Roar! !

A roar that shook the World erupted, like a crazy cry that sounded during the Creation of the World, in roar, shouted.

Outside the city wall of the city of Calade, a giant beast with a silver horn on his head stood quietly wearing a scale armor.

On the sharp scales, there is a silver pattern. On the body, a single horn flashes with a unique Strength, and there is a horrible Strength bloom on it, which instantly shakes the entire earth.

ancient beast Standing on the ground, a pair of silver sharp claws hang down gently, and a pair of deep silver eyes are like the most beautiful silver gemstones, as deep as the abyss, at this time watching the distance quietly.

Moon King True Type!

This is Adier’s bloom of Power of Origin again in this world, Moon Elf Bloodline is fully activated, and it is fully blooming at this moment. The ray of light on it, like an eternal star, exudes Eternal Immortal Glorious.

Standing on the ground, he quietly raised his head, his eyes looked towards the distance, and the huge momentum on his body slowly dissipated, causing the whole earth to begin to boil.

The King is full of majesty. He is like a silver sun, rising from the earth, engulfing numerous wind and sand on the way, and suspending a huge storm within ten thousand li.

“This is the true body of the teacher …”

In the royal palace in Calade, watching the silhouette of Adier in the distance quietly, Lera was amazed: “Even if I have seen it once, this kind of existence is really horrible …”

Moon King Semblance is in full bloom. Relatively speaking, the three of Lera are quite good at least. At least they had witnessed the battle of Adier in person at first.

But next to the three Lera, Luciu was completely watched.

“His Royal Highness Sisso … King of Antiquity. come out.

“This is a good thing!” Beside him, Luciu’s uncle smiled: “The city of Calade is about to collapse. At this critical juncture, His Royal Highness Sisso stepped forward, fully embodying the role of a king. The next king of the Calade Empire !!! “

Looking at Adier in the distance, he kept exaggerating, some good words were like throwing out money.

“The king is indeed the king … It’s just the Bloodline, it doesn’t seem to be the crimson blood …”

In the distance, looking at the true type of the Moon King revealed by Adier, he understood that people thought, but at this juncture, he didn’t even dare to say a word.

Lifting his head slightly, Adier’s entire body disappeared in place, and the next moment appeared directly outside the ten thousand li.

In front, the three of Kedoze are still facing each other, and three different huge wills collide with each other and gradually annihilate. The horrible Strength is based on elemental particles, each transformed into a realm that surrounds all around.

The particles of the element are wailing softly, a low roar undulating in the void, and the huge Strength sweeps all around, making all the life of this World disappear and disappear into a dead world.

The strength of the law and will spread like all around, and the entire world is eroded by the will of the three, and the will and strength of the three are contaminated, and gradually transformed into their respective strength fields.

The impact of this transformation is very deep. With the strength of the three kings, the area affected by the Strength will not change even after thousands of years, and the willpower in it will gradually settle, assimilating each area and leaving it to future generations. .

Standing quietly in the middle of the battlefield, watching the battle between the three kings, Adier looked coldly and shot directly at the next moment, the sharp claw of silver crushed the void, and pressed fiercely with the mighty force.


The void is broken, the elements are wailing, a huge will is pressed from the sky, carrying a majestic Power of Origin, and directly pressed at the critical juncture of the three kings’ struggle, its potential reaches its peak in an instant and erupts An unprecedented formidable power.

Containing the origin and will of Adier, and even burning Boundary Energy for a short time, he shot with all his strength. This Strength, even if Adier himself was not sure that he could take it, would be severely damaged in an instant, and even the body would be seriously injured.

In the eyes of the three Cadozes, the blow slowly fell, and it was about to fall on the Red King.

The immense will is surrounded by the power of the elements of terror, and the prestige on it cannot be ignored even by the king. We must face up to the horror of this strike.

Bang!! !

At the next moment, the expression on Cadozer’s face suddenly changed. Deep in the origin, a horrible throbbing sensation struck him, causing him to wake up in an instant and see the most realistic scene.

The huge elemental power is still roaring. In front of his eyes, a world-shattering horrible giant claw that is enough to break the mountains and rivers is being photographed fiercely and hits him directly.

Bang!! !

A violent crackling sounded in the sky, deep purple flesh exploded in the sky, and a piece of blood spread all around, dyeing large areas of the earth into purple red.


Among the endless pieces of flesh and blood, an angry roar sounded, which contained endless hatred and disbelief.

The bursts of light purple bloomed in situ, and the flesh and blood that originally fluttered in the sky began to glow, and the flesh fragments within it began to gradually converge, as if they were to be reassembled into their former appearance.

However, in the field, his opponent will not let him recover.


The Supreme Law is in bloom. In the void, a silhouette of a man-headed zombie and a domineering unparalleled is swept from the void, a pair of red eyes with blood light, and a murderous aura blooming on it, making all around the ground spontaneous. Cracking, as if to withstand this majesty.

Looking at Cadozer, whose body was bursting and the flesh scattered, the king shot directly. In one move, the red sky flashed and turned into a mark.

hong long!! !! bump! !! !!

The sky was full of light, a dark blue snake sighed, and its body turned into an ice-blue barrier, blocking most of the Crimson King’s offensive, leaving only the last half unstoppable. It was directly attacked by Kadozer, making it The body exploded again, and the radiance of the original bloom faded instantly.

“Cough … cough …”

Reluctantly gathered up, looking at Adier who suddenly came in front of him, all kinds of emotions appeared in his golden eyes, both hate, and unwillingness and doubt: “Why …”

“You have a killing intent in your heart …” In the distance, Adier’s voice suddenly fluttered, followed by a silver sharp claw: “I won’t kill you at this time, should you wait for you to kill me !! “


The brilliance of silver blooms. On Adier, countless complicated Bloodline textures glow at the same time, like praying and calling, with a lot of killing intent.

At the Moon King’s chest, the core Bloodline rune began to bloom, and Moon Elf Bloodline’s Power of Origin broke out.

A silver moon was pressed from the sky, with endless Bloodline majesty and endless killing intent, fiercely rolled like Caddoze.

This is the complete bloom of the power of Bloodline, which is also the most powerful blow that Adier can do at present, condensing the origin of his whole body, Bloodline, the ultimate offensive formed by the will, no matter who it is, it cannot be ignored.

Facing this blow, Cadozer changed color on the spot, and the whole body began to bloom.

Above the sky, a huge one-eye slowly emerged, and the one-eye above slowly unfolded, which contained deep indifference, like the god of Supreme looking at the world.

A divine light bloomed from it, like Creation of the World, and where it bloomed, it swept the ten thousand li void, shattering the void and shaking the earth.

And after blooming this blow, Cadozer’s body breath suddenly weakened, apparently consuming a lot of energy.

when! !! !!

The divine light collided with Yinyue head-on, gradually stalemate in the sky.

In the sky, the Silver Moon spread the King of the Moon, turned into countless stars, but was pierced by the divine light one after another, and its light spread the entire continent.

In the end, the two huge wills annihilated each other, and then in the violent storm, a scarlet palm stretched out fiercely in front of Cadozer.


After being rushed in this way, Cadozer’s entire body exploded directly. Compared to the previous time, the entire body did not recover quickly this time. No matter how hard they tried to gather, the flesh everywhere was still scattered and did not return quickly.

“Kadozer, you will have today!”

The Red King’s face was indifferent, a giant palm pressed against Python, watching the violent Cadozer in front of him indifferently.

“No, impossible!”

On the opposite side, a will bloomed in the void, with a strong disbelief: “You are not hurt!”

“It turned out to be disguise before!”

The Scarlet King in front of him is horrible. It is by no means comparable to the fight between the two before. It looks not only like being wounded, but rather like being in general horror during the heyday.

“If not, how can you lie to the two of you?”

Looking at Kedozer in front of him, the crimson king’s eyes were faint: “What are you saying, strange king.”


A silver sharp claw draws a shatter void. In the middle of the air, a python with a length of 1000 meters runs across the sky, and the body is directly torn by a silver giant beast.

Youlan’s blood spread all around, and it was scattered all over the place. The cold and cold will contained in it spread and spread, turning the whole land into a glacier.

Standing in the void, looking at the blue python torn by him, Adier’s eyes were deep, and he was shrouded in a huge trend.

It was a huge Strength, on which the picture of countless people’s survival was manifested.

Knight’s hard training, the soldiers killed the enemy hard, the peasants worked on the land, and Scholar worked hard to explain … Various pictures were displayed on Adier one after another, and eventually all turned into a grain of sand and fell quietly Adier’s side.

And this grain of sand slowly gathered, and finally formed an unstoppable huge trend. At this moment, he blessed Adier, causing the digital King of Antiquity to shrink.

“This is … the care of the old World … you even …”

Looking at the changes in Adier, Kadoze pumps shrank, some incredulously growled, “Did you get the recognition of the old World?”

For these King of Antiquity, the changes in Adier are not unfamiliar.

This is the general trend formed by the World blessing and the World blessing of Strength. In the general blessing, it is like the son of World. As long as the Strength and care of the World consciousness persist, there is almost no solution.

And that’s how Adier is now.

The two Worlds merged with each other. In a short period of time, the strength of the old World had not completely subsided. At this moment, all of them were lent by Adier and blessed on themselves.

This is the fruit of many players.

Countless players gathered, countless old World vagabonds trusted, and a little connection established by their own abilities, to a certain extent, Adier has become the spokesperson of the old World, where appropriate, they can borrow directly Take the Strength of the old World.

The cost of this borrowing is very high, even if you have the connection of the old World, but if you want to borrow the strength of the old World through this connection, you need to burn a lot of World power every moment, which is Boundary Energy.

However, despite the high cost, the borrowed Strength is real.

How strong a World’s Strength is, even if this world has been swallowed up, the Strength it owns gradually dissipates, but even the only remaining point can still match any Level 4 existence.

This kind of Strength blessing on Adier is enough to make Adier honor in Level 4 level. During the time when Boundary Energy runs out, as long as it is not the existence of Level 4 Peak, no matter who it is, it is enough to match, even Hit.

Beside, watching Adier’s overwhelming momentum, there was a dread in the eyes of the Red King.

World is gaining momentum, and to a certain extent, this is almost the only treatment for the sons of World.

In the face of this existence, let alone the King of Level 4, even the existence of Level 5 must be taken seriously, and the ship may be overturned by accident.

Of course, even the children of the World, because the world is different, it also needs to be hierarchical.

For example, the current world trend of Adier’s blessing now comes from a world that is about to disappear completely.

For the son of this weakest World, let alone Level 5, even Level 4 Peak is enough to suppress it.

“It’s a pity … my body is not there, otherwise …”

Looking indifferently to the side Adier, next moment, the cold and violent will erupted again.

On the sky, countless flames are beating, flashing eagerly to all around, and finally condensing into a final point, and fiercely erupts below.


The flesh is fragmenting, and several wills are constantly fighting and melting.

In this confrontation, Cadozer, who has been hit hard, fell almost completely. Despite the constant reorganization of flesh and blood, the body’s breath is also weakening.

This situation continued for a long time, until in the end, a sharp sharp claw broke, shattered the one-eye in the air, and the World contained in it washed down, directly drowning a cold will.

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