“Bloodline’s path, at the beginning, is different from other systems not at all. They exercise themselves in various ways to make their bodies strong and Spirit condense to the limit that individual life can reach …”

“After the individual reaches the limit, the whole body Bloodline is condensed, and the blood is fused with Spirit to become a Bloodline seed.”

“According to the content on the Secret Scripture and the wizard system, this step of condensing the Bloodline seed is roughly equivalent to the wizard’s promotion to a formal wizard. It needs to burn the vitality and Spirit of the whole body to give birth to the original seed of Bloodline.”

“Only at this step, can we truly embark on the road of Bloodline. After that, we will use our own vitality to burn and continue to infiltrate our own Bloodline seeds, make our Bloodline constantly transform, and ultimately promote our own promotion … “

“This is really … a simple and rude, but dangerous way.”

Standing quietly in a courtyard, surrounded by the fragrance of flowers, Adier murmured, deeply attracted by this road.

After several days of analysis and analysis with his Level 4 vision, the nature and philosophy of this road have been clear at this time.

From a practical point of view, this road can be called simple and rude, and implements a Spirit from beginning to end, that is, eating.

Starting from condensing Bloodline seeds, if you want to be promoted, you only need to kill and eat continuously.

Kill other creatures with powerful Bloodline, plunder the Bloodline origin of these creatures within the body, and eat them all, digesting them with their own Bloodline seeds.

In theory, you only need to kill enough, eat enough, and at the same time, if you kill yourself enough, you can always break the Bloodline limit and break through to a higher level.

This model is exactly the opposite of the wizard system, and it is definitely the most brainless model.

However, although this kind of brainlessness seems good, Adier can see the thick dangers from it.

How can Bloodline, the source of life, change so well?

According to Adier’s estimation, under this system, after the practitioner condenses the Bloodline seeds, every Bloodline transformation is definitely a nine deaths and still alive experience.

Consuming the heterogeneous Bloodline, and under the pressure of the heterogeneous Bloodline, to transform the own Bloodline, the simple introduction behind it represents a great crisis.

In fact, if Bloodline changed so well, when Adier understood the curse of the Scourge on Moon Elf Bloodline, he would have replaced Moon Elf Bloodline earlier, where would it be now?

The change of Bloodline is irreversible. If it is just the ordinary person class, the inherent Strength is low, and the resistance to the high Bloodline is weak to a certain extent, and it is very easy to be infected and transformed by the advanced Bloodline.

But higher Bloodlines such as Moon Elf, the Bloodline itself has a strong Strength and has a strong exclusivity.

Like this kind of Bloodline, after implantation, it is almost unique. Once converted, Bloodline is almost impossible to change after that.

In myths and legends, there are often people who become dragon descent due to dragon blood. But beyond this legend, the life that has been infected with dragon blood and turned into dragon descendants, even if it is contaminated with other higher Bloodline, can no longer change.

Unless, the Bloodline’s Strength can completely suppress Dragonline’s Dragonline Bloodline within the body, there is no hope of transformation again.

The method of bloodline seed transmutation is equivalent to constantly implanting new heterogeneous Bloodline in within the body, in order to force its own Bloodline to become stronger. The dangers in it are slight deaths and still alive.

Just looking at this Secret Scripture, Adier can imagine the countless corpses lying behind this Bloodline road.

“However, even if you can see the dangers, this road is still so attractive.”

Standing in place, deducing the course of this road in his mind, Adier sighed softly.

Compared with the sedimentation and accumulation required by the wizarding road, this Bloodline road is the most violent, cruel and quickest road.

There is no need for a large amount of precipitation and accumulation. As a Bloodline life, you only need to wait for a period of time. As your body matures, your strength will continue to grow.

Just like Moon Elf Bloodline, if Adier is willing, you can stay in which World directly for thousands of years, and then naturally can be promoted to Level 4, born of the origin.

The Bloodline road is exactly the same. As long as the number of transformations is sufficient, it can always pile up its own Bloodline essence to a horrible point.

However, if I want to go to the end on this road, I am afraid that in addition to being strong enough, I have to give it a hard life.

The road is simple, if the combat power is not strong enough, where can I get the Bloodline I need.

Those creatures with powerful Bloodline will not wait for you to kill silently, if it is not enough, it is not bad to be counter-killed.

By the same token, so is life. Because life is not hard, it will fall into a certain transformation early, it is impossible to stand at the end.

“From this point of view, the King of Antiquity, I am afraid that all of them will not be simple. In terms of their combat power, I am afraid that they are stronger than the wizards of the same level.”

Thinking of this, Adier frowned slightly, and at the same time, some doubt in his heart was relieved.

Some time ago, Cadozer sought him out for no other purpose than to deal with a descendant of King of Antiquity.

According to Cadozer’s message to him, this is a man whose strength is not inferior to Cadozer’s, but not as prepared as his King of Antiquity.

Previously, it was probably because of cooperation and because they were both on the Bloodline road. For some basic information, the other party did not at all conceal.

Therefore, for the origin and purpose of these King of Antiquity, Adier also has basic cognition and speculation.

Before long time ago, in the patriarch World, some King of Antiquity discovered this world and tried to invade.

However, just as the Destiny World’s walkers were suppressed in Knight World before, as Strange World’s life, these King of Antiquity will undoubtedly be suppressed as well, even compared to low-strength life runners, the existence of these Level 4 is more prominent for World Once invaded, the repression will be extremely horrible.

To avoid this, the King of Antiquity started layout a long time ago.

The key to the layout is not the other, it is the King Descendant.

King Descendant’s Bloodline, although derived from the original King of Antiquity, compared to King of Antiquity, the strength of these King Descendants is low, and the impact on World is not obvious.

It is also the entry of alien organisms. A robust man and a group of ants are naturally treated differently. The former will make the owner vigilant, and even take the initiative to drive out with a weapon, while the latter will probably not care much unless they happen to see it.

This is the difference between King of Antiquity and King Descendant.

As these King Descendants continue to multiply in this world, and with the constant influence of the World 鈥檚 atmosphere, after a long period of time, these King Descendants will gradually integrate into this world. The Bloodline within the body is continuously whitened and localized. Eventually regarded by World consciousness as part of World.

By this time, through the pull and cover of these cognate Bloodlines, those past Kings of Antiquity can sneak into this world in various ways. As long as the Strength does not exceed a certain range, the suppression of World consciousness will be greatly weakened.

In this matter, through some messages, Adier also speculated that the reason why these Kings of Antiquity do n鈥檛 come early or late, but the card came at this time after World Fusion, in addition to wanting to get the most gains, it is very likely It is also to better avoid repression.

During the fusion of the World, because several Worlds are fused with each other, World’s patience will be improved as never before, and the endurance of some foreign life will be correspondingly stronger.

And, because of World integration, you can get more from this world.

This naturally coincides with the meaning of King of Antiquity, and after the World merges, those King of Antiquity seem to have negotiated and gathered together to recover.

However, in many of the King of Antiquity recovery, the degree of recovery is different because of different circumstances.

For example, this time Cadozer invited Adier to go with him, and it was a King of Antiquity who was behind in recovery.

Like other King of Antiquity, in this World, this King of Antiquity also arranges a lot of backhands to ensure that his descendants can reproduce in this world, in order to better attract himself to return.

What just didn’t surprise him was that after he left, his descendants quickly declined, and the empire established was quickly destroyed, and to this day, almost a little duchy cannot be maintained.

The strength of the descendant Strength has greatly affected the speed of King of Antiquity’s recovery. Compared to Cadozer, the king of the desert empire, and the crimson king of the Calade empire, the recovery of the King of Antiquity is extremely slow. So much that Cadozer hit his idea on the other side.

“The general context is clear, then the remaining questions are …”

“This Secret Scripture, is it used or not?”

Standing in place, looking away, Adier frowned.

A new road is in front of him. If he doesn’t try it, this is not his style.

However, he had doubts about the Secret Scripture in front of him.

This Secret Scripture came too easily. It is so easy for the other side to give such important things, even if it is not careful.

After all, this Secret Scripture related to Bloodline, once something goes wrong, the end is often very serious.

“The part before Level 4 should be no problem. After all, in the other person’s view, I am also the king who was promoted on the Bloodline road. There is no need to fake the road before the king.

“But after Level 4, and even in the content of Level 4 itself, it is not necessarily.”

Standing in place, Adier’s gaze was deep: “It is me, if you want to hang people in this Secret Scripture, the content of the 3-Layer in front will definitely not be a problem, even the content of the Level 4 part can be true , As long as you intentionally omit some of it. “

“Like this Secret Scripture, once a key part is missing, it will be dead.”

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