In October, at the end of the rainy season, leaves fell continuously and were blown away by the wind.

On a flat ground, a long army is advancing.

“Is this the city of Calade?”

Riding on the forefront of the army, looking at the huge city standing ahead, Lera said to herself, with an inexplicable smile on her face: “It’s really high enough …”

“It’s kind of Old Antique.”

Aside, Schilim was dressed in black clothed and looked at the city wall in the distance. He added, “Like these city walls, they have rarely been found in the newly established cities on our side. They are completely eliminated products, except for obstructions. There is no other use beyond the expansion of the city. “

“Don’t say that, too,” Lera said with a smile on her face. “At least, the Bloodline rune engraved on this wall is still bluffing.”

Looking at the city wall in the distance, he said with a smile.

For a powerful King Descendant, the existence of city wall not at all is too useful. Even if the city wall is built as tall and thick as possible, it cannot block any one-level King Descendant.

What really protects is the rune engraved on the city wall.

These runes are a method developed by King Descendants based on their own Bloodline. They are a way to use the power of Bloodline. They are similar to Wizard’s Wizard Array, but different.

In the battle between King Descendant, these runes can play a great role. The stronger the King Descendant, the stronger the Bloodline rune will be.

Like the city of Calade in front of it, as the capital of the Calade Empire, this city has at least a dozen runes of Level 3 kings. The rune accumulates over time. When it comes to Strength, even a true Level 3 exists here. At 1:30, I’m afraid I can’t break the city.

Unfortunately, strong fortresses are often broken from the inside.

Although the defense in front of the city is strong, for Adier and his party, there is no obstacle whatsoever.

As the Prince who has been gaining popularity in these years, Adier’s reputation in the Calade Empire is very dazzling. In the past few years, it has reached a peak and countless people look forward to it.

In addition, he himself was the well-known Prince of the Calade Empire, and entered the capital under the name of visiting the father’s body, and no one dared to stop it.

“Your Highness, please come in!”

In front of the gate of Calade city, outside the open city gate, an old man dressed in red, greeted Adier with a smile on his face.

This person is no one else, it is Luciu’s uncle.

Born as a big aristocrat, Luciu also has a family behind him, and even has great strength. Even within the entire Calade Empire, he can be called a strong noble.

With the rise of Adier in Elka Province, Luciu’s position in his family is naturally rising, and the manpower and material resources that can be mobilized and affected are more.

With this connection, and with Adier gaining popularity over the years, it is not surprising that the family behind Luciu will turn to Adier.

“Please get up.”

In front of him, he glanced at the old man in front of him, Adier with a smile on his face, looking like a handsome Prince, without the slightest hesitation and bad temper.

Taking advantage of the gap in which Adier turned around, the old man looked up at Adier in front of him secretly, and then was stunned.

In his eyes, the Adier in front of him looked like the sun of aloof and remote, exuding a huge light, the horrible majestic terror and majestic majesty that made people dare not look straight.

On Adier’s body, a snake-like body and a tadpole covered with red scales are neighing, and its form makes anyone who sees it can’t help but be shocked.

Suddenly, the old man took a deep breath, and the look at Adier’s eyes also changed, and the awe and enthusiasm in his eyes almost turned into substance.

“Child of Crimson! Son of Crimson!

Looking at Adier’s back, thinking of the horror scene just seen, the old man’s heart suddenly excited: “A crimson son of a legitimate Peak, the position of the king, who is qualified besides this one !!”

Adier doesn’t know the idea of ​​the old man behind him, but he can guess a little.

After coming to Calade, his original introverted Bloodline power was directly activated by him, no longer covered in the slightest, but directly and generously exposed, so that everyone can feel it.

And in this state, he can clearly feel that in the direction of the palace in the distance, there is a very hot Bloodline power blooming, faintly connected with the crimson Bloodline on him, exuding a kind of qi.

Crimson King!

“Absolutely the Red King …”,

Looking at the direction of the distant palace, Adier thought for a moment.

With such a powerful and horrifying Power of Origin, who in this city, besides his goal this time, who is the crimson king?

However, in his induction, there appeared to be some changes in the body of the crimson king, which caused his breath to be somewhat unstable.

This is the result of Bloodline’s induction.

His physical Bloodline, after his own activation and continuous purification, has infinitely approached the first ancestor, the Red King.

The strong synchronization of Bloodline will bring a strong induction between Bloodline, so that both parties can feel some information of each other.

Even when Adier looked towards that direction, a faintly discernable induction alerted him.

On the distant earth, when he looked towards the palace, someone also looked in that direction, and a pair of scarlet red eyes were faintly discernable, manifesting in his heart.

“The Crimson King …”

Gently glanced into the distance, Adier thought, and then followed the team in front of him, heading for his place this time.

At this time, in the distance.

The moment Adier looked at the palace, in a palace deep in the palace, a teenager playing with a ball felt it and glanced in the direction of the induction.

The teenager’s eyes were red, as beautiful as the purest ruby, and a pair of elegant black dresses matched him, making him look like a noble of aloof and remote, looking down at everything below.

“His Royal Highness, what’s wrong?”

The moment the boy turned, behind him, a voice of some concern sounded, with some sorrow.


Listening to the voice, the teenager turned back and looked at the young girl standing quietly behind her with a gentle smile: “I just saw an interesting person.”

“Is His Highness Sisso in Elka Province?”

Behind the boy, when he saw the boy say so, the grief on the girl’s face remained the same, but she became even more worried.

“It’s him.” The boy nodded, then lowered the ball in his hand, got up from the place, and gently touched the girl’s head: “But even him, it doesn’t matter.

“I’m the strongest.”

Looking at the girl in front of him, he seriously opened the mouth and said, and in his eyes, a pair of ruby ​​eyes did not seem to change.

“Crimson King, how much have you recovered at the current pace?”

In an empty hall, in the hall, a huge red coffin was placed in the center of the hall, filled with some fresh red transparent liquid, and a person was lying inside.

It was a very tall man. On the surface, he was only about thirty years old. His majestic body was densely packed with fresh red scales, and a snake tail spread slowly on the lower leg.

It can be seen that the man was dead. Not only did he not breathe, even the flesh and blood on his body had lost his vitality, just a mass of dead meat.

But despite this, in this man, the overwhelming temperament of the overbearing king still revealed, with terror and majesty, people dare not look straight.

Standing outside the red coffin, looking at the man, feeling the facial contours that fit well with the memory, Adier sighed slightly, and sighed.

Lying in front of the coffin was the master of the entire Calade Empire, King Culied, and the body father of Adier.

After coming to Calade, in order to confirm something, Adier took the lead in front of King Culied’s body and looked at the other’s body.

“The corpse’s flesh was withered completely, and the whole body’s activity and Bloodline were completely removed. Even me, relying on the ability of the chip, could not be more complete than this.”

Looking at the corpse in front of him, Adier sighed softly, and some original guesses in his heart were thoroughly confirmed.

The King of Culied in front of him was definitely taken away from Bloodline by the Crimson King and died.

Except for the Crimson King who was the ancestor of Bloodline, the others wanted to remove Bloodline from King Culied. Although it is possible to do so, it is impossible to do so complete. Even a trace of Bloodline’s activity has not been left.

Even from the marks on the body in front of him, when King Culied was pulled out of Bloodline, there was no resistance at all, and he let the other party pull the Bloodline out of him directly.

It is likely that he knew the identity of the Crimson King when he was in front of King Culied.

“Carl …”

Rubbing his forehead, looking at the body in front of him, Adier read the name.

Carl, the heir to the royal family appointed before King Culied’s death, the legal heir to Calade’s empire, is also one of the most suspicious targets in the opinion of Adier.

Based on Adier’s understanding of King Culied from memory, this king has a weak sense of family and always focuses on powerhouse. If you really want to choose a successor from Princes, you will only choose the strong ones among them. It is impossible to choose a young Prince.

Of course, this alone can’t determine what, just some surprises.

“However, since I want to take the king’s seat, this Carl Prince must sooner or later have to face up.”

Raising his head, looking at the corpse lying quietly in front of the coffin, Adier waved his hand and motioned to the side to cover the coffin.

“Counting time, it should come soon …”

Outside the hall, Adier looked up and mumbled at the bright sky outside.

At this time it was almost the time he had agreed with Cadozer and the others. Judging by his induction, the other party should have arrived at this time, but didn’t know it was still lurking, and didn’t choose to shoot.

Since the opponent did not choose to take a shot, Adier naturally could not help the other side, so naturally it was gradually deadlocked.

However, this stalemate is destined not to last long.

Over time, the Strength of the Crimson King is rapidly recovering. Cadozer knows this better than anyone.

Therefore, in his heart, there must be a sense of urgency at this time. As soon as the preparation is completed, I am afraid that he will immediately take the shot and try to solve the red king.

“Even the cricket ants know to stay away, but this city, I’m afraid they don’t know their fate …”

Watching the insect constantly crawling out on the ground, Adier gently opened the mouth and said.

Calade at this time has completely turned into a bomb. Digital King of Antiquity is lurking in this city, even if there is no fierce battle at this time, but the momentum and will between each other are still silently fighting, spreading Every corner of this city.

Wild beast’s instinct is often much stronger than intelligent life. At this time, I felt this kind of confrontation between the air and the machine, and I felt the danger instinctively, so I kept flowing to the outside world, away from the city of Calade.

A few days later.

Time gradually passed. In these days, the atmosphere in the city became more and more tense with the continuous arrival of foreign nobles.

Although King Culied died, the Calade Empire cannot be without Kings. Therefore, during this period, the succession of the new king began to be brought up, so that the two Princes were gradually brought into the limelight.

When it comes to jurisprudence and fairness, of course, the Carl Prince appointed by the previous king is the priority. But when it comes to strength and fame, it is undoubtedly the Sisso Prince in Elka Province that is far ahead.

The two Princes each have their own advantages, and are therefore constantly mentioned during this period. Their respective supporters continue to wrestle and secretly do not know how many times they have fought.

It’s just weird that no matter how serious the wrestling between the supporters of the two is secretly, the two have remained calm, as if the matter had nothing to do with them.

“His Highness, the nobles outside say that you should be a king, why don’t you stand up and inherit the king?”

On a cliff, Carr wore a decent gown and the maid-like girl next to him.

Beside Karl, the girl was wearing a maid’s dress, and she was constantly talking about what was going on, arguing for her own Prince.


Listening to the complaint of the girl next to him, Karl rubbed the girl’s long hair with a smile, and then smiled, “I haven’t said anything about this matter, how can it make you seem more urgent than me. “

“Of course, I have to worry about His Royal Highness …” The teenager rubbed her hair with her hands, and the girl blushed, while secretly looking at the young man in front of her, she whispered openly: “And I also want to see Your Highness wear The look of the crown … “

“If you want to see it, I’ll show it to you next time …” Touching the girl’s head, the young man’s movement stopped gradually: “But now, it’s not the way to go … who ’s in the position of the king Come on. “

“Why …” asked the Prince, who flushed and looked up at her with courage.

“Because there are more important things waiting for me to do.” Gently straighten the girl’s long hair, the teenager laughed: “And, besides the Sisso Prince, I have several guests to receive … · “

“Kadozer, Akara, do you mean?” His gaze was looking behind him, there, unconsciously, a few shadows were there.

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