“What did your ancestors want me to do?

Adier’s voice echoed in the quiet and spacious hall.

Standing in the upper part of the hall, Adier stared silently at Xilata, his eyes were so deep that he seemed to see through the future evolution, with a kind of peaceful peace.

Being stared at by such eyes, Xilata seemed very calm, without any hesitation when he first faced Adier, but the expression on his face gradually disappeared.

In the meditation, a subtle change in his body began to occur, which is a deep change at the Bloodline level, which is extremely difficult to detect.

“I want you to do it once.”

The hoarse voice sounded in place and gradually diffused into the surrounding space, causing the surrounding space to oscillate spontaneously, as if it could not bear this majesty.

I don’t know when Hilata changed something. Although she was still standing there, her breath and temperament were completely different, as if she had become a person.

A deepness, as if the abyss is generally unobservable, and the immeasurable source of a large source emerges. Under the steps below, Hilata’s face is indifferent, covering the purest shadow and Force of Death, just standing there, like An aloof and remote deity came to life, aloof and remote, unmeasured.

This kind of spirit and essence, although they have the same origin, are not the same as before.

“you are···”

Watching the indifferent, standing “Hirata” standing upright, feeling the changes in the other side, Adier slightly frowned: “This deepness has the origin of death and silence, the king of the desert, Kaidoze?”

“it’s me.”

Hilata raised her head, a handsome face emerged in addition to many black textures, the center of her eyebrow was a one-eye mark, looking beautiful and strange, with an inexplicable mystery.

“how do you want to do it?”

Taking a deep look at the other side, feeling the unpredictable breath on the other side, Adier pupils slightly shrink.

At present, Cadozer was far more powerful than he had imagined. The one that represented the origin of death and gloom made him feel a sense of stress and suffocation.

Just being a clone, can give Adier this feeling, showing that its strength is absolutely superior to the ordinary Level 4, and has reached a higher level.

A cold and overbearing will swept the surroundings, with the pulse of the origin, suppressing the surrounding world in an instant, making this piece a small enchantment.

In the enchantment, unless this will can be broken, even a mosquito will never want to crawl here.

After doing this, “Xirata” looked up, and a pair of purple eyes looked again towards Adier in front: “For five years, you should know a lot about the changes in this world.”

“The fusion of the world, the resurgence of the silent world, and the huge power of the world have attracted many foreign kings to come and want to capture the biggest fruits born after the recovery of the world.”

“These five years are a buffer and a time for the kings to recover and start working hard to recover themselves.”

Having said that, he was paused, with a pair of jewel-like eyes staring at Adier, and after seeing that he did not respond, he continued to say, “I am here to ask you to do me a favor and deal with a king.”

“A King …” Listening to this, Adier frowned instantly.

The king in Cadozer’s mouth is undoubtedly a King of Antiquity, that is, Level 4 level existence.

Moreover, he can ask Cadozet to come to him for help and jointly target, and the King’s Strength will not be much weaker than the current Cadozet.

After all, if the strengths of the two sides are disparate, Kadozer can take a shot right away, and there is no need to seek his help again.

“not enough.”

Taking a deep look at Cadozer in front of him, Adier’s eyes were deep and he silently spit out the two words.

At first, in order to solve the troubles in Elka Province, he really owed the other person a favor.

But for the sake of this kind of humanity, at the cost of offending the existence of a Level 4, and letting him attack another King of Antiquity, this is not worth it.

Standing below and listening to Adier’s answer, Cadozer’s expression remained unchanged, and there was nothing unexpected about it.

For the existence of Level 4, some food and property are not much.

With this kind of human relationship, let the other party do other things. However, it is simply impossible for the other party to risk being out of the game and to shoot at a peer.

So he wasn’t surprised at all by the look on Adier’s face.

However, knowing that the other party would not agree, he still dared to come over to invite and naturally had his own confidence.

“Although the Secret Scripture left by the owner of the world, although the most important part is missing, only the remaining part is enough to break through the boundaries of the king and be promoted to the king.”

He held up two fingers: “Twice, as long as you do it for me, this Secret Scripture is yours.”

“Secret Scripture? Master?”

Hearing these strange words, Adier didn’t move, frowning inwardly.

Obviously, this so-called Secret Scripture should be the unique system of these King of Antiquity. Even from the current performance of Kadozer, it is even very precious.

As for the lord and the emperor, he does not know the strength or weakness, but one thing that can be determined is at least the level above Level 4 Wizard.

There are many thoughts in my heart. At this moment, in the origin of Adier, a chip is running fast, in which a large piece of data is flowing, all kinds of possibilities are analyzed, and the advantages and disadvantages of each choice are listed.

“I want to see it first.”

After a while, Adier lowered his head, pretending to groan for a while, and then opened the mouth and said.

Below, when heard by Adier, Cadozer froze, and then nodded: “That’s OK.”

He waved his hand, and in front of him, a purple light shone, and there were flashes of light around him.

It was a drop of purple blood, with a subtle Bloodline majesty flowing on it, and flew directly to Adier as soon as it appeared.

In this regard, after feeling the Strength and threat contained in the purple blood, Adier did not move, and let this drop integrate into his body.

Subsequently, a large amount of information emerged and poured into the Spirit sea at the same moment. At the next moment, all the sources of silver were captured and came to mind.

In my mind, the image of a book was condensed out of thin air. With the surge of Spirit, the first page above was opened, revealing the name of the book: “Gudora Secret Scripture.”

“this is!”

As Gudola Secret Scripture paged through, Adier’s face was shocked.

This Secret Scripture is not about other things, but just about the use and transformation of Bloodline. Many of them are delicate and esoteric. Even Adier, a big wizard who is proficient in Bloodline, is shocked and can’t hold his touch.

Even in this Secret Scripture, Adier saw a path of Bloodline transformation.

With its own Bloodline as the kind of fire, it constantly introduces external Bloodline and uses vitality as fuel to burn itself, so as to get a chance to surpass Bloodline.

Even if it is just a mere mortal, there is no ancient Bloodline flowing in the body. It can also embark on this path, starting from the weak, gradually making its Bloodline strong, and eventually growing to the same level as the ancient Bloodline.

This is the Supreme Secret Scripture of the Bloodline Road. It is also a road that is completely rooted in Bloodline and extends with Bloodline as its core.

In front of him, looking at the view on Adier’s face, Cadozer was not surprised at all, so he stood there quietly, waiting for the other party to return.

As for the Secret Scripture obtained by Adier at this time, he didn’t care.

Before consensus has been reached, it is naturally impossible for him to hand over the complete Secret Scripture to the other party. At this time, the other party only reads the part of the king that’s all. Although it is equally esoteric, for the already king, But not very useful.

After a long time, in front of him, Adier came back to his senses, his eyes looked towards Kedozer in front of him.

“I did this.”

He looked at Cadozer in front of him, and seemed to have came back to his senses from Secret Scripture, and looked at the other said solemnly.

“it is good!”

Upon hearing Adier’s reply, Cadozer’s face showed a smile, his fingertips flicked slightly, and a drop of purple rushed towards Adier.

A huge message came to mind, but at the moment, Adier not at all exits, just watching him quietly.

“This is the content of the king, which is just right for you now.”

Under the steps, he looked up and then said, “As for the most important part of the emperor, I will give it to you after this shot is over.”

“It’s fair.” Adier gently nodded, without much comment on this.

“I’ve given you the information about the goal of this shot, and I will come to you again in a month.” Looking at Adier, Cadozer opened the mouth and said, his body gradually seemed to be erratic.

At the same place, the breath on his body gradually disappeared, and the deep source gradually disappeared, and the original breath of the body was gradually exposed.

In the surroundings, with the disappearance of Cadozer’s will, the overbearing will that had previously suppressed the world gradually dissipated, allowing the surrounding enchantments to spread, leaving a real world.

After everything was over, in front of her, the sanity in Hilata’s eyes gradually recovered, and then she watched Adier standing in front of her bow carefully, and then pushed away respectfully.

Squeak …

As the servant moved, the door of the hall opened and closed, making a squeaking noise.

Standing in front of the high platform, looking at the back of Xilata, Adier’s eyes were so deep that he seemed to think of something.

“Ancestral World …”

Looking at the Bloodline Secret Scripture in his mind, he thought of the World where the purple girl was somehow.

If there were no accidents, these revived Kings of Antiquity are likely to be in the same World as the original purple woman.

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