
A silver giant claw broke through, crushing a huge black one-eyed eye in an instant.

After doing all this, Adier withdrew from Moon King Semblance and reverted to normal form.

“Yeah, it’s over …”

Beside him, Carl’s silhouette appeared in place, and stood there lamenting: “I didn’t expect that this would be the result …

“I had planned for the worst, but your performance surprised me a lot …”

He looked at Adier in front of him, and pointed out, with a strong interest in his eyes, as if he was interested in Adier.

“Help each other that’s all ···” Gently turned back and glanced at Carl, Adier looked coldly: “These two men are malicious, if I really do what they say, after you fall, I am afraid the next one It’s me. “

“You’re right.” Carl nodded: “With what I know about Cadozer, when he’s resolved, he will definitely take action on you and rule out your threat.”

“So, instead of that, I’d better start …” Adier looked back, his face indifferent: “It’s you, and now it’s time to get on the road.”

“The original source, plus the two before you, should not be far behind even if your body is not recovering.” Looking at Carl, he opened the mouth and said indifferently.

“Yeah, it’s time to hit the road …”

He took a deep look at Adier, and at this moment, the Crimson King was hesitant.

The purpose of his coming to this world is to plunder the fruits of this world’s recovery, so as to heal the injuries on the body and restore Peak.

The two original sources of Kings, plus the one given by Adier before, are, to some extent, exactly like what Adier said. Although it is not enough to fully restore its body, it is also enough to recover most of it.

However, this kind of harvest, although good, is not as good as expected …

However, looking at Adier in front of him, feeling the afterglow of the world’s momentum on the other side, and the kind of Qi that locked him secretly, after weighing it in his heart, he still had to sigh, then the whole body began Conversion.

Under Adier’s gaze, the Crimson King in front of him began to transform into the ontology.

A human-headed zombie, the ancient beast covering the scarlet scale armor appeared in place, and then quickly turned into light dust, all pouring into the gate behind it that emitted the glory of the world, and eventually disappeared.

This is to burn incarnation, to burn the Strength of this incarnation, to open the door of the world to launch itself, and to return to itself.

In this process, Adier did not stop, but a pair of silver eyes stared at the door of the World, not letting go of the slightest change.

When the door of World opens and closes, and it is completely closed, his entire talent is completely relaxed, and the entire person is sighed in relief.

In him, with his will, the original trend that had been coiled around him gradually dispersed, and although he still kept in touch with him, he no longer blessed Strength to him.

A strong sense of weakness surged into the body, but after being beaten into shape, Adier was sighed in relief instead.

“so close···”

Looking at the red king who disappeared in the distance, feeling the kind of residual mechanical fluctuations, feeling the Boundary Energy burning all the time on his body, he felt a bit lucky.

World is coming up, it sounds good, but the price is high.

After all, he is not really the son of World, even strictly speaking, and belongs to an outsider. Naturally, it is impossible to really have the care of World.

In this case, if you want the World consciousness to take the initiative to tilt the World up, you will naturally need to pay a price.

For Adier, the price is Boundary Energy.

Although the previous battle was fierce, if you explore it carefully, you can find that Adier has not taken too many shots from beginning to end. Just a few hits, it has torn a King of Antiquity’s incarnation.

The price to pay for this is that within this short span of time, most of Adier’s previously saved Boundary Energy has been consumed.

The original accumulated 260,000 Boundary Energy, by this time, only 80,000 were left.

It can be said that if the only red king did not take the initiative to leave, but chose to die with Adier, the final result may be very tragic.

Even if Adier wins, I’m afraid he will lose a lot, and finally pick up the rest for cheap.

Although two Kings of Antiquity were suppressed at one time, and the King of Crimson voluntarily left, this does not mean that there will be no other King of Antiquity in this world.

Not only is there the remaining King of Antiquity, but I am afraid that there is more than one. In Adier’s estimation, there are at least two more.

“But anyway, this step is finally taken …”

After a while, Adier sighed, feeling relieved.

It is always Adier’s criterion to speculate on the World with the worst bad intentions.

Adier was ready for the worst when Cadozer handed over the bloodline Secret Scripture to Adier.

To this end, he took the initiative to contact the Crimson King. In order to show his sincerity and to increase his confidence, he specially used the original purple girl waste he had previously obtained and directly gave it to the Crimson King.

Of course, the Crimson King is not a good thing either.

In fact, the Crimson King’s recovery speed is much faster than expected. Even if Adier does not give him the purple girl’s origin, relying on Cadozer and another king, it is also very likely that it cannot be resolved he.

However, the reason why Adier aligns with it is just to share its pressure that’s all.

His true trump card, from start to finish, is the trace of his connection with World consciousness.

Although the real World is dead, the strength of the World will not disappear quickly at half past one, and it will still exist with the vitality of the old World.

Perhaps after thousands of years, when the souls from the old World continue to integrate into this world, the strength of the old world will disappear completely, but now that the world has been fused for several years, the strength of the old world still exists and is still powerful.

Through the link established in the past, through the countless old World creatures in the territory, and the huge Boundary Energy consumed by himself, Adier can borrow the Strength of the Old World, thus gaining momentum in a short time, as if the child of World Like horror.

With this Strength, before Boundary Energy is exhausted, even if there is a Level 4 Peak in front of him, Adier dares to give it a shot and touch the tiger’s whiskers.

“It looks like there will be no follow-up …”

After the incident was over, he stood still, looking silently into the distance, feeling the faintly discernable breath in the distance disappearing. Adier was calm and thought quietly.

Boundary Energy has already consumed most of it. At this moment, it can be said that Adier is the weakest.

Those remaining King of Antiquity do n’t shoot now, maybe they want to wait for the strength of the old World to fade away, and then try again after their strength has recovered, but they do n’t know, the longer the time drags on, in fact, the more Adier, advantageous.

Because over time, after Adier integrates the Calade empire, he will get Boundary Energy faster and faster. In the end, I am afraid that the pile can also pile these people to death.

At least in this world, there is the trend of the old World as the backing. As long as there is enough Boundary Energy to consume, Adier has no opponent.

“Let’s go back.”

After raising his head slightly, confirming that the remaining king would not shoot, Adier turned around and wanted to return to the palace in Calade.

But below, a silhouette caught his attention, stopping the silhouette he had originally planned to leave, and looking down.

There, a young girl in a maid’s skirt was rising from the ground, and it seemed that the silhouette had been sleeping for a long time.

What really attracted Adier’s attention was the red seal on the girl’s forehead.

The mark was red, with a faint lightness on it, flashing the hottest and purest lightness, with strength and majesty that suppressed everything.

Adier is no stranger to this mark. It is the Red Seal that can only be possessed when the Crimson Bloodline is activated to the most Peak, close to the level of the Crimson King.

And unlike Adier, the imprint of the girl ’s forehead has been actively activated by the King of Crimson. In the next nearly 1,000 years, as long as the girl in front does not fall midway, she can slowly grow to the Peak of Level 3. .

“Blesser of the Crimson King …”

Looking at the girl and standing in place, Adier thought of the kind of eyes before the Red King left, with tangled, fighting intent, and reluctance.

“Perhaps the red king will choose to leave safely, and there is a reason for this child.”

Gently glanced at the girl, Adier waved his hand, and took the girl directly away in the exclaiming voice of the girl below.

The next moment, they returned to the palace in Calade.

“His Royal Highness!”

“Sisso Prince !!”

An exclamation sounded from all around and continued to Adier’s ear.

At this moment, no matter who, looking at the silhouette of Adier in front of him, all kneeled down, his head was deep, and he did not dare to look up to face Adier.

After a while, the only one still standing in the field was Adier, the young girl wearing a maid’s dress.

Standing next to Adier, watching the crowds kneeling around Qi Qi, the girl was a little cyanotic, and finally looked at Side Adier, she seemed to feel the pressure, and finally knelt down.

“King Sisso !!! King Sisso !!!”

In the distance, in the area where the three of Lera stood, cheers and shouts were already ready, and at this time they spread directly and resounded throughout the palace.

No one dared to oppose it, but in the blink of an eye, in this huge palace, a shout of fanaticism shrouded the wild, and the entire palace was buzzing for a while.

“From today …”

Looking around the four, looking at aloof and remote in the distance, and seemingly humble throne, Adier looked calm, raised his hand gently, a ray of majesty gradually spread, suppressing the voice of Shino: “I am Sisso king!!”

There was a moment of silence in place, and it was not until a long time that the voices of the sky began to ring through, and gradually spread to the entire city of Calade along the entire palace.

At the end of the red month, Calade Prince and Sisso Prince incarnation are King of Antiquity, killing three Kings of Antiquity in World War I, and protecting Calade City.

That month, Sisso Prince became King of Calade.

“It’s just like dreaming …”

A few months later, on the outskirts of Calade, riding a horse on a meadow and looking at Adier in front of him, Luciu sighed deeply: “When I followed you into Sisely, I never wanted to have a day You can be King of Calade. “

“But in less than ten years, not only have you become the king of Calade, but you have also done things that countless kings have never done before.”

Walking on the crisp grass, he looked admiringly at Adier, with extreme respect in his eyes.

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