On the open training ground, looking at Adier in front of them, the three of Lera were somewhat surprised. It seemed that Adier would not think of these.

“And the doctor.”

In front of her face, Adier was calm and continued to say, “Millions of refugees, if the plague erupts, the consequences are very serious, so the doctors should be selected as soon as possible.”

“Although the World is different, the medicine and technology invented in the past must be re-improved, but the basic principle will not change. People are still people. As long as these doctors adapt, they can play a great role.”

“Of these, Lera is your biggest task.”

He looked at Lera in front of him, and watched him slowly say: “You have a Knight group of five hundred people, and the Knights inside are all of you who are coming to the World, and all of them have undergone basic Knight training and have great strength. Much stronger than ordinary person. “

“Once those refugees have rioted, you will take someone to suppress them.”

As the words fell, Lera’s heart fell asleep, and she could not help lowering her head: “I understand!”

Looking at his appearance, Adier was also nodded, and then opened the mouth and said: “The specific things I have scheduled, tomorrow you will start the journey and go to talk with those refugees everywhere.”

“As for today, take a good rest.”

“Yes!” Looking at Adier in front of them, the three were nodded, and after earnestly saluting, they walked the other way, preparing to return to the manor that Adier had arranged for them.

In place, looking at the three backs, Adier shook his head slightly.

As a traverser from modern society, he couldn’t understand the potential of these refugees.

Even if the qualifications and care of the refugees themselves are excluded, they are just themselves. They are also a seed with great potential. As long as the time and environment are sufficient, they can germinate sooner or later and build a prosperous civilization in this world.

Even in this abundant and active World of Elemental Particles, they can discover the existence of Elemental Particles, and finally use them, and finally the birth of an extraordinary Strength is not necessarily.

The boundary between technology and extraordinary is actually not at all.

It’s just that World’s conditions are too restrictive. In the World where the element particles are thin, the extraordinary Strength simply cannot develop. Eventually a long time passes. After slowly summing up the development, sooner or later, it will develop as it did when Adier I first.

In the World with abundant elemental particles, and driven by the World consciousness, the extraordinary system will develop early. Eventually, it will suppress the development of science and eventually lead to the passage of a long time. Science does not make much progress. Instead, it is in war and extraordinary strength. Under constant suppression.

Just like this world right now, after the revival of King of Antiquity, how can modern civilization develop.

Level 4 exists, enough to break the earth and tear the sea in one move. In the face of this existence, if technology does not develop to a certain degree, it is impossible to be an opponent.

All kinds of thoughts flashed in my heart. In the place, Adier’s silhouette gradually faded, and gradually disappeared in place.


A few days later, in the southern part of Elka Province, the capital of the ancient country of Karan, a terrible mutation quickly breeds.

At this time, it was overcast, and the sky was covered with dark clouds, and the whole climate seemed shady and there was no sunlight.

The next moment, a natural phenomenon began to emerge. In the mid-air of the city, a kind of heat was rising, and then a violent mania, a violent breath gradually rose, covering the entire city in the blink of an eye.

A majestic Bloodline majestic envelops the whole city, and a ray of sparkles in the sky flickers, which looks so strange on the overcast sky.

“what is that!!”

Below, the people in the city stared blankly at the sky, staring at the scenes appearing in the sky.

Unique light flickers, gathers and rises on the sky, and gradually condenses into a gorgeous and horrible pattern.

A human snakehead and a demon demon stepping out of the light reveal the shape, and the scales are full of peculiar beauty, but every inch of scales and every inch of flesh looks so perfect, can’t help attracting All eyes.

It was only after the appearance of this demon that a peerless tyrannical majesty pervaded, covering the whole city.


A scarlet flame with a huge palm dropping from the sky, in the eyes of countless people’s fear, shot in a palace, and an extremely violent sound erupted in an instant.

Roar! !

In the underworld, people seemed to hear an unwilling roar. In the sight of a small number of people, a natural phenomenon emerged from the distant palaces. A black snake condensed from above the palace, watching it photographed in the sky. His huge palms hissed unwillingly and rose up to fight against Strength.

However, this resistance was destined to be useless. With the sound of tinnitus shaking through the wild, most of the city was swept away, and the entire palace was completely destroyed by this blow. It was full of blood and no longer visible. A little bit alive.

In the city, looking at the palace that has collapsed in the distance, the survivors trembled, and it seems that they don’t understand what happened.

But at this moment, outside the city, Zhentian’s killings and shouts rang out, and it seemed that there was a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses in front of the city, surrounding the city.

“Inheritance, the five hundred-year-old Karan country, is over.”

At night, looking at the city gate that is gradually opening in the city in front, and watching the nobles who are carrying gifts out of it, Luciu’s face is full of sighs: “It’s just a few days …”

“Yeah, it’s only a few days.” Aside from Luciu, Soon, who had sailed with Adier this time, also opened the mouth and said, his face looked a little dazed, and he didn’t seem to come back from his shock. .

There is no too much fancy, there is no violent fighting between the two armies. With just one blow, all obstacles are resolved, and the royal family of the ancient country of Karan is wiped out in an instant.

This mighty power like a demon is really shocking, and my heart is shaking.

“This is … King of Antiquity’s Strength …”

In sigh, he looked towards the rear, where a teenager was sitting there, his instrument was flawless, and he could not see the appearance of killing tens of thousands with a single palm.

“It is already the third.”

Looking silently at the city in the distance, Adier muttered to himself.

Within half a month, he led people through several small nations and rammed south of Elka Province.

These small countries that he destroyed were basically not large. The largest country, with a population of just a few million, was comparable to the entire Elka Province, and the Strength was not too strong.

The ancient country of Zealand in front of it is considered to be the strongest among them. The guardian who holds there is a person Level 2 Peak. According to this world, it is a sixth-order Peak. In normal circumstances, it is enough to run rampant, but facing Adier , But still not enough.

Even if Adier not at all uses a strong Strength, not even its own Power of Origin, it only uses the power of this body’s Bloodline, but it is also called Level 3 Peak, which is used to deal with one but Level The guardians of 2 are more than enough and don’t need much effort at all.

“Unfortunately, if such a huge site can take over, how good it would be.”

On the side, standing in front of Adier, and negotiated the conditions with the messenger in front, Luciu held a paper in his hand, his face showing a regretful and unwilling expression: “With the strength of His Royal Highness, enough to create a great country … Elka Province, it’s not enough. “

“This is also no way out.” Looking at Luciu’s unwillingness, Adier faintly opened the mouth and said: “The southern countries, the region is chaotic, and the language customs between the countries are not connected. It will also be very difficult, and it is better to keep these people in control. “

“Also, even if we are to rule the southern countries, we have not prepared enough. This time, we are only attacking for wealth and food.”

As he spoke, he looked up towards the distance.

In the distant camp, the conditions were negotiated with the messenger sent by Adier, and the messenger of the ancient country of Karan also seemed to be sighed in relief. However, his face was a bit rigid, even when he was full with Luciu. With a smile on his face, it looked just like a smile of joy.

This is also natural.

Adier came outside the capital of the ancient Caran country. Although they did not conquer the land hard, but as a cost of maintaining their independence, the ancient Caran country also suffered a major bleeding this time. Various ceded food and property would at least make the country I can’t take it easy for years.

And this is not the end. According to the agreement, in addition to this year’s tribute, every year after that, the Karakul country needs to go to Elka Province to make a tribute.

This harsh condition, no matter who it is, I’m afraid I can’t laugh at this time.

However, thanks to these harsh conditions, the purpose of Adier’s expedition this time has basically been achieved. As long as there are no subsequent accidents, food and property will be continuously transported from many small countries in the south to support Adier’s next action.

Thinking of this, Adier got up quietly from where he was, looking at a certain direction in the distance, as if looking at someone: “Desert Empire Cadozer, the letter I sent over there should now be here, I just don’t know , What will happen there. “

“Under the conditions requested by His Royal Highness, it is unlikely that the other party will agree.”

Aside, as if remembering something, Luciu’s face became serious: “Kedozer Empire is no smaller than these small countries in the south. The other party is an ancient empire that truly inherits the King of the Desert. Not only has a long history, but Bloodline is powerful, even in recent years Due to the rebellion, Strength has declined somewhat, but it is still the western hegemon

“This old empire, Strong, is very unlikely to promise our terms.”

“Perhaps.” To Luciu, Adier indifferent expression, just watching the distance quietly.

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