“In a copy of the Secret Scripture, there are exactly 320 mistakes and omissions, Kadoz … really deserves me …”

Standing in place, quietly feeling the content transmitted by the chip in his head, Adier shook his head gently, a little speechless.

He never felt at ease with these King of Antiquity, so when he got the Secret Scripture, he tested it with a chip to detect errors and omissions.

The end result is very bad.

As Adier had thought before, in the previous content of Secret Scripture Level 4, Kadoze did at all, everything seemed normal.

But after Level 4, some errors and omissions gradually appeared. The first half of Level 4 is okay. Although there are errors and omissions, they are not many, and they are still within the normal range.

But in the second half of the Level 4 level, the number of errors and omissions has reached an intolerable level.

And most of these mistakes and omissions are very subtle, and the mistakes and omissions above are not obvious to anyone who is not familiar with Bloodline Secret Scripture.

And this time, the part of the Secret Scripture that Kadozer handed over to Adier was also full of mistakes. Just just being detected, there were more than 300 places.

If Adier really believes in Kadozer, follow this Secret Scripture to practice directly, I am afraid that it may not be what it looks like in the end.

“Being able to make so many tricks in a secret Secret Scripture, these King of Antiquity is really not a good thing. This time, I must be careful when I go to kill the Red King …”

Standing in place, thinking of Cadozer’s invitation just now, Adier frowned, gradually falling into meditation.

He waited for a long time before his frown soothed, then turned directly and looked towards an island fragment behind him.

At the location of Kaos Island, the original island has long been torn apart, affected by the aftermath of the three King of Antiquity battles, and torn directly into numerous small pieces.

Standing on this island, the three of Lera stood on one of the fastest fragments, resting on a tree.

Next moment, beside the three, Adier’s silhouette appeared, and his eyes looked towards his three students.

Beside a big tree on the island, the three of Lera were all covered with blood, so they stood there with perseverance on their faces, and there was an indomitable momentum in their bodies.

This is Essence, Qi, Spirit that has been tempered in a series of real battles.

In the previous half of the time, in order to wipe out the remaining Kaos Royal Family, the three had barely rested for a day. Each day was spent in a series of battles, and the wounds on their bodies were numerous.

After experiencing a series of bloody battles, as long as he does not die, there will be dramatic changes on his body, and he will change towards a real Knight.

Looking at the three, Adier’s eyes gradually shifted and gradually shifted to Qimu.

“Have you been promoted to glory?”

Looking at Qimu in front of him, he was somewhat surprised.

The three of Lera were collected by him as a student at almost the same time, and within the body had the kind of Knight implanted by Adier. As far as the details and accumulation are concerned, they should be almost the same.

However, in Knight’s cultivation, Lera was much earlier in the morning than the other two. Therefore, Adier thought that the earliest one of the three would be promoted to glory.

Unexpectedly, he guessed wrong.


Hearing the sound, the three talents discovered the arrival of Adier, and quickly stood up from where they were, standing in a row facing Adier in front of them.

Qimu’s face was firm, without any clothes on his upper body. On his muscles cast like gold and iron, dozens of densely packed wounds surrounded by it, and some were still bleeding.

However, despite this, his entire human condition is unprecedentedly good, and his momentum is almost standing at the peak of life, full of blood and sharpness.

What is even more surprising to Adier is that in Qimu, a faint willpower has gathered, so that he surrounds him as if he had changed a person.

“Teacher, this is King Kaos’s head.”

Watched by Adier’s eyes, Qimu’s face was calm, but he just reached out his hand and took out a bloody head from behind.

The descendants of King of Antiquity are far more comparable. The skull was cut off a few days ago, but it is still full of vitality. The flesh on it is not the same as when it was born. There is no limit to rot.

Looking at this skull, Adier raised his head and continued to look at Qimu in front of his eyes, his eyes could not help but appreciate.

In Qimu’s eyes, a kind of firmer than in the past, with clear comprehension eyes blooming, like a walker who found his own belief, finally embarked on his own way home.

Deep in his heart, in Adier’s induction, a strong but firm, solid and indestructible faith has been built, making his soul stronger than ever, and Adier could not help but look.

There is no doubt that this state is extremely rare and will be of great help to the future.

The Level 4 way, although Adier still can’t see clearly the future path, but through this fight with two Kings of Antiquity, for the Level 4 level road, Adier can already see clearly, and his own mind and will related.

Promotion to Level 4 requires everything in itself. Spirit, body, Bloodline, memory, experience … all condensed, thus giving birth to the first point of origin.

After the origin of the origin, the progress after Level 4 is the continuous growth of the origin. After the origin grows in various ways, the origin drives itself to become stronger.

When the source is strong enough to reach a certain threshold, it is to condense the mind and the will, and integrate its own will into the source, so that the will is Strength, and under one thought is the full burst of Power of Origin.

According to Adier’s expectations and the comparison in Gudola Secret Scripture, once this step is reached, it is Level 4 Peak, and only one step away, you can be promoted to Level 5 level.

It is precisely because of this, that with a strong will in the soul, the future potential is very great. As long as we can pass the previous juncture, the future potential must be above the rest.

Thinking of this, Adier looked towards Lera in front of her eyes. In her eyes, there was a touch of transcendence, and the extraordinary but indifferent eyes flickered.

“What do you understand?”

A faint indifferent voice flashed in his ear. Listening to the sound, Qimu could not help but hesitated, then raised his head without hesitation: “Weak!”

Adier didn’t speak, but with encouragement in his eyes and expressions, motioned him to continue.

“I’ve been thinking about a question these days in the fight.”

He pointed to the island in front of him, and the countless corpses on it: “Is this man full of islands wrong?”

No and the others answered, and he continued to speak, pointing to the Imperial Palace in the distance with only the wreckage left: “Is it wrong with the corpses in this palace, those Kaos Royal Family?”

“And our World, is there anything wrong?”

“… nothing is wrong.”

“The only fault is weakness!”

With perseverance in his eyes, words chop nails and sever Iron: “Because they are weak, the people on this island will die, because for King of Antiquity of aloof and remote, they are just food!”

“Because of its weakness, our World will be destroyed, because for this world, he is also food!”

“Order can only be guarded by power, all truths of the world. If it can’t make people strong, then he is wrong!”

Beside, looking at his face flushed, as if angry Qimu, Lera and Schilim did not speak, but just silent.

The truth that Qimu said is not unusual. It has been mentioned more than once in the past, but no matter how many times it is mentioned, it is not so profound.

“Everything in the world, only truth is truth?”

Standing in place, listening to Qi Mu’s constant opening, Adier finally laughed.

As far as Qi Mu is concerned, what he understands is not profound, and he may not even agree with it.

However, as a teacher, he is still happy and happy for his student.

After experiencing many things, the three of Lera in front of them have undoubtedly changed a lot.

In terms of personal feelings, such experiences are very painful for them. But for their future, this experience has great benefits.

At least, only Adier can foresee that if the three of them can have the opportunity to promote Level 4, it will undoubtedly be better in the future by integrating the will with the origin.

Thinking of this, Adier shook his head and looked at his three student laughed: “Let’s go.”

“This time out this time, it’s also time to go back.”

The words fell, the pale blue blood turned into raindrops, and then the silhouettes of the Adier people disappeared from the place and rushed to the other direction instantly.

This time Adier left faster than when he came.

It took me half a month to come, but it took less than ten days when I went back.

I have just returned to my palace and have not had time to practice. To digest the gains this time, in my ears, a loud noise sounded quickly.

“His Royal Highness!”

A loud noise came from my ears.

Listening to the sound, Adier eyes opened, just before the steps under the palace, Luciu was wearing a scarlet red robe, and was walking towards Adier anxiously.

Looking at the other person’s anxious silhouette, Adier was a little puzzled: “What’s so anxious?”

“Is the southern nations rebelled again, or is the messenger of the Cadodos Empire coming?”

Rubbing his forehead, he guessed wrong.

“Not these …”

Going to Adier, after the ceremony, Luciu had a wry smile on his face, with some hesitation and anxiety: “His Royal Highness, the messenger just heard the news, Culied Your Majesty, dead!”

“What?” Listening to the news, Adier froze for a moment, and could not stop the motion of rubbing his head.

King Culied, the king of the Calade Empire, is still a physical father in terms of identity.

In the Calade Empire, with the exception of Adier, this one is considered to be the most powerhouse, and the strength of Level 3 can almost run around all around when King of Antiquity has not yet recovered.

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