“You are late.”

In the distance, the light gradually flashed. On the flat ground, a light breeze breeze and stood here. Adier’s hair was light and he looked at the distance quietly.

In the direction he was looking at, black clouds pervaded the sky, and then in mid-air, a huge one-eyed eye rose, and the pupil contained a bit of golden, looking like gold cast.

Before the three of Lera reacted, a gust of wind rose in place, and a man of complexion grave and stern appeared in place.

This is a very handsome man with a grim expression on his face, with a deep and unpredictable coldness. Except for his face, he is covered with a black robe all over his body. There is a kind of cold breath on the whole body, like The deepest source of death is alarming.

Just looking at this man, the three of Lera were inevitably tense in their hearts. The Bloodline was countercurrent in the whole body, and his blood was pumped, as if he had encountered the most terrifying character, staring closely at the black robed man .

The kind of intuition in the dim world made them lock the man in front of them. As long as the black robed man in front of them slightly changed, they would take the slightest hesitation without any effort and take him down.

“Sorry, something was delayed, so it was a few days late.”

Feeling the faint hostility of the three Lera, Cadozer gave them a slight glance. The kind of eyes that looked like the dead made the three feel a lot of pressure, and the younger generations directly sweated.

But fortunately, how long does this kind of gaze not at all last? For King of Antiquity, such as Kadous, there is no extraordinary Bloodline around him at all, and it is just a few wastes, naturally there is nothing to pay attention to.

“Here are my three students, and this time they will pass with me.”

Looking at Kedozer in front of him, Adier’s face was calm, and he took a step forward, and in silence silently offset the pressure of horror uploaded by the other side, so that the three Leras in the rear could not feel it.

“It doesn’t matter.”

Kedozer was gently nodded, then turned back: “Be prepared, this time should be ready, let’s go.”

“I have no opinion.” Adier was calm, and didn’t care when he left.

The next moment, on both of them, a rays of light bloomed, and then wrapped around the side Lera, they rushed directly to the sky.

The huge air pressure came quickly, and as the speed of the two people increased and increased, the entire space had a faint twist.

Being in this environment and moving at such a horrible speed, if it is an ordinary person, at this time the horror has been broken into pieces, and no dregs are left, but it has not affected the people in front of them.

Even the three of Lera are also protected by Adier’s Strength from any harm.

Without worrying about themselves, their speed is very fast. The so-called thousands of miles a day is used to describe them, and they are not even good at lifting shoes.

In the concept of the existence of two Level 4s, the so-called thousand miles, just the distance that several breaths cross over that’s all, is nothing at all.

This is because the two did not at all use their best efforts, otherwise the speed will be more terrifying.

But even at this horrible speed, the Adiers had been in full time for more than half a month before they gradually reached the end of this time.

In the distance, a pale blue ocean can gradually see the end, and thousands of miles away in the distance, a piece of land gradually emerges, exposing the shape.

This is an island other than continental. If Adier’s memory is correct, it should be located to the east of the Calade empire, which belongs to the wild area of ​​civilization.

On the coast of the island, Adier also saw several fishermen fishing on fishing boats, looking busy.

The next moment, two huge airstreams swept down from the sky, and the huge Strength dissipated, causing the entire sea to collapse and roar.

This sudden scene stunned some fishermen who were returning below, staring at the silhouettes that were gradually appearing in the sky, and immediately knelt down, constantly speaking some inexplicable words, like praying.

“Is this right here?”

In the sky, the sound of indifference sounded around, even if there were tsunami collapses around, it was very clear.

Hanging quietly in the air, looking down at the island in front of him, Adier was somewhat surprised.

The islands in front of them are not very large. In terms of area alone, not even half of Elka Province is there. The population is even scarce. In Adier’s perception, there are only close to one million.

This degree is not weak compared to some ordinary duchy, but it is indeed a decline for a direct descendant of King of Antiquity.

If it weren’t for the isolation of the sea and the effects of various harsh climates, depending on the strength of this island, I am afraid that it would have been destroyed by the Calade Empire long ago, and it will not remain until now.

“Are you surprised?”

Looking aside, looking at the scenery on the island, Kedozer smiled, a pale face with a hint of blood: “In a way, this is also the result of the war that year.”

“That time, more than a thousand years ago, was our first advent, and we fought for the dominance of this world, almost sinking the entire continent.”

“Although the battle was fierce, the final battle also laid some of the results now.”

With nostalgia on his face, Profound Truth flashing in his eyes, with deep darkness and obscurity: “Although Kaos did not get out of the battle that year, his avatar was also attacked. The killing caused his descendants to be targeted by the victors of that year, and he had to migrate again and again, and fell down in the blows, leading to the current result. “

Kaos, the name of King of Antiquity for this revival, is also Adier’s next opponent.

Aside, listening quietly to Cadozer’s words, Adier was calm, but frowning secretly.

From the words of Cadozer, these King of Antiquity came to this world earlier than he thought.

At least, before this recovery, they had already recovered at least once, and even fought in this world to fight for world domination.

This world’s current situation is likely to be the result of that time.

bump! !!

While Adier was thinking, a loud bang sounded in front of him.

Below, with the sight of Cadozer, the fishermen’s body stiffened, and then the flesh exploded directly into a light blood mist, floating on Cadozer’s body.

Standing in the air and smelling these blood mists, Cadozer’s face was intoxicated, as if he had tasted something delicious.

“Familiar flesh and blood, although the Bloodline inside the body is thin, it is better than those ordinary people.”

A mouthful swallowed hundreds of people along the shore, his face was intoxicated, and the golden light in his eyes seemed to become brighter.

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