The black horse rides in and out on the wide road ahead. Compared with other foreign traders, this team is very prominent.

Compared with other businessmen, this group of foreign merchants has dark skin, wearing broad white robes, and vehicles carrying goods around them. They are not ordinary carriages, but a fleet of tall camels, slowly on the road. Marching.

This is a caravan from the desert empire Cadozer.

Compared with five years ago, after the alliance with Kedozerd, commerce was also launched between Elka Province and the Kedozer Empire. In the past few years, some desert caravans from Kedozer came from time to time. Elka Province brings all kinds of materials unique to the desert here.

However, if it is just an ordinary caravan, it is rare, but it will not attract the attention of the two Qimu.

What really attracted them was a banner carried by this caravan.

It was a black banner. On the banner, a black one-eye fluttered quietly in the wind, like a living creature, watching around.

Looking at this banner, Qimu’s face gradually became dignified: “The family emblem of the royal family of Kaidoze … Is this the messenger of Kaidoze?”

“Most of it is.” Aside, looking at the caravan in front of him, Soon was also frowned: “Six months ago, I heard that something happened on the side of Kedozer. It seems that something strange happened. The messenger came over, not sure if it was because of this. “

“I hope not to involve us.” Qimu frowned, watching the camel caravan marching forward in the distance, with an ominous premonition in his heart.

In five years, apart from the changes in Elka Province, many changes have taken place outside.

Three years ago, black rays of light erupted in the largest oasis of Kedoze, and then someone dug a large black crystal under the ground of the oasis, which is said to be the prelude to the resurrection of the god of the ancient desert, Kedoze.

And half a year ago, some oasis in the Kaidoze Empire was inexplicably dried up, and a large tract of oasis was strangely degenerate into a desert, as if the vitality of the entire oasis was sucked away by something.

Because of this, during the six months, the situation in the Kaidoze Empire was severely turbulent. From time to time, tribal rebellions rose, and the situation became chaotic. Even the desert caravans to the Elka Province trade were much less.

As for Calade Empire, a lot of things happened.

In the Imperial Palace of Calade, there were reports of violent Prince Princess from time to time. Before her death, she looked miserable. Everyone in Calade’s royal family was at risk at this time, for fear that the poisonous hand would be ruined.

At the same time, it seems that strange things have happened in the surrounding countries, and even the once-falling King of Antiquity has recovered and killed the entire country.


In the center of Sisely is a newly built palace.

With the gradual prosperity of Elka Province, the manor where Adier used to live has been demolished, and the new palace has been built in its original location, greatly increasing its size and luxury.

Entering the palace, a handsome and tall young man walked on the white slab paved road, and looked at the decoration of the surrounding palaces with his eyes.

In his eyes, the surrounding palaces are very tall and large. Every building and every long road are beautifully constructed. On both sides of the building and the road, there are all kinds of grasses and trees that have never been seen growing and weak in the sun. The rays of light exude a burst of fragrance.

“All sacred seeds?”

Looking at the plants and trees planted in the palace, the young man was stunned, but it was a little unexpected.

The so-called sacred seed is another name for this world’s extraordinary material.

Bloodline contains a huge Strength, and the same is true in the blood.

Just like the legend, dragon blood can make people immortal. The blood and flesh of other Bloodline creatures have more or less special effects.

The so-called sacred seeds in this world are only some plants cultivated using the blood of King Descendant. Because the Bloodline of King Descendant is different, the effects of sacred seeds are different, but without exception, they are very precious.

However, precious sacred plants in other places are almost everywhere in this palace. Densely packed are planted around it, and it looks like a complete decoration for the environment.

These sacred plants were naturally cultivated by Adier.

Within five years, after the annihilation of the southern nations, Adier obtained a large number of King Descendants with ancient Bloodline.

These King Descendants are basically from the royal families and nobles of the southern countries. The Bloodline within the body is generally not strong, and the Bloodline is mottled and chaotic, and it can not play much Strength at all. So Adier simply used the waste and directly extracted the Bloodline of the King Descendant within the body for various experiments.

As for this kind of sacred plant cultivated in front of the eyes, it is a by-product of those Bloodline experiments.

After looking around all around, after setting his mind, under the leadership of the servants next to him, the youth continued to move forward.

The palace has a large area and a long road. If it is ordinary people, after walking, I am afraid that they will be sweaty.

However, these people are basically King Descendant. Naturally, they will not be like ordinary people. After this long road, they are still calm and relaxed, and they don’t even feel a little strenuous.

“It’s a really nice palace. Compared to this, our palace in Cadoze, in addition to being large enough, looks shabby.”

Walking through the long palace all the way, looking at the scenery in front of him, the young man sighed sincerely.

“If the Marquis Xilata likes the scenery here, when you go back, you can ask the designer who originally designed the palace to help design the drawings.” Hearing the sigh of the youth, the person in charge of the way forward turned back and looked at the youth in front of him With a gentle and decent smile on his face: “As of now, Your Excellency the Lord is in it, you can go straight in.”

“Trouble.” Xirata was gently nodded, then looked towards behind, shaking her finger.

Behind him, a follower signaled, holding a small bag, and gave it directly to the youth who led the way.

“A little bit, please don’t refuse.”

With a smile on Xilata’s face, she did not give the other party a chance to refuse, and strode straight forward into the palace in front of her.

As he walked in, the door in front of the hall opened quietly, and a light slowly bloomed, all around.

Entering the hall, the youth’s look remained unchanged, but he looked up and looked towards the front.

In the forefront of the hall, a person was sitting quietly above.

It was a handsome and immaculate teenager, wearing a large white robe, holding a letter in his hand, sitting quietly in the seat above him.

It seemed to feel the footsteps outside. In front of him, the boy turned silently, with a pair of indifferent eyes looking towards Xilata indifferently.


Two eyes stared at each other instantly. The moment she saw Adier, Hilata was shaken, her face suddenly changed.

In his eyes, the boy in front of him looked like the most terrifying flood beast. He just sat there silently, like a tiger twirling, and felt the majesty of Supreme.

The majesty of the Bloodline was shaking with majesty, and the breath of the red Bloodline continued to spread around him, making his blood within the body tremble, almost unable to bear to kneel down, and acknowledge allegiance to the king in front of him.

This is the oppression between Bloodline.

Theoretically, the Crimson Bloodline is comparable to the Kedozer Bloodline, and there is no competition between them. It ’s just that, compared to Xirata, Adier’s crimson Bloodline has been developed to the extreme. Except for the original King of Antiquity, the rest of the King Descendant is simply not stronger than his Bloodline.

Relatively speaking, Xilata is also considered excellent. Under 30 years of age, he has reached the third level, which is the level of Peak. In his age, he is definitely a genius in this world.

Compared to Adier, he is a little bit embarrassing. In the face of the crimson Bloodline developed to Peak, it is natural to be suppressed.

Standing on the spot, feeling the majestic and majestic terror of the abyss, Hilata was pale, trembling all over, and felt a kind of terrifying pressure.

But despite this, he didn’t mean to bow his head, no matter how trembling his body was, he refused to kneel to Adier.

next moment, the deep horror sight disappeared, and then Adier got up from his seat, and the horror and majesty that was originally emitted from all over him disappeared. Standing on the high steps, the whole person was like an ordinary teenager. .

Below, feeling the horror that pervaded the surrounding area disappeared, Xilata secretly relaxed, and then raised her head, looking towards Adier standing ahead.

“Hilata, the messenger of Kedoze, visits Sisso with gifts.”

According to Kedozer’s etiquette, he meticulously opened the mouth and said, and his words sounded very respectful.

“Hirata Kedozer’s Fifth Prince.”

A glance at Xirata, the information about the other party in his head emerged, Adier’s face calmed, and then opened the mouth and said: “Every time after the alliance, Cadozé sent people to place them, they were just ordinary messengers. A Prince is here. “

“What do you want to do this time?”

He looked at Xilata under the steps in front of him, slightly opened the mouth and said.

“I’ll take a word for your ancestor.”

Looking at Adier, Hilata was tall and straight, although her face was respectful, but her words were not half weak: “The ancestors asked me to ask you, did the original agreement count?”

The voice fell, and there was a moment of silence in the place, and the spacious hall was quiet for a moment.

“The original promise …”

It took a long time for Adier to speak and mumble to himself, as if thinking of something.

The other person promised, he naturally knew what it meant.

Five years ago, after a large number of refugees emerged in Elka Province, due to lack of food, Adier asked people to send a letter to the then King Cadozé, asking for food and property.

This is a lack of human favor, and today it is finally time to pay back.

Countless thoughts flashed after one after another, standing on the steps, looking at the stage with a straight and upright appearance, and a handsome appearance, Xierata, Adier said lightly: “What did your ancestors want me to do?”

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