their own Constitution.

The light green seed was the seed of Knight implanted by Adier in their within the body. At this time, as the breathing practice of the three Lera deepened, it was finally activated.

“It’s time to stop.”

Watching it for a while, Adier said, “Knight Breathing Technique training is not as long as possible. Once it exceeds the limit, it will only leave an internal injury on you.”

“You will train in the future, you only need to train to the level of today.”


Stopping from hurried training, the three stood gasping for breath. Although they looked sweaty, their faces were full of excitement.

Because in them within the body, as they continue to train, the seed that radiates Life Energy is becoming more and more obvious. It seems that as long as a period of time passes, they can be truly mastered by them.

At that time, after activating Life Seed, they can really be considered to be on the road of Knight.


At the end of the day’s training, they put down the weapons they had trained and walked quickly to Adier, saying respectfully.

Adier took more than just Lera as the student, or after accepting Lera as a student, he did not exclude other students.

After all, teaching one is also teaching, and teaching a bunch of students is also teaching. As long as the number of people stays within a certain range, the energy consumed will not be much different.

As long as his qualifications meet Adier’s eye-catching standards, he doesn’t mind accepting more students.

Such is the case with Schilim and Chimu right now.

The World favored by the two of them is not worse than that of Lera. The qualifications of Knight and Wizard are not much different than that of Lera, so they can be seen by Adier and be accepted as a student by Adier.

“Teacher, you said earlier, is it true to wage war on the southern nations?”

Standing in front of Adier, after a little hesitation, Lera asked.

The concern is because of his identity.

In addition to being a student of Adier, he is also in charge of a Knight regiment in the city of Sisely. If Adier does go to the south, he is likely to be on the battlefield.

And, besides this factor, he is also a member of Real World and is naturally very concerned about this war.

You know, the fundamental purpose of Adier’s war against the nations of the South this time was to raise food for the refugees.

The same was true of the other two. After hearing Lera’s mouth, his eyes gradually turned to Adier’s body, apparently paying close attention to this matter as well.

“it is true.”

In the face of the three student consultations, Adier did not pretend to be inscrutable and directly nodded: “By then, all three of you will have something to do.”

The three of them stunned, and then said inconsistently: “Happy to serve.”

“The inhabitants of that World came to this world. Although it came, the language was not the same.”

Looking at the three students in front of him, Adier said, “I need you to take people to various places, assist the governors in various places to comfort these refugees, and select some of them by the way.”

“Teacher, doctor, student, official … These people need to be admitted immediately. Experts and veterans from various industries, as well as members of various technology industries, need to be selected first, and give them higher Treatment and security. “

Having said that, his tone was paused, and then continued to open the mouth and said: “Your World has collapsed so far, but as long as people are still there, there will always be an order that day.”

“As long as you build well in this world, you may not be able to build a bustling city like your past World.”

“To achieve that day, these selected people are the main force.”

Looking at the three students in front of him, Adier seriously opened the mouth and said.

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