“The main problem is solved, but other aspects cannot be relaxed.”

Standing in place, looking at the spacious training ground in front of him, Adier calmly opened the mouth and said.

On the spacious training ground in front of them, some children are training hard on it. Under the leadership of some senior instructors, they are doing various difficult movements on the training ground.

If other wizards in the Mason area come here and look at these children on the training ground, they will be startled.

Because at this time on the training ground, these clumsy children are all not badly qualified, and none of them is lower than fifth-grade.

Fifth-class qualifications, even if placed in the Mason area, are also absolute genius qualifications, and it seems to be flooded here at once, completely worthless.

Of course, this is actually an illusion.

The dozens of children in front of him are specially selected by Adier from millions of refugees, each of which can be regarded as one of ten thousand li, and can be regarded as the elite of the elite.

It took a lot of time and energy, wasted a lot of materials, and finally found less than fifty people.

“However, although the number is not large, it is expected in the future.”

Standing in place, with Lera by his side, Adier watched the child silently.

In the center of the training ground, dozens of children have different expressions.

Some children’s faces are determined, some children’s faces are full of bitterness, and some child glanced around, they seem very mobile …

But in these children, the new vitality can not be concealed at all, with the most desirable things.

“It’s really exciting …”

After watching it quietly for a while, Adier sighed, and seemed to think of the scene when he was studying in Academy in the past.

After a while, he left here with side Lera and walked towards his own estate.

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, the vegetation grew and withered. Unconsciously, five years passed.

In the early morning of one day, after a day of night, the quiet city of Sisely began to wake up.

On the street, as the morning sun swept across the ground, each and everyone pedestrians stepped out of the street with laughter on their faces and began to furnish their houses.

This day is a very unique day in Elka Province.

Seven years ago, Prince Departed from Calade, traveled a long way, and finally reached the city of Sisely, which kicked off the rise of Elka Province.

To this day, with the arrival of a large number of outsiders, the originally barren Elka Province has already prospered, and this day has also been designated by Adier as a festival, becoming the only official festival in Elka Province.

During the festival, many previous bans will be lifted. For example, the alcohol ban imposed by the Elka Province official will be lifted on this day. Nobles or civilians in the normally can drink.

The fog in the early morning gradually rose, and the wind in the distance was blowing slowly, bringing up a piece of sand.

“The change is really big.”

Walking on the road to the city of Sisely and watching the landscape on the road, Soon sighed softly, feeling a little strange to the city in front of him.

Compared to when Adier first settled seven years ago, the city of Sisely is not what it was.

The city is constantly expanding, the buildings in the city are constantly being renovated, and new buildings and high-rises are gradually being built, bringing new changes to the city.

Even in the past few years, even the original city wall of Sisely City has been demolished several times and has not been repaired.

Some time ago, Soon even heard that someone proposed to completely demolish the city wall of the city of Sisely to leave more room for expansion.

In addition to changes in area and architecture, other surrounding changes are also significant.

As the center of Elka Province, the roads in the city of Sisely have become much smoother. They are paved with brand-new asphalt and cement. They look neat and complete, much smoother than the previous roads.

On both sides of the road, there are many newly opened stores, including pastries, pasta, flowers and some drinks. It looks almost the same as the modern city.

If it weren’t for the Elca language on both sides of the road, the tall and dark-skinned Elka people, Soon almost thought he was back in his World.

“How come so slowly?” In the distance, the voice gradually wandered, the sound of the coarse ore spread away, and then a tall man attracted the attention of many people.

In front of the road, Qimu was wearing a clean white robe, riding a tall red horse with a whip in his hand, looking down at Soang with a smile on his face: “long time no see.”

“Old man, long time no see.”

Looking at Chimu, Soon also smiled, and then pointed behind him.

Behind him, several long lines lined up behind. A sexy woman with a good figure, about thirty years old, took some girls, each holding some children.

There are about seven or eight children here, most of them seem to be under ten years old. When they saw Qi Mu riding on a horse in front of him, they all hid behind the women and seemed a little scared.

“Because of these children, I stayed in Kalan for a few more days, which brought them back.”

Listening to this, Qi Mu stopped and looked at these children.

After a close look, his face quickly showed a startled expression: “really strong qualifications!”

“The qualifications of these children are all fifth grade, and the biggest one is only ten years old.”

Soang laughed, looking at these children, with a sigh of sigh on his face: “All are good children. If they can be cultivated well, their future achievements will not be bad.”

“At least, being a formal wizard is definitely fine.”

“Yeah.” Withdrawing his eyes from these children, Qimu sighed: “Fifth-class qualifications, as long as they are not too stupid and hard enough, they can generally become formal wizards.”

“I heard that there was another student called teacher from the teacher this year. The innate talent is very strong, and it is almost a natural wizard.”

“I heard that too.” Soon sighed at the name: “Become an apprentice at the age of eight, be promoted to a formal wizard at the age of ten, be born at the age of thirteen, be promoted to a metamorphosis stage wizard … Such an innate talent, It’s horrible. “

“In another ten years, we may not even see his back, and he will be thrown away directly.” Qimu also sighed, with a smile on his resolute face, it didn’t look too much. Frustrated.

“I’m okay with this, you are not qualified to say that.” Soon shook his head, some helplessly said: “You are also Your Highness’ student, who was already a Great Knight five years ago. Now if I guess correctly I’m afraid it’s not far from Radiant Knight. “

Looking at Qimu in front of him, he said with envy.

He was always envious of Qimu in front of him.

It is not only the envy of the other party, but also the student of Adier.

As a student of Adier, many of the resources needed by the other party to practice can be obtained directly from Adier, and some Secret Scripture will also be open to him unconditionally. In all aspects, conditions are much stronger than those of Soon.

“Radiant Knight, I’m still a little behind, but I have a hunch that I can be promoted successfully for a maximum of two years.” Qi Mu shook his head first, and then confidently said that he had great confidence in himself in the language.

This confidence is both a confidence in his qualifications and a confidence in Adier behind him.

“It’s still good to you.” Feeling the confidence in Qi Mu’s words, Soon shook his head, then looked towards him, and looked at the woman headed by it: “Villianne, take these children first.”

“I haven’t returned to Sisely City for three years, and I want to stroll around.”

Beside, Willian was wearing a long black dress, and the whole person always had a mild smile. Listening to Soon’s saying, she just smiled nodded, and then took the side attendant forward and did not pass on the road. Stay more.

When Willian was gone, they continued to walk forward, looking at the quite changing city in front of them, lamenting in their hearts, but they didn’t speak.

In the beginning, although they were not the first to come to the city, they were also one of the first players to come to the city. In the following seven years, they witnessed many changes in the city.

The expansion from the original small city gradually became a mega city, and gradually transformed into what it is today.

In the process, the original refugees, including themselves, contributed a lot.

“I heard that the power plant in the city of Sisely is about to be completed, and by six months, the city should be able to use electricity.”

Walking on the road, looking at the buildings on both sides of the road, Qimu suddenly said.

“That’s pretty good.” Soon laughed, feeling relieved.

Although the real world is destroyed, people are still there. Among the original refugees, there were many experts in related industries, and the existing technology could be used directly.

If it weren’t for Adier’s intention to slow down the rate of change, leaving a time for buffering and adaptation, I am afraid that change will be faster at this time.

However, even if it is deliberately slowed down, the changes in Elka Province are also very large. Over the past few years, new things have begun to appear almost every day, making the entire Elka Province quickly prosperous.

Today’s Elka Province is no longer the remote and backward place. With the refugees who arrived in the past, plus the newly conquered southern countries in recent years, nowadays, regardless of population or strength, Elka Province cannot be underestimated. watch for.

The bustling area has attracted countless foreign businessmen. Ten thousand li 迢迢 came to the city of Sisely just to trade here.

On the road ahead, the two were still talking.

I haven’t seen them for many years. As old friends, they have too many topics to talk about, but after walking to a street, they still stop.

Because in front of them, a team of teams attracted their attention.

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