“What’s the specific news?”

On the spot, looking at Luciu in front of him, Adier calmed himself and asked.

“About a month ago, in the Imperial Palace, Culied Your Majesty suddenly became ill, covered with red scales all over his body, and died a few days later.”

Standing in front of Adier, Luciu’s face was dignified: “The royal palace’s statement is that Your Majesty died of illness after a long period of stress …”

“But the news from our people said that when Curied Your Majesty died, he had become a corpse, almost the same as the King Descendant who died before.”

“Has it finally been done …” Standing in place, Adier muttered to himself, as if thinking of something.

Adier didn’t believe a word about Calade’s alleged overwork and death.

It would be okay to say if the object was an ordinary person, but who died this time? King of Calade.

As the descendant of the Crimson King, the King of the Calade Empire, the King of Culied is extremely powerful, and the strength of Level 3, even if put in the Maison area, can almost run rampant.

There is just such a person, let alone suffering from illness and death, it is estimated that it is the fire sea under the knife, and even eat poison as a meal, it is estimated that there will be nothing.

Sickness is just an excuse, just to fool someone else’s all.

The real cause of King Culied’s death is probably related to the red king.

Before death, it became a dead body. This is one of the states that will only appear after the Bloodline is drawn. In connection with the previous words of Cadozer, the King of Culied, probably eight-nine, was drained by the Red King to kill Bloodline.

“And a month ago … it happened to be when I and Cadozé departed for the overseas …”

“If it was a coincidence, it would be too coincident …”

Standing in place, thinking about the whole of this matter, Adier couldn’t help sighing.

No one is a fool.

As for the existence of Adier, the crimson king may have been aware of it. Even the plan of Cadodos, the crimson king may have expected it. That’s why when Adier and Cadozerno couldn’t make a shot, they accelerated their recovery.

Withdrawing Bloodline from King Culied, the progress of the Crimson King’s recovery will inevitably be greatly improved. If it takes a while, it may become increasingly difficult to deal with it.

Kedozer is also aware of this, so just after the siege of Kaos, he immediately planned to siege the Red King.

In order to prevent the Red King from recovering, settle the opponent before the opponent recovers.

“Kedozer, the King of Crimson … each and everyone are not somebody who is easy to deal with …”

Standing in place, thinking about all kinds of things in his mind, Adier could not help rubbing his head, feeling a headache.

In front of her, Luciu kept reporting, faithfully carrying out her duties.

In the end, looking at Adier, who was gradually thinking, he tentatively opened the mouth and said: “His Royal Highness, Culied Your Majesty passed away, then the position of King Calade will be vacated, Your Highness …”

His meaning was obvious, so he didn’t shout the last sentence and let Adier compete.

This is also obvious.

In the beginning, Adier was just an underprivileged Prince. He was sent to Elka Province to become a territory. He had a low status and was not a number one in the entire Calade Empire.

With the gradual development of Elka Province and the alliance with the Cadozer Empire, Adier’s status has gradually improved, and no one dares to ignore these years.

These are already good. At least when Luciu entered the Elka Province with Adier, he never dreamed that Adier would be where he is today.

But all this is undoubtedly much less than the domination of the entire Calade Empire.

In the eyes of Luciu, Adier is undoubtedly eligible to become the king of the Calade Empire.

In terms of strength, Elka Province has developed rapidly over the years. Especially after the development of Knight, there are a lot of strong Great Knights appearing in the entire territory. Compared with the entire Calade Empire, the strength is still slightly inferior, but among the Calade royal family, But it is definitely the strongest member.

As for the right to speak, Elka Province is located in a closed place. Although it has little contact with domestic nobles, these years, it has gone south to conquer the southern countries, and has allied with the desert empire Kadousze. When it comes to momentum, it is unparalleled.

The most important thing is that Luciu knows how strong Strength is hidden under the gentle appearance of Adier.

Bloodline, the son of the Crimson, has nothing to do with this status alone, and is eligible to become king. Moreover, in Luciu’s view, Adier’s own strength is definitely not inferior to King Couried.

With so many advantages, Luciu couldn’t find a reason why Adier couldn’t be king.

Even if King Culied had previously designated a successor, a young Prince named Carl, but in front of Adier, he must also be on the side, which is impossible to compare with.

After all, this world, after all, depends on strength.

“You …”

Looking at Luciu in front of him, aware of his thoughts, Adier subconsciously wanted to shake his head, but finally stopped and fell into a new thought.

Competing for the throne of the Calade empire, this thing not at all is too attractive to Adier.

His biggest rivals in this world are Kings of Antiquity, the throne of an empire, as long as he becomes the ultimate winner, is this not just reaching over to snatch away the grain?

However, according to the previous agreement with Cadozer, he was originally going to Wangdu. In this case, it would be good to be able to find a suitable excuse for himself.

Thinking of this, he looked up slightly and looked towards Luciu in front of him: “What do you think we should do?”

Suddenly, Luciu was excited.

Inside the palace, the two started chatting.

Obviously, in the secret of how to help Adier take the throne, Luciu had long thought about it more than once.

At this time, he said in front of Adier that all the details were immediately said, and every detail was considered, so that Adier could not help but be surprised, and the look of Luciu in front of him became more and more strange.

Talking until late at night, when it was very late, Luciu left the Adier’s palace with excitement and, like that, most of the time he went to prepare for various matters.

Inside the palace, looking at the silhouette of Luciu leaving excitedly, Adier shook his head slightly, feeling a bit speechless.

“Chip, has the correction of Gudola Secret Scripture been completed?”

Nothing to do, he looked towards his chip and asked.

“Gudora Secret Scripture has been corrected … The current repair rate is 100% …” In my mind, the sound of the chip machinery continues to sound.

“Is the correction done?” Listening to the sound of the chip in his mind, Adier nodded, agreed with the progress of the chip.

However, after revising this Secret Scripture through the chip, Adier is still a bit uneasy about this stuff.

After all, the chip is not omnipotent. It is limited to Adier’s own level and knowledge. In some places that Adier cannot understand, the chip may not be able to detect errors.

Especially in Gudora Secret Scripture, the promotion of Level 4 is the part after the birth of the origin.

Regarding this part of the content, even Adier himself is currently confused, how can he correct the above errors.

The errors and omissions that the chip can correct are only those that can be discovered through deduction and understanding, but for some places that are deeply hidden or that Adier himself cannot understand, the chip cannot naturally be corrected.

Of course, Adier is very confident about the functions of the chip. Even if there are omissions, they will not be too many.

But even this is terrible.

Bloodline Secret Scripture is a high-level thing, even a slight deviation in understanding may be dead, let alone the above content is wrong.

Unless Adier thinks he has a long life, he will never take the lead to try such a thing.

Of course, for this Secret Scripture, his ontology will not try, but the avatar may not be.

With shuttle ability, Adier has many advantages over others, that is, it can continue trial and error.

It is enough to find a World, use the power to split an independent clone, and use the clone to experiment.

In this case, even if it fails, it will at best be a loss of some Boundary Energy without being life-threatening.

“Similar experiments. After this world, if you have a chance, you can try it.”

“But for now, let’s settle the things at hand …”

Standing in place, Adier muttered to himself, watching the dark night outside, and stepped out of his palace.

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