The sea breeze swept across the coast of the island, bringing a breeze while also blowing bloody air.

Standing quietly in the air, looking at the broken bones on the ground, Adier frowned slightly, but said nothing.

It was beside him. Looking at the scene, the three of Lera were stared wide-eyed, and the whole body was shaking slightly.

Standing next to them, Adier could feel the anger in the three of them.

“eat human···”

A deep glance at Kedozer in the distance gave Lera an inexplicable emotion, and his sight was hostile like never before.

Beside him, the same was true of Schilim and Chimu.

For those of them from modern society, letting them kill people is okay, but the situation like this is unacceptable.

After all, in essence, they have not left the scope of people, to some extent also within the scope of each other’s recipes.

Kedozer could naturally feel the gaze from the three of Lera, but he didn’t care much, a pale face with a smile: “Let’s go!”

“Before Kaos hasn’t responded …”


He waved his arm, and a deep black rays of light darted straight into the distance, smashing a mountain peak, causing the surrounding earth to tremble gently.

Then, in situ, he disappeared directly and rushed to the distant city.

It was a fairly prosperous city. Although in the eyes of Adier and the others, it was only a small city, it was already a good place in this place. Tens of thousands of people were staying in it, each sitting on their own affairs.

But at this moment, the devastation suddenly struck.

Located in a small town, local residents suddenly noticed that the surrounding temperature had become much colder.

“what happened?”

Someone raised his head in confusion, and then held his head.

Because in their eyes, at this time in the sky, the sun that was shining on the earth has disappeared, and a black one-eye is hanging in the sky quietly, and the golden light blooms in it, like an eternal god. , Exuding a distinguished and powerful breath.

As if there was any magic power, the moment they saw this one-eyed, the bodies of these people became stiff for a moment, the expressions on their faces became dull, and their eyes were no longer agile, as if all Spiritual Qi had been lost.

Over time, slowly, the bodies of these people began to melt gradually, the flesh and blood on the entire body began to disappear, and became a layer of blood red mist, gradually floating to the sky, and the entire city’s sky was dyed for a while It became red, forming a beautiful and weird scene.

The sea began to crumble. In the depths of the Sea Territory all around, it was as if the breath of death was perceived, shoals of fish were swiftly leaping, huge sea monsters rushed away, and waves of tsunami were brought on the sea.

In the small towns that were originally peaceful, the noisy cities gradually became silent, and no one even heard a sound.

A black skeleton stood still, still wearing his previous clothes, his eyes were empty, and he had completely turned into a fleshless body.

bump! bump!

next moment, with a crisp sound, all the corpses began to disintegrate, as if after tens of thousands of years of time erosion in an instant, the original rigid skeleton became fragile, and a crack appeared on it, which eventually permeated the entire corpse Body.

In the distance, a gust of wind blows quietly, bringing up a black dust and ashes, completely turning the city in front of you into a ghost.


In the rear, the three of Lera watched this scene blankly, all emotions were rolling in their hearts, but they didn’t know what to say.

Just in an instant, the lives of whole people disappeared, and even corpses could not remain.

This shock caused the three of them to feel the horror of King of Antiquity for the first time.

“stop looking.”

Sighed lightly, Adier turned and looked towards his three students: “Some things you have to experience sooner or later, as is the case today, as long as you can live, you will see more.”

“That’s why I brought you here this time.”

“I understand.” Of the three, Qimu spoke first.

His face was tenacious, and although he was touched in his heart, he quickly responded, looking at the distant land: “teacher, take us down.”

“Okay.” Adier nodded, the entire body disappeared, and came somewhere the next instant.

This is a huge palace. On the palace, the pale blue light is shining, and there are bursts of Bloodline light flashing, with the majestic Bloodline majesty, which seems to have some terrifying life lurking at any time Can rush out from the inside.

This is the powerhouse in Kaos Royal Family.

At this time, the entire island was filled with red mist, and the thick death was eroding, gradually covering the entire island.

This horrible scene has caused dramatic changes in the entire island. Under this drastic change, Kaos Royal Family can naturally discover these changes as long as it is not a fool.

It’s a pity that if you face this drastic change in haste, you can react even if you can react.

Standing on a mountain peak, looking quietly at the palace in front, Adier brought a little silver in his eyes, and the temperament of the whole person seemed to have changed a lot.

“A direct descendant of King of Antiquity, but now there is not even a Level 3 left?”

Looking at the palace in front, after a while, Adier sighed softly.

Except for the Strength of King of Antiquity itself, the presence of any Level 3 in the palace in front of him, and even the existence of Level 2 is poor.

The most powerhouse in the entire palace is a Guardian of Level 2 Peak. It may be strong enough to be placed elsewhere, but it is far from enough to see it now.

Thinking of this, he lightly sighed, and then slowly raised his left hand, at the palm of his hand, a touch of silver Guanghua in the mountain, turned into a moonlight, and gradually formed.

bump! !!

The brilliance of silver shone, and almost half of the island was shrouded in an instant.

The wind and sand are permeating, the endless gravel is pulled by some inexplicable Strength, quickly swept up into the sky, and thrown into the sea from a distance.

When Guanghua disappeared in situ, Lera’s talents reacted and stared at the place.

In front of the original palace, several mountain peaks were directly cut off by Fang Cai. There is still a strong luna breath remaining on it, and it can’t be dispersed for a long time.

And in the induction of the three of Lera, with this shot down, originally in the palace in front, the countless horrible atmosphere also sharply reduced by half at this time.

I don’t know whether it was intentional or not. The three of Lera accidentally discovered that among the remaining people, there was not even a Level 2, even if it was the strongest, there was only a level of Peak.

“I have just killed all of the above Level 2. The remaining ones, although there are a lot of them, are just within the range that you can deal with.”

Standing in place, looking at the distant palace that was split in half by his first class, Adier’s face was calm, and he opened the mouth and said lightly.

“We understand.” Listening to Adier’s words, the three of Lera stared at each other, then picked up their weapons inadvertently, walked forward without going back, and stepped into the broken palace in front.

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