“Long time no see …” Crimson … “

On a cliff, behind the young man Carl, a person was discernable faintly discernable, his voice deep and clear.

Step on …

As a deep footstep sounded, Carl looked behind him.

Behind him, unknowingly, a thin man was standing there quietly, and a pair of purple eyes were looking at him.

The man was wrapped in a black robe. He was handsome but pale, thin and thin, but stood upright. Standing there, there was a sense of unpredictable momentum and Strength that made people see him. At first glance, I couldn’t help feeling fear.

And beside this black robed man, another person was standing.

It was a beautiful woman in a blue robe, with long blue hair, spreading out like the sea, and a beautiful face with a serene smile, like the most beautiful Goddess in the legend. Stand still.

The two just stood there silently, but there was a horrible will spreading all over them, squeezing all around, so that everything around them was gradually assimilated by their will, and slowly became their realm.

“Kedozer, the king of the desert, Akala, the daughter of the dark blue, and the unknown king who occupied my descendants and covered me with Bloodline.”

Looking at the two men standing in front of him, a smile appeared on Karl’s face, and even if he was blocked by several kings, his body was still inconceivable.

“If you don’t see it for seventeen hundred years, you will be red. You have changed a lot.”

Standing in front of a big tree, standing side by side with Cadozer, Akara had a quiet smile on his face, a serene look, like a polite aristocratic girl: “You, then, talked about the hot temper in us. The group is also in the top ranks. I still remember the expression of anger and anger, but I didn’t expect that over a thousand years ago, you have now become like this. “

“Looking like this, although the body was severely damaged, your Bloodline disease was cured.”

“It’s not completely good yet.” Looking at Akara, Carr kept a smile on his face and couldn’t see any hostility. “The hit of that lord that year, although it cleansed most of my Bloodline within the body, but After all, I didn’t completely kill me, so part of that violent Bloodline feature was not completely removed, and it would happen from time to time. “

“So … when I recover, I will go to that lord again, for nothing else, just to purify the imprint of my roots again.”

“Your plan is pretty good!” Cadozer’s face was cold. “Unfortunately, in your current state, it is not easy to fully recover.”

“I can see that the strength of your Excellency is deeply rooted in your origins. You want to restore your origins, I’m afraid you can’t even die!”

“Actually, I don’t think this is difficult …” Sighed lightly, looking at Kedozer in front of him, Carl seriously opened the mouth and said: “Did you guys, and then plunder the origin of this world , Presumably not only allows me to recover, but also gives me a chance to go further … “

“Arrogant!” Cadozer was furious, but his eyes narrowed suddenly.

Because in front of his eyes, a giant hand was coming in front of him, and was photographed fiercely from the sky.


A giant palm of a scarlet is dropping from the sky, the scales on the palm are faintly visible, and the frighteningly fiercely is taken on the ground, and one piece is broken to the ground.

bump! !!

The terrifying explosion exploded suddenly, just like a sun burst. Above the ground, the endless rule Profound Truth is blooming. The fiery enthusiasm, the fierce and violent horror will directly spread, making anyone Its discoloration.

The law of Profound Truth is constantly spreading, the world around it is changing abruptly, a piece of black land is affected by a will, the land above is beginning to breathe heat, and a moment of violent fire into the fire, an overbearing will.

And in the middle of the violent Strength, a head of a zombie god, a huge ancient beast of about 1000 meters, soars into the sky, looks at the sun in the sky, and emits the first roar of ancient times.

Roar! ! !

The dragons roared and shouted. No matter how solid the earth’s crust, how high the mountains are, all at this moment are all shattered, shaken by a huge, almost insane will, a terrifying roar.

It was only a moment when both Kedozer and Akara changed their color instantly, even if they were both King of Antiquity, facing this prestige in an instant, they couldn’t help getting frightened, and the colors on their faces changed again and again.

Nevertheless, for the Red King in front of them, they rushed straight up, all kinds of natural phenomena flashed in their eyes, wrapped in each other with a unique trend, and rushed towards the Red King suddenly.

The same king, they admit that the Strength of the Crimson King is strong enough, but facing two Kings of Antiquity at the same time, they cannot easily win.

Even more than a thousand years ago, when the Crimson King was at its heyday, the two of them King of Antiquity joined forces and were not afraid, let alone the Crimson King was damaged.

bang! bang! Touch! bump!

A violent and violent offensive erupted, the Strength collided between the three, and three different trends collided with each other, causing a shock to the surrounding earth and emitting all kinds of horrible sounds.

Facing the scary king of horror, in the first time, the two of them were turned into the body, and each one of them bloomed with great brilliance.

A huge purple one-eyed sky, emitting a majestic majesty, a bit of golden torrent flowing above it, like the golden sun, emitting the glory of Eternal Immortal and Profound Truth.

In the depths of the earth, a deep blue python hissed to the sky, a pair of blue snake eyes faint, with an icy Strength, among which there were glaciers and torrents flowing, drowning towards the enemy in front of her.

The neighing of the undead sounded around, and the torrent of ice and snow swept away to the sky, and together with the realm of the undead, drowned the dragon man above the distant sky together.

Roar! !

However, at the next moment, a roar erupted from the sky, and then the giant beast of a human zombie screamed from the sky, turning a fiery light on the sky.

His snake tail shook lightly, shattering the necrotic realm, his sharp claw shuddered, tearing the glacier torrent directly, the entire body stood on the sky, and the majesty emanated from the mountains and rivers, and the sun and the moon shattered it.

Around his body, his movements were distributed, and the surrounding space was trembling slightly. It seemed that even the space could not withstand his majesty, and it was about to burst apart.

But despite this prestige, his condition is not very good.

Above his body, a bloody wound was blooming, and a cold will was attached to it, making the wound unable to heal.

As the fighting between the three kings became more intense, the scarlet red scales continued to fall from the sky, with bits and pieces of flesh on them.

These scarlet red flesh fell to the ground, and the remaining will on it immediately corroded to the surrounding body, and the forest and grass began to burn. The flame above was shrouded by an overbearing will, even if it was the entire forest. They were flooded with water, and the flames on them would never disappear.

“what is that!!”

At this time, in Calade, looking at the huge faintly discernible body in the distance, Luciu’s face was shocked, almost speechless.

As the battle of the three Kings of Antiquity escalated, the scenery outside Calade had already changed.

Outside the city of Calade, a dark black mist filled, filled with the sorrow of the ghosts and the dead, with unwillingness and fear, making those who heard it fear, as if they saw themselves when they died.

Glaciers are forming outside the city, and the kind of icy frost, even if separated by countless ten thousand li, still makes people feel clearly.

Above the sky, with the battle of the three Kings of Antiquity, the original hot sun has disappeared, covered by a more violent Strength. Above the sky, a human zombie is covered with countless scales, and a huge ancient beast of terror and majesty stands in the sky, causing countless people to exclaim.

“The Crimson King! The Crimson King!”

With Calade King Descendant screaming frantically, a face full of fanaticism and disbelief: “Who is fighting our ancestors !! Who dares to offend the king of aloof and remote !!!”

“That’s the king of the desert, the ancestor of the desert empire, Cadodo!” In the distance, the powerful man saw the one-eyed eye and recognized the King of Antiquity represented by that form.

The King of Antiquity also exclaimed. After all, the reputation of the desert empire is too famous. On this continent, it can be called the only empire side by side with the Calade empire.

As for the last king, the king named Akara is far less famous than the first two. Although he is also the king, the kingdom established by his descendants has long been declining, although the situation is better than the previous Cao It’s a lot better, but still not as good as Calade and Cadozer.

However, this is also a king, and it was also recognized in the end, causing a burst of exclaim.

“It’s over!!”

After a while, countless people in the city exclaimed, with horrified fear.

Because of the distance, under the watchful eyes of countless people, as the fighting escalated, three torrents of terror were spreading rapidly to all around, and the city would be drowned.

Once the battle of the three kings reaches the city of Calade, the fate of the city is almost doomed and will inevitably be ruined by the aftermath of the battle of the three kings.

No one doubts this!


Looking at the torrent that was gradually sweeping in the distance, Luciu felt cold, his body sweating a lot, his hands and feet shaking.

But beside him, there was no reaction on the faces of the three Lera. Although they also shocked the strength of the three kings, there was no fear or worry about the torrent that was about to sweep away.

Because beside them, Adier was standing.

“Is it already started …”

Standing on a flat ground, quietly watching the fight in the distance, Adier was calm, but he was thinking to himself: “It was really fierce.”

Regardless of whether it is Cadozer or Akara, in Adier’s view, the strength of its ontology is stronger than itself, and it has even reached the point where it will be integrated into the origin with the will of the mind.

But compared with the crimson king, the strength of these two faded a lot.

If these two Kings of Antiquity are just a few steps beyond Adier, then this red king is to make Adier look up at this moment, reaching a disparate level of horror.

This is definitely a king close to Level 4 Peak. If it wasn’t for the damage of the body at this time, another incarnation came at this time. Adier definitely turned around and left. Touching will will not take a step.

With such a level of horror, it is no wonder that Cadozer is so obsessed with it and even wants to resolve it as soon as possible.

“Unfortunately, the ending of this time is now doomed.”

Looking at the battle in front of him, Adier smiled slightly, as if thinking something.

Under the eyes of everyone, he slowly walked forward, and with each step, his majesty increased, and gradually he became stronger.

First order, second order, third order, fourth order …

Later, when he finished the steps in front of him, the majesty of his body had reached a peak, reaching Level 3 Peak, which is the ninth step.

At this point, the prestige of his body has made it impossible for anyone to ignore. At this moment, almost everyone in the entire city of Calade felt the majesty of that horror, suppressed by a majesty of Supreme and involuntarily. Kneel down, acknowledge allegiance under this prestige.

Stepping gently on the last step, Adier looked towards behind him.

There, the horrible Strength has spread, rolling up the storm on the ground, and rushing towards the city of Calade in front of it, which is about to wash the city directly.

Looking at this scene, he gently shook his head. At this moment, under the eyes of countless people, he stepped directly on the last step.


The violent crackle burst wildly, and the earth trembled wildly at this moment, as if blasted by countless bombs at the same time, exuding a sense of destruction.

The torrent of scarlet shrouded everything, the moment when it was about to rush to Calade, it was blocked by another horrible Strength, blocked by that gentle and sacred, but equally powerful and deep will, and silently Everything melts.

In the city of Calade, a strong will gradually rose, covering the whole city and turning this area into its own area.

“This this····”

Looking at the mutation in the city, feeling this change, Luciu was dry and almost couldn’t believe his eyes.

“Sisso … His Royal Highness Sisso … He … He …”

Looking at the silhouette of Adier in the distance, he said babblely.

“A new king !!”

“His Highness Sisso is also king!”

“We are saved !!”

At this time in the city, as Adier reveals the body, the body blooms, and the sound in the city suddenly boils.

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